Affidavit Of Obligation Commercial Lien Michael Payne And Others (2024)

by steveadmin on Friday, June 21st, 2019 | Comments Off on Affidavit Of Obligation Commercial Lien Michael Payne And Others

Served on the 18th June 2019

AffidavitOf Obligation
Commercial Lien

(Thisis a verified plain statement of fact(s)).

i,steven: as commonly called of the kirk family, being the autographedbelow, do solemnly swear, declare, and depose:

  1. Thati am competent to state the matters set forth herein.
  2. Thati have first-hand knowledge of the facts stated herein.
  3. Thatall the facts stated herein are true, correct, and certain,admissible as evidence, and if called upon as a witness, i willtestify to their veracity.
  4. Thatthe eternal, unchanged principles of Law are:


  1. Allmen and women know that the foundation of law and commerce exists inthe telling of the truth, and nothing but the truth.
  2. Truthas a valid statement of reality is sovereign in commerce.
  3. Anunrebutted affidavit stands as truth in commerce.
  4. Anunrebutted affidavit is acted upon as the judgement in commerce.
  5. Guaranteed—Allmen or women shall have a remedy by the due course of law. If aremedy does not exist, or if the existing remedy has beensubverted, then one may create a remedy for themselves andendow it with credibility by expressing it in their affidavit.(Ignorance of the law might be an excuse, but it is not a validreason of a crime when the law is easily and readily to anyonemaking a reasonable effort to study law).
  6. Allcorporate government is based upon Commercial Affidavits, CommercialContracts, Commercial Liens and Commercial Distresses, hencegovernment cannot exercise the power to expunge commercialprocesses.
  7. TheLegitimate Political Power of a corporate entity is absolutelydependent upon its possession of Commercial Bonds against PublicHazards. Because no Bond means no responsibility, means no power ofOfficial signature, means no real corporate political power, meansno privilege to operate statutes as the corporate vehicle.
  8. TheCorporate Legal Power is secondary to Commercial Guarantors.Case law is not a responsible substitute for a Bond.
  9. Municipalcorporations which include cities, counties, states and nationalgovernments have no commercial reality without bonding of theentity, its vehicle (statutes), and its effects (the execution ofits rulings).
  10. Incommerce, it is a felony for the Officer of a Political/PublicOffice to not receive and report a Claim to its Bonding Company, andit is a felony for the agent of a Bonding Company to not pay theClaim.
  11. Ifa Bonding Company does not get a malfeasance public officialprosecuted for criminal malpractice within sixty (60) days then itmust pay the full face value of a defaulted Lien process (at 90days).
  12. Exceptfor a jury, it is a fatal offence for any man or woman, even aJudge, to impair or to expunge, without a Counter-Affidavit, anyAffidavit or any Commercial process based upon an Affidavit.
  13. Judicialnon-jury commercial Judgements and orders originate from a limitedliability entity called a municipal corporation, hence must bereinforced by a Commercial Affidavit and a Commercial LiabilityBond.
  14. Aforeclosure by a summary judgement (non-jury) without a commercialbond is a violation of commercial law.
  15. Governmentcannot make unbonded rulings or statutes which control commerce,free enterprise citizens, or are sole proprietorships withoutsuspending commerce by a general declaration of martial law.
  16. Itis tax fraud to use a court to settle a dispute/controversy whichcould be settled peacefully outside of or without the Court.
  17. Anofficial (officer of the court, policeman etc.) must demonstrateThat he/she is individually bonded in order to use a summaryprocess.
  18. Anofficial (officer of the court. Policemen etc.) who impairs,debauches, voids or abridges an obligation of contract or the effectof a commercial lien without proper cause, becomes a lien debtor andhis/her property becomes forfeited as the pledge to secure the lien.Pound breach (breach of impoundments) and rescue is a felony.
  19. Aparty injured by the fraud of another may claim triple damages, plusthe principal. “And Zacchaeus stood, and said unto the Lord:Behold, Lord, the half of my goods i give to the poor, and if i havetaken any thing from any man by false accusation, i restore himfourfold.” Luke 19:8.
  20. Itis against the law for a Judge tosummarily remove, dismiss, dissolve or diminish a Commercial Lien.
  21. Itis against the law for a Judge to summarily remove, dismiss,dissolve or diminish a Commercial Lien. Only the Lien Claimant or aJury can dissolve a commercial lien.
  22. Noticeto agent is notice to principal; notice to principal is notice toagent.
  23. Publichazard bonding of corporate agents All officials are required bystate and municipal law to provide the name, address and telephonenumber of their public hazard and malpractice bonding company andthe policy number of the bond and, if required, a copy of the policydescribing the bonding coverage of their specific job performance.Failure to provide this information constitutes corporate andlimited liability insurance fraud (15 USC) and is prim-a-facieevidence and grounds to impose a lien upon the official personallyto secure their public oath and service of office.
    Unalienablerights: Exhibit Y.
  24. TheRight to life, freedom, health and the pursuit of happiness.
  25. TheRight to contract, or not to contract, which is unlimited.
  26. TheRight to earn a living income by being compensated with wages or asalary in a fair exchange for one’s work.
  27. TheRight to travel in the Ordinary course of one’s life and business.
  28. TheRight to Privacy and Confidentiality, free from unwanted invasion.
  29. TheRight to own, and hold property, lawfully without trespass.
  30. TheRight to self-defence when threatened with harm, loss, or deceit.
  31. TheRight to Due process of Law, with Notice and Opportunity to defend.
  32. TheRight to be presumed innocent, suffering No Detention or Arrest, Nosearch or seizure, without Reasonable cause.
  33. TheRight to remain silent when accused, to avoid Self-incrimination.
  34. TheRight to Equality in the eyes of the Law, and to EqualRepresentation.
  35. TheRight to Trial by Jury, being an impartial Panel of one’s Peers.
  36. TheRight to Appeal in Law against Conviction or Sentence, or both.
  37. TheRight to Expose knowledge necessary to one’s Rights and Freedoms.
  38. TheRight to peaceful association, assembly, expression, and protest.
  39. TheRight to practice a religion, and to have beliefs, of one’schoosing.
  40. TheRight to love, and to consensual marriage with children, as afamily.
  41. TheRight to Security from Abuse, Persecution, Tyranny, and War.
  42. TheRight to refuse to kill under command, by reason of conscience.
  43. TheRight to live in peace and be left alone when Law-Abiding.

