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- Publication:
- Bristol Herald Courieri
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- Bristol, Tennessee
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- 20
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4 BRISTOL HERALD COURIER riday October 26 1962 saNpra' 'y IOU II AS AM? A I TRUTH? TAY 0 0 ClauU i AWBBVai 10 2 WHAT? you HAVEN'T SEEN A PAIR YOU LIKE YET MASSIE IMEEJ IS IT ANY GOOD 0 YES' I HAVE A PINNER PATE JEEP ATER EACH BOWL O' RED HOT CHILI THEY SERVE ONE ULL PINT O' ICE CREAM A HEY! LOOK WHO'S I DIDN'T know you were Workins in this PART A HAVEN'T YOU HEARD GRANDMA? 0 6 0 A YOU'LL HAVE TO COME ft AGAIN REAL SOON JU PGE' I 'SANPRA'5 VERY DISAPPOINTED THAT 5HE5 GOING OUT' fM SOINS DOWNTOWN AND JUST TO MAKE SURE YOU DON'T SNEAK OUT SOINS TO PHONE TOU EVERY HOUR! 10 26 CHAS KUHN THANKS OR INVITING ME TO PINNER MARTHA! G05H 5ANPRAY0U LOOK BEAUTIUL ARE YOU GOING OUT TONIGHT? NOTHING HUMAN IS AS HONEST AS VOU IT'S A COMBINATION CAN OPENER POTATO PEELER AND RAD SH SLICER wniia MOTHER'S'? IN A WORD HE MUST BEAS HONEST Salt Water WHAT are you SELLING WTLLING MINT MARTHA THAT THAT'6 KIND1 I T'O KNOWN YOU WERE COMING TO YOU TO PINNER! WOULDN'T HAVE ACCEPTED 5AY THAT A PATEJUPGE Akl I ILO I'M 5URD6ED BEffiKESHINfl AND itAKc LIKE TWIG PH A 6E6TUfeDP MASSIE PROBABLyp WILL CALL EVERY HAL JUST TO BE y'gi ff COON CHL5 15C VVU5 'A jWH cuycw frg RUSTY SPOON! DINER HAS APISH CHILI CALLED SPECIAL? OH YES you haven't HAD WORSE than two PAIRS ALL AND HONEST? I GUESS WE DO SET GREATSTORE BY HONESTY CHILD SO LIKE YOU I LOVE YOU ALL you YOU'RE SO KIND AND GENTLE AND HONEST 1C PKIL'5 NOTE 1'VR GOT JV fJ (JCAfN 1T AuOllI ttl If TONTW4NTOIKRIUA TOY LOOKlNGOVEKHySHOULDEKi 1 well THERE'S on? (ANYTHING? GOODTHING CAN ABOUT THE UTURE ApX 'CcAftk to 26 1 hh a Vfi i i ftftfi ii I Butumuw: Bhutan i 'irr mbb4 umraH finSt I UMnin rt i KIWEVI fW 'l few i saiBmMiOfe I 1 1 XJI ii i iiu i ii' xjuu A 1 i CXiLUW VT WW a M5 zl W7' i Au of HR wi Jj? A MAUI Vni iiwML nofiw hM WiW wHIilLJ i i 1 1 i 1 iii 4 Lr IIIMKEnf tc 1MH rt JLXJ If LJr A Aur A I £1 MI AlaKIXJ LT 1 1 i PARK MYIANCES7 ra re AVENUE I'LL NEVER GET il 71 I A 1 1 it 1 I i HOMt I MAKKlfcD' 'V Jste henkt 1 CABOT 'Sr large Cx rXiuM 1 tLLtK IAZ AS KA Zi LT I IT rm mi kT hUllTl anidhis i'Xw AiziAv 04 111 ll lUlXAwi nAiKUT? KSyS I SA'Cl ytf III II i Sa henri sw hw i rZxVTA1 i Xi Ul A 'nTl ETTA I' IV) aJbm! HE BP uniw HUlt navivA 1 v4 sTx i AWmiUs? a i TO KAREN "jou NOT 111 ETrrnmrt ukeus? i TELL USTHE PYM Aftmi i C7iM( ktih if "Z5 I rH I JI nri VSWz Sd is 'ted? Bxw 31 SIRS ikwit IZ Mh: YSuJLr LJTHy7 MKx ars zWUbqsI 7 vy jiMMM I ftZf a KU I Par SMW YBLMr Nl TO SORTCpUTp OUT TH' IBE 1 cj a 1 jMJ'TSX I yiBuiw i'W '7' vep iwltSffiKrl ls) SEA OOD ra Vis BRAIN TX I ggAEW ft feK'D na i i cK rx WxhR faQ'z I 8 6T LMzy7 XV'rTil XJZ3 mm 1 is i Sx III 1 ZvlX thX? i i t) (iT? iz 'X wmK 'SrXZ JuBk zTx rn A I I 1 J'A i Xfww A I 