Thereare 4 elementsfor a crime to exist without the 4 elements there is no crime, asfollows:

  1. There must be a defined crime. No crime has been defined.
  2. There must be a victim. No victim has been stated.
  3. The victim must have been damaged. No victim no damages, a victim-less crime.
  4. The intent must be established on the part at the accused. Without proof of all 4 elements no crime can be said committed. Provide the substantial evidence.

MagnaCarta 1215.

Abusesby King John caused a revolt by nobles who compelled him to executethis recognition of rights for both noblemen and ordinary Englishmen.It established the principle thatno one, includingthe king or a lawmaker, is above the law.

  1. Nofreeman shall be taken or imprisoned or disseised or exiled or inany way destroyed, nor will we go upon him nor send upon him, exceptby the lawful judgment of his peers or by the law of the land.
  2. Tono one will we sell, to no one will we refuse or delay, right orjustice.

45)Wewill appoint as justices, constables, sheriffs, or bailiffs only suchas know the law of the realm and mean to observe it well.
61) (very longsection very last sentence) Andwe shall procure nothing from anyone, directly or indirectly, wherebyany part of the concessions and liberties might be revoked ordiminished; and if any such things has been procured, let it be voidand null, and we shall never use it personally or by another.

CriminalJustice and Courts Act 2015 section 26 states as follows:

Corruptor other improper exercise of police powers and privileges.

(1)A police constable listed in subsection (3) commits an offence if heor she
(a) exercisesthe powers and privileges of a constable improperly and.
(b) knows or ought to know that theexercise is improper
(2) Apolice constable guilty of an offence under this section is liable,on conviction on indictment, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding14 years or a fine (or both).

Withoutprejudice UCC 1-308:

Whatthis means is me/myself/iare/is reversing me/myself/i common law rightto not to be compelled to perform under any contract that me/myself/idid not enter knowingly, voluntarily and intentionally. andme/myself/i do not accept the liability associated with the compelledbenefit of any non-disclosed/un-revealed contracts or commercialagreements. That me/myself/i will accept any privileges(payment/cancellation of alleged debt) but not any penalties(debts/bills/invoices addressed to the legal fiction name) and anyalleged debt should be discharged.

TheJournals Of the Houses Of Commons Volume 49 Pages 663-664:

Ata General Meeting of the London Corresponding Society, held at________ on Monday, the 14th Day of April, 1794. Citizen_________ in the Chair.

Resolved,That all Sovereign, Legislative, and Judicial Powers are therights of the people; and through the People have delegated thosetheir Original Powers to others,In Trust, for the Benefit of the Community, yet the Rights themselvesare reserved by the People.And cannot be absolutely parted by the People to those Persons whoare employed to conduct the Business of the State.

Resolved,That the Constitution of England held by the King, Lords, andCommons, and other Officers appointed by the People, InTrust for the Benefit of the People; and though theseTrustees may regulate and improve the Constitution, yet theycannot alter or subvert it without committing Treason against theNation.

Resolved,That Magna Carta, or THE GREAT CHARTER OF THE LIBERTIES OFENGLAND, made in the Reign of King John; THE PETITION OF RIGHTS,assented to by Parliament in the Reign of King Charles 1st;and the several Laws made at and in Consequence of the GloriousRevolution in the year 1688, are declaratory of those Parts ofthe Constitution of England, which are in and by them respectivelydeclared.

ResolvedThat the Office of KING of England was not instituted by the Peoplemerely as an Office of Profit and Honour to the King, but he was soappointed as chief Trustee and Guardian of the Constitution ofRights of the People; and that important and laborious personalDuties are annexed to the Regal Office, the Objects of which are, topromote the Good of the People, and preserve their Rights in fullVigour from Innovation and Corruption.

Resolved,That it is the Duty of the King to preserve the Constitution ofEngland and the Rights of the People against every Incroachment; and, in order to enforce that Duty, the following Oath is required tobe taken by every King on his Accession to the Throne of GreatBritain; to wit; The Archbishop or Bishop shall say—Will yousolemnly promise and swear to govern the People of this Kingdom ofEngland, and the Dominions thereto belonging, according to theStatutes in Parliament agreed on, and the Laws and Customs of thesame. The King or Queen shall say “i solemnly promise so to do”Archbishop or Bishop – “Will you to your Power cause Law andJustice in Mercy to be executed in all your Judgements?” ANS. “iwill” After this, the King or Queen, laying his or her Hand on theHoly Gospel, shall say– “The things which i have before promised,i will perform and keep; So help me God” – and then shall kissthe book.

Resolved.That his present Majesty King George the Third, on his Accession tothe Throne of these Realms, did solemnly take the said Oath.

Resolved,That the Constitutional Rights of the People have beenviolated, and that it is the Duty of the People, in the presentalarming Crisis to assemble and enquire into the Innovations orInfrindgements which have been made upon the Rights of the People,and how far the Declarations of the Constitution, as they weresettled at the aforesaid Revolution, remain in Force, andwhich of them have been violated, and by whom, and also whether suchInnovations, Infrindgements, and Violations, have been committed fromthe Negligence or Corruption of those who have been intrusted withthe Government of the State.

Resolved,That this Society do invite the People to meet in their respectiveNeighbourhoods to elect One or more person or persons as Delegates tomeet in a Convention, to hold on the ___ Day of ___ next, at suchplace as shall be appointed by the SecretCommittee of this society;and that the Delegates so elected do forthwith transmit to theSecretary of the Society No 9, Piccadilly, London, the Vouchers oftheir several Elections, in order that the Place of Meeting may beduly notified to them.

Resolved,Thatis the Right and the bounden Duty of thePeople to punish all Traitors against the Nationand that the following Words are now not a Part of the Oath ofAllegiance; to wit, “i declare that it is not lawful, upon anyPretence whatever, to take Arms against the King”


steven: as commonly called of the kirk family/Lien Claimant
care of address
our ref: sk-AOT-BLP-13-05-2019

MichaelPayne Pc2127/you/your/Lien Debtor(s)

Affidavit Of Obligation Commercial Lien Michael Payne And Others (1)


OtherParties/Lien Debtors:

Policeconstable Jodie Neal/Lien Debtor(s).

Affidavit Of Obligation Commercial Lien Michael Payne And Others (2)

Policeconstable 1158/Lien Debtor(s).

Affidavit Of Obligation Commercial Lien Michael Payne And Others (3)


Policeconstable 1158 accomplice/Lien Debtor(s).

Affidavit Of Obligation Commercial Lien Michael Payne And Others (4)


Care of Beaumont Leys Police Station
corporation number 4518555


PoliceConstable Ian Burton/Lien Debtor(s)

Affidavit Of Obligation Commercial Lien Michael Payne And Others (5)

Care of Beaumont Leys Police Station
corporation number 4518555.