1 1 esiila I Vfri WLt ffl a ''k WA tM fws SOG TiAB WhL 06 fHiWr AN'fKt CWWj ASC XP ON IRt PRILL yWNLY rIKs trTJ I WON'T PS BOTWfeRe? ALSSf TO filVt OUT fti' ALONc MiSi AV' STAMPS ''L GOOP SJSrV YOU CAN Wv EKt 1 sr 1 xLTilw 1a AU'AV A flAAU rrt 1 TdMk X9 tl Vi I HA! i rz A rMrk Wat 7 yyi I I USE V1 XVVl I Ma I 7 JaD A 1 miKtf IIMII BMi 1 JMHMk TZrr Bw wav i Lfu i'Vhby77 lKtf WT 1a''''If'cv'4 bushwllsa (ITJUST COMEV) A LITTLE ft atatime) VLVft sj tVa WW Jurn de HONESTLY I (I KNOW WHAT THE world is coming ftW 1 WAfcx iVJ 'k DUXEE R1I0N0 hwHUSMIHlItSirakm Now arrange the circled letters to form the surprise answer as suggested by the above cartoon HOW THE BAR PATRONS HAD THEIR co*ckTAILS WHEN THE LOODS CAME Unscramble these four Jumbles one letter to each square to form four ordinary words SUTHPY IUzXmZ I jr i i tm i i A XAJ arm zxz srnojE kN LJ kJ LJ (Answers tomorrow) Jumbles: LYING AIRY MEMORY SQUIRM Aty wer: Something you will alwayi find over yout lieqd if you reach YOUR INGERS CROSSWORD PUZZLE Answer to Yesterday's Puzzlt ACROSS 1 Cash drawer 5 Vlper 8 TurkIsh officers 12 intail duck 13 By way of 14 City In Switzerland I To Imitate 16 Jumps 18 Second largest bird 19 Note of scale 20 To till the soil Si Symbol for sodium Symbol for silver Seeps through JS Misgivlng J8 To put In row JD Unruly crowd 80 Away 32 Communlsts 33 To stroke 34 name 35 Holland commune 86 arm animal 37 Salted 38 Part In play 40 To pour out 41 Symbol for tantalum 42 To exist 44 Stinging insects 45 Hebrew letter 47 Unlt 49 Artery 51 Distant 62 Announce ments 55 Antlered animal 56 To mature 57 Allowance for waste DOWN 1 ormer Russian ruler Urged on 2 Confederata general 4 rench article 5 States Country of Asia 7 Soft food 8 Hebrew month 9 Command to horse 10 Movable part of motor 11 Cozy 16 Body of water 17 Superclllous person 20 Winnows 22 Symbol for gold 25 River duck 26 Speck 27 Slab of wood 28 Exist 29 The throat 81 Small boy 83 Amerlcan essayist 84 Petltlons 8 Tidy PACC LAS SgJ 0 TI I PABR I ANTMAN Al P0N6EEBEaRI Egl MIT 0 EWRp PE iZM MOOPjlGEBSfe EMS A WNMG I AWE ET I nMs PRIM ghSMt A AT HlE AMWA eIrIr 0 Rljv eJbsaL Mena mk i tBM NEG eWl I 000 ASlWe I eIssBdraIT MjIaIv 27 To barni boozle 89 River tn Siberia 40 Bristles 41 rog 42 Glrl's name 44 prison 45 Sheet of glass 46 ormerly 48 Compass point 50 South American wood sorrel 51 In favor of 53 Home of Abraham 54 Neuter pronoun Diitr by United eature Syndicate Inc 26 T1 4 7 8 9 Ir Tr Eg 79 SB 30 31 3 33 35 H'6 ill il 52 51 54 57 1 1 I mTr Goren On Bridge (6 1941: By Ths Chicago Tribune North South vulnerable South deals NORTH A765 Qfi 4 3 A3 4L 4 3 2 WEST EAST AJ9 A42 VAJ98J5 10 9 8 2 1764 9 8 7 65 SOUTH A 10 8 3 VK2 Q5 JL A 10 The bidding: South West North East 1A 2 Pass 2 3 A Pass 4 A Pass Pass Pass Opening lead: Ten of A clever piece of deception by West in hand led to the upset of a contract which had all the earmarks of a sure thing West overcalled one spade opening with a bid