Allegationsarise from the conduct by the Lien Debtors acting as Policeconstables for the county of Leicestershire on the 18th20thApril 2019 and on the 05thMay 2019. The allegations that follow are in the “AFFIDVAIT OFTRUTH” ourref: sk-AOT-BLP-13-05-2019-1, our ref: sk-AOT-BLP-13-05-2019-2, ourref: sk-AOT-BLP-13-05-2019-3, our ref: sk-AOT-BLP-13-05-2019-4 servedby signed for delivery service recorded delivery number NJ 5093 10184GB received on the 14thMay 2019. ExhibitsA, B, C, D. ABCD,

Aone word answer only is required a “Yes, or No,” or “True, orFalse,” answer is required to the following questions, any of youranswers that are False or No they will need to be explained indetail. If me/myself/i accepts the rebuttal this will be removed andthe remainder left as the final statement of truth and Judgment.

  1. Onthe 18th April 2019 around 3pm three (3) policeconstables breached my peace by knocking on the door twice (2),ringing the doorbell three (3) times and rattling the letterboxseventeen (17) times, without an appointment.
  2. OnCCTV it can be also seen that the police constables have read andhave understood the Notice Of Removal Of Implied Rights Of Access.Which carries a nine thousand nine hundred and fifty fine fortrespass (£9,950.00) fractional currency of Great Britain, UK,England. Links have been provided to the videos.
  3. Noticeto agent is notice to principal and notice to principal is notice toagent applies.
  4. Nopostcard, note, letter was left or posted through the letterbox onthat occasion.
  5. Onthe 20th April 2019 around 2:30pm two (2) of the three(3) police constables breached my peace again, trespassing thistime, Policeconstable 1158 and accomplice that visited myprivate dwelling uninvited, without an appointment around 3:00pm onthe 18th April 2019 came back to my private dwelling andthe doorbell was rung at least 10 times knocks on the door twice andrattles the letterbox. Also the female Policeconstable 1158 accomplice peeks through gaps ina door, peeking through my window and the female wants to ask myneighbours. Exhibits J, K, 1215,39, 40, 45, 61.
  6. Themale police constables 1158 rang the doorbell and acted improper byimmediately covering the camera with the palm of his hand to blockhis face from being shown on the monitor inside.
    All captured onCCTV. Links to the videos to prove the above have been provided.
  7. Acomplimentary slip was posted through the letterbox and it iswritten in all capitalized words. Exhibit T.
  8. Allthis is caught on CCTV and put unlisted on YouTube.
  9. Alllinks to the above said videos have been provided to all the aboveactions.
  10. Me/myself/iserved on the 23rd April 2019 by signed for deliveryservice recorded delivery number
    NJ 5093 1017 5GB a NoticeFirst and Final Warning in response to the unlawful complimentaryslip posted through the letter box on the 20th April2019. 1214, 39,40,45,61, UCC 1-308.Thefollowing Notices have been served with the said Notice Affidavit ofTruth recorded delivery number NJ 5093 1017 5GB.
    1. NoticeFirst and Final Warning served on the 23rdApril 2019 by signed for delivery service recorded delivery numberNJ 5093 1017 5GB received on the 24thApril 2019.
    2. MyNotice of Understanding Intent and Claim of Right. ExhibitG.
    3. ANotice of Removal Of Implied Rights of Access. ExhibitH.
    4. CaseLaw regarding removalof implied Rights. Davis -v- Lisle; KBD 1936. ExhibitI
    5. 2(two) photo’s of 2 Officers. Exhibit J, K.
    6. Section26 of the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015 number 1 and number2, highlighted for your convenience. Exhibit N.
    7. Journalsof the Houses of Commons volume 49 pages 663-664. ExhibitO.
    8. ColonelEdward Mandell House ourenslavement. ExhibitP.
    9. AllCorporations including the police, governments and bankingsystem are foreclosed. Exhibit Q.
    10. Noticeof Lawful Subject Access Request Served to Simon Cole. ExhibitR.
    11. Beaumontleys police station corporation number 451555. ExhibitS.
    12. Copyof order posted through letter box on the 20thApril 2019.Exhibit T.
    13. Billsfor order and trespass.
  11. Acopy was also served to Simon Cole Chief Constable of theLeicestershire police by signed for delivery service recordeddelivery number NJ 5093 1016 7GB received on the 24thApril 2019.
  12. Onthe 05th May 2019 two (2) totally different policeconstables breached my peace a third time, trespassed, knocking onmy door and ringing the doorbell, came uninvited and without anappointment. Police constable michael payne and a female accomplice.Exhibit L.M.
  13. Apostcard is posted through the letterbox. ExhibitT.
  14. Theresult of the postcard was an exchange in emails between me/myself/iand police constable Michael Payne. ExhibitE.
  15. ChiefConstable Simon Cole was copied in on theemail.(
  16. MichaelPayne has been served the following notices in the email exchanges:ExhibitE, UCC 1-308.
    1. SecondNotice First and Final Warning served on the 05thMay 2019 by email (
    2. NoticeFirst and Final Warning served on the 23rd April 2019 bysigned for delivery service recorded delivery number NJ 5093 10175GB received on the 24th April 2019. ExhibitF.
    3. Noticeof Removal Of Implied Rights Of Access. ExhibitH.
    4. CaseLaw on Removal of Implied Rights of Access. ExhibitI
    5. Me/myself/iNotice of Understanding, Intent and Claim of Right. ExhibitG.
    6. Thesame said Notice of Understanding, Intent and Claim of Right wasserved to Chief Constable Simon Cole by signed for delivery servicerecorded delivery number GK 8411 0264 1GB on the 30thApril 2018 and was unrebutted by Simon Cole Chief Constable ofthe Leicestershire police. ExhibitG.
    7. Billsfor orders and Trespass.
    8. Unalienablerights. ExhibitY.
    9. Universalagreement. Exhibit UA.
    10. Mandallhouseenslavement pdf. ExhibitP.
  17. Withinthe email exchanges me/myself/i am/are threatened by Michael Payneby asking me/myself/i to attend a voluntary interview but if refusedme/myself/i will be arrested which is a contradiction in a sentenceand totally unlawful. ExhibitE, UCC 1-308, Exhibit Y.
  18. MichaelPayne copies Ian Burton (637)( on the emails without me/myself/i consent and without knowledge.ExhibitE.
  19. Onthe 08th May 2019 me/myself/i knowingly have notcommitted no harm, no loss or no injury to no one or no one’sproperty, me/myself/i postponed the agreed appointment and served aNotice Affidavit of truth until due process of law is followed and anew appointment will be then made. ExhibitE.
  20. SimonCole Chief Constable of the Leicestershire police was copied in onthe email. simon.cole@leicestershire.pnn.police.ukExhibitE.
  21. Ina position of “power” “trust” that has been given by thepeople, one should know the difference between what is legalvoluntary, by consent and what is lawful the common law of the land,therefore-as-to act in the right and proper manner as a policeconstable. 2912, 49663664, 61
  22. Noone can enforce/inforce statutes and acts upon me/myself/i withoutme/myself/i consent as a living, breathing flesh and blood sovereignman. A freeman. ExhibitY, 49663664, 1215, 39,40, 45, 61.
  23. Thatas of the 25th December 2012 all Governments worldwide,all Corporations this includes the police, the banking systemworldwide are foreclosed by the One Peoples Public Trust. ExhibitQ.
  24. Thatme/myself/i am/are standing lawfully under the law, article 61 ofthe Magna Carta 1215. 61
  25. Allare equal under the Law. ExhibitY, 49663664, 1215, 39,40, 45, 61.
  26. Thatall police constables are public servants in public office are boundby your Oath of office to the people. 2912
  27. Thatall police officers are corporate officers, policy enforcementofficers are foreclosed and are not acting in the capacity as policeconstable. 2612, 49663664, 1215, 39, 40, 45, 61.
  28. Havingreplied to my emails Michael Payne police constable 2127 advised methe following:
    Youare entitled to independent legal advice and if you feel you requirethis you will need to organise this for the voluntary interview.Your rights will be explained during the Police interviewis this Lawful as part of acting under your Oath of office to adviseme/myself/i in a legal capacity. 2612, 49663664,1215, 39, 40, 45, 61.
  29. Noreply nor rebut to my Notice of Understanding, Intent and Claim ofRight has not been received by me/myself/i. ExhibitG.
  30. Noreply to my email postponing the agreed appointment until dueprocess of law is followed, has not been received by me/myself/i.ExhibitG, Exhibit Y.
  31. Me/myself/iAffidavit Statement of Truth was respected by police constableMichael Payne and no one came to the private dwelling, breaching mypeace or trespassing.
  32. Allthe above harassment, deceit, conspiracy to commit fraud, fraud,trespass, voyeurism, improper conduct by use of police powers andprivileges by police constables, threats with menace, and notfollowing due process of law, for an alleged offence.
  33. Thatthis is a common law country.49663664, 1215,39, 40, 45, 61, ExhibitY.
  34. Thaton the 10thJune 2019 me/myself/i receive a rebuttal to my allegations fromMichael Payne. Michael.Payne@leicestershire.pnn.police.ukExhibitB1.
  35. MichaelPayne copies Ian Burton (637)Ian.Burton@leicestershire.pnn.police.ukin on the email without consent or me/myself/i knowledge. ExhibitB1.
  36. Thatthe email title is written in all capitalized letters which isAmerican Sign Language and not English and therefore me/myself/i donot understand as this is corrupt text GLOSSA. Billed as MichaelPayne agreed to the fees for using A-S-L. ExhibitA, highlightedin green. ExhibitB1.
  37. Withinthe said email from police constable Michael Payne it states thefollowing: “I still require you to attend a police station to beinterviewed about allegations of harassment and maliciouscommunications”.
    1. Thatme/myself/i is/are not ‘you’.
    2. That‘require’ means “To direct, order, demand, instruct, command”,blacks law dictionary 4thedition page 1468.
    3. That‘I’ has not been identified.
  38. Policeconstable Ian Burton has been added to the affidavit of obligationcommercial lien as a Lien Debtor for wilful obstruction by thatallowing this unlawful actions to continue.
  39. Policeconstable Ian Burton has thirty (30) days grace to rebut theallegations with substance.
  40. ThatTreason still carries the death penalty in this common lawjurisdiction country. 27
  41. ThatHigh Treason carries the death penalty in the common lawjurisdiction country. 27

Proofof Allegations:

  1. SeeAFFIDAVIT OF TRUTH served by signed for delivery service recordeddelivery number NJ 5093 1018 4GB to all four (4) Lien Debtors.ExhibitsA, B, C, D, ABCD.
  2. SeeVideo evidence with audio on my YouTube channel and also on mywebsite.
  3., K.
  4., M.
  7. and the true meaning as well asAmerican-Sign-Language A-S-L and is not English, GLOSSA, poisonoustext, corrupt text, Blacks Law Dictionary onpage 264 of the 4th edition.ExhibitsT, T1, T2.
  8. emailssent to Michael Payne and emails received from Michael Payne.Exhibit E.
  9. NoticeFirst and Final Warning served on the 23rdApril 2019 by signed for delivery service recorded delivery numberNJ 5093 1017 5GB received on the 24thApril 2019. ExhibitF.
    1. SecondNotice First and Final Warning served on the 05thMay 2019 by email (
  10. MyNotice of Understanding Intent and Claim of Right. ExhibitG.
  11. ANotice of Removal Of Implied Rights of Access. ExhibitH.
  12. CaseLaw regarding removalof implied Rights. Davis -v- Lisle; KBD 1936. ExhibitI.
  13. Photo’sof the Police constables, caught Trespassing. ExhibitJ, K, L, M.
  14. Section26 of the Criminal Justice and Courts Act 2015, highlighted for yourconvenience. ExhibitN.
  15. Journalsof the Houses of Commons pages 663-664. ExhibitO.
  16. ColonelEdward Mandell House ourenslavement. ExhibitP.
  17. AllCorporations including the police, governments and bankingsystem are foreclosed. ExhibitQ.
  18. Noticeof Lawful Subject Access Request Served to Simon Cole. ExhibitR.
  19. Beaumontleys police station corporation number 4518555. ExhibitS.
  20. Copyof the orders posted through letter box on the 20thApril 2019 and on the 05thMay 2019. ExhibitT.
  21. Copyof The Chicago Manual of Styles pages 575 and 576.ExhibitU.
  22. TheresaMay The way we police in the UK is by consent.
  23. Thepolice are taught they are the servants and not the masters
  24. TheresaMay No one is above the law
  25. AnthonyCharles Lynton Blair guilty of war crimes in a court of law
  26. Kuala_Lumpur_War_Crimes_Commission_Judgement.pdf.Exhibit V.
  27. TonyBlair repealed the death penalty for treason
  28. Drunkas a skunk Junker what a disgrace
  29. Swissindo2 Billion stolen from every man woman and child worldwide ExhibitW.
  30. TheHidden Cestui Que Vie Trust. ExhibitX.
  31. UnalienableRights. ExhibitY.
  32. MagnaCarta 1215, sections, 1215, 39, 40,45 and 61. ExhibitZ, Z1.
  33. TheQueen found guilty of crimes against humanity. ExhibitA1, A2. A3, A4.
  34. Wenow have separate jurisdictions within the UK

Points22- 34 above, with links to YouTube videos and pdf’s, first of allthe police constables have no authority whatsoever over me/myself/ias a living breathing flesh and blood sovereign man and as it clearlystates within the Journals of the Houses of commons volume 49 pages663-664 as well as the Magna Charter 1215, the true power lies withthe people 49663664 which was given intrust for that trust to be abused to the extremes of tyranny,treason, high treason, genocide, forced enslavement ExhibitP without consent or knowledge the list of crimescommitted against all of us (include you) goes on and on. 22,23, 24. 49663664, 1215, 39,40, 45, 61.

Secondlyas clearly stated by Theresa May, 22 “thathere in the UK we are policed by consent” and Theresa May is alsoin agreement that “no one is above the Law”. 22,24, 49663664, 1215, 39,40, 45, 61.

Thirdlya law breaker can not be a law maker/enforcer Anthony Charles LyntonBlair has been found guilty of war crimes in a court of Law inMalaysia find enclosed the pdf Exhibit V,of the judgement as well as the video evidence of the actualtrial .25, 49663664, 39, 40, 45,61. Treasonand High Treason still carries the death penalty in this common lawcountry and in Theresa May’s own words “no one is above the Law”1215. Anthony Charles Lynton Blairrepealed the death penalty for Treason and that itself is an act ofTreason. 27, 49663664, 1215, 39,40, 45, 61, Exhibit V.

TheQueen, former president Obama, the Pope and 12 other so called worldleaders signed this swissindo to release the funds to every man womanand child worldwide, to end worldwide poverty, treason, enslavement
Exhibit P and these treasonouscriminals try to hide it from the world, exactly like the Cestui QuiVie Trust 1666 49663664, 1215, 39,40, 45, 61, Exhibit W, ExhibitX.The autographs can be seen on the last fewpages of the enclosed link to the full pdf Exhibit W,proving that.
JFK signed this agreement and 10 days later hewas murdered.

TheQueen found guilty of crimes against humanity by the InternationalCommon Law Court of Justice which is sitting in Brussels. Andsentenced on February 25, 2013 to 25 years in prison. As a convictedcriminal she cannot bring any charges against me/myself/i. ExhibitA1 Point 16, A2, A3, A4.

Lastlywith all the Treason, High Treason that has been committed and isstill being committed against all the people here in Britain,England, UK, Great Britain, Ireland, Scotland and Wales which mosthave been turned into a corporation which are now foreclosed ExhibitQ, Exhibit S. 49663664, 1215, 39,40, 45, 61.Me/myself/iam/are threatened, coerced, intimidated, trespassed upon, harassed bya total of 5 police constables breaching my peace on three (3)different occasions, when clearly the police constables are notacting under their Oath of office 6,45improper exerciseof police powers and privileges ExhibitN, 2612, 49663664, 39,40, 45, 61,refusal to follow due process of Law all for an alleged offence.Exhibit N,2612, 49663664, 39,40, 45, 61.The refusal to giveme/myself/i their full true names 2612,49663664, 1215, 39,40, 45, 61,Exhibit Q,and the refusal to letme/myself/i know what this alleged offence is about, ExhibitA, B, C, D, 2612, 49663664, 1215, 39,40, 45, 61,Exhibit Q, onlyif me/myself/i attend a voluntary interview but if refusedme/myself/i will be arrested 39,40, 45, 61whilst sat in my ownprivate dwelling minding my own business which is a contradiction ina sentence, totally unlawful, against my free will, trespass on myunalienable rights and sovereignty. 49663664,1215, 39,40, 45, 61,2612, Exhibit Q, Exhibit Y.

Ledgering:Ledgering for Trespass,Perjury, wilful neglect of duty, improper use of police powers andprivileges given by the people, not following due process of law,harassment, Fraud, conspiracy to commit Fraud, Fraud by coercion,breaching my peace, fraud by non-disclosure, threats, threats withmenace, intimidation, coercion, malfeasance, malfeasance in pubicoff, trespass, trespass on my sovereignty, and trespass on myunalienable rights by Michael Payne and the other Lien Debtors thathave also refused to identify themselves by proving me/myself/i withtheir full true names as requested.

Thespecific violations of my unalienable rights are listed point forpoint under the corresponding numbered allegations as above. Alongwith other violations for example numerals such as 2612 would beinterpreted as Section 26 number 1 and number 2 of the CriminalJustice and Courts Act 2015, and 49663664 would be interpreted asvolume 49 pages 663 to 664 of the Journals of the Houses of Commons,and 1215 would be referring to the second page of the Magna Carta asquoted “Abuses by King John causeda revolt by nobles who compelled him to execute this recognition ofrights for both noblemen and ordinary Englishmen. It established theprinciple that no one,including the king or alawmaker, is above the law.” 39, 40, 45 and 61 would beinterpreted as The Magna Carta 1215 and related sections and standingunder Article 61 of the Magna Carta 1215. Without prejudice UCC 1-308would be interpreted as the Uniform Commercial Code 1-308 andreserving me/myself/i common law rights not to contract as statedabove.

  1. UnalienableRights, 1,2,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,18,20.
  2. UnalienableRights, 5,11,18,20.
  3. UnalienableRights, 7,8,8,14.
  4. UnalienableRights, 2,5,8,18,20.
  5. UnalienableRights, 1,2,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,18,20.
    2612. 1215, 39, 40, 45,61.
  6. UnalienableRights, 1,2,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,18,20.
    2612. 1215, 39, 40, 45,61.
  7. UnalienableRights, 2,5,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,18,20.
    2612, 1215, 39, 40, 45,61.
  8. UnalienableRights, 8,14.
  9. UnalienableRights, 8,14.
  10. UnalienableRights, 8,14.
  11. UnalienableRights, 8,14.
  12. UnalienableRights, 8,14.
  13. UnalienableRights, 1,2,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,18,20.
  14. UnalienableRights, 8,14.
  15. UnalienableRights, 8,14.
  16. UnalienableRights, 8,14.
  17. UnalienableRights, 8,14.
  18. UnalienableRights, 1,2,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,18,20.
  19. UnalienableRights, 8,14.49663664,61
  20. UnalienableRights, 8,14.
  21. UnalienableRights, 8,14.
    2612, 49663664, 61
  22. UnalienableRights, 8,14.
    49663664, 61
  23. UnalienableRights, 8,14.
  24. UnalienableRights, 8,14.
    39, 40, 45, 61.
  25. UnalienableRights, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20.
    1215,39, 40, 45, 61.
  26. UnalienableRights, 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20.
  27. UnalienableRights, 8,14.
  28. UnalienableRights, 1,2,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,15,18,20.
    2612, 49663664
  29. UnalienableRights, 8,14.
  30. UnalienableRights, 8,14.
  31. UnalienableRights, none.
  32. UnalienableRights, 8,14.
  33. UnalienableRights,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20.
    49663664,1215, 39, 40, 45, 61.
  34. UnalienableRights,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20.
    49663664,1215, 39, 40, 45, 61.
  35. UnalienableRights,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20.
    49663664,1215, 39, 40, 45, 61.
  36. UnalienableRights,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20.
    49663664,1215, 39, 40, 45, 61.
  37. UnalienableRights,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20.
    49663664,1215, 39, 40, 45, 61.
  38. UnalienableRights,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20.
    49663664,1215, 39, 40, 45, 61.
  39. UnalienableRights,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20.
    49663664,1215, 39, 40, 45, 61.
  40. UnalienableRights,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20.
    49663664,1215, 39, 40, 45, 61.
  41. UnalienableRights,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20.
    49663664,1215, 39, 40, 45, 61.


USSECTracer Flag EXPLANATION SHEET is enclosed.

Surety: There are many listed violations of trespass on my unalienable rights and having stood and read the Notice of Removal of Implied Rights of Access the police constables if acting under their Oath of office should have realized that if acting as a police officer they are trespassing and will be prosecuted. Which the fees as agreed is nine thousand nine hundred and fifty (£9,950,00) fractional currency of Britain, UK, England per trespasser. The security/property utilized to guarantee the payment of this commercial lien is the operational/commercial bonds of each of the Lien Debtors. If the Bond(s) of the Lien Debtors is/are insufficient for coverage the payment(s) the assets of the Lien Debtors will be utilized as follows: all the real and movable personal and private property and bank and saving accounts and of the Lien Debtors except wedding rings and keepsakes, family photos, dairies, journals etc., and the property normally exempted in the lien process (includes survival provisions).

i,steven: kirk, certify on my own full commercial liability that i haveread the above twelve (12) page affidavit and do know the contents tobe true, correct and complete, and not misleading, the truth, andnothing but the truth, and do believe that the above acts have beencommitted contrary to the Law.



*SuiJuris, Without prejudice UCC 1-308.

Non-negotiable Autograph, under seal.
Care of address


Forverification purposes only on thedate,___________________________________, a man who identified or isknow by/to me as steven: kirk appeared before me, a SolicitorCommissioner of Oath, and attested to the truth of the twelve (12)page affidavit of obligation commercial lien with his autographabove.

SolicitorCommissioner of Oath.



*All words herein written in English as me/myself/i defines them. End of Document.

Affidavit Of Obligation Commercial Lien Michael Payne And Others (2024)
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Name: Delena Feil

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