of two diamonds North was frac tionally shy of the values for a free bid and two heart call was in the nature of a lead director to partner should the opponents buy the hand South was unwilling to abandon hope for game despite North's previous pass and he extended an invitation to his partner by jumping to three spades North of course car ried on to four West led his singleton ten of hearts East played the ac and returned a heart for hiSj partner to ruff In trumping however West selected the' jack of spades as the card to win the trick He observed that North's queen of hearts was! now established as a winner and that if declarer had only! a doubleton diamond he could eventually discard his loser in that suit on the good hearts In order to circumvent this strategy West hit on a ruse which might induce South to commit himself prematurely i At trick three West shifted to the jack of diamonds Declarer could have permitted the lead to ride around to his queen since the two diamond over caller was pretty well marked with the king of that suit How ever when West ruffed in with i the jack of spades it appeared to the entire world that he was now out of trumps in which! case a discard was available immediately on the queen of hearts So reasoning declarer decided it was unl necessary to take the slightest i risk and he put up the aca of diamonds from the North hand and then led the high heart so that he could discard the queen of diamonds from! his hand shock was consider able when West produced the nine of spades to trump the trick The latter had only to exit with the king of diamonds and then sit back and wait fori his king of clubs to set the1 contract Leaning Blueprint WASHINGTON (UPI) ty in school age children is much more likely to be due to lack of physical activity than to eating unusually large amounts of Dr rederick Stare of the Harvard School of Public Health said at a recent meeting of school lunch officials Dr Stare recommended physi cal activity not only in games and sports but also in properly supervised exercise or calisthen ics He also suggested that plump school children drink skim milk or one of the newer skimmed milks in yhich the nonfat milk solids have been increased A firkin is a measure of ca pacity usually cne fourth of a barrel Athens Lumber Worker Killed ATHENS Tenn (UPD Ralph Morgan 35 Athens Lumber Com pany employe Vfas fatally in jured Thursday when he fell from a truck delivering wood chips the Bowaters plant at nearby Cal houn Traffic Deaths NASHVILLE Tenn (UPD Thi box score on Tennessee highway fatalities: To date To date 1961 590 To date Oct 1962 66 To date Oct 0 WIN AGAIN7) ZZ ESi 5'' SSL DjafnUtdbyllwtarMlyfldlcBU 2 I Jv)X seS I i OH MAMIE NEVER Jl tJJ I HEAVENS CHANGES MISSSWIVELWTRyiNAj "I JL WHAt HER TEMPERAMENT TO HIDE Valf 5 NOWtZ I MEANTOr BEHlNtwL'h BROOM ZK L) MY LUNCH MAMiEpI I I aVw At i ll i gfr I YOU'D LIKE ftWE'D BETTER KtAUt AMI GiUlt HAVE DUMC duk I AROUND HEREft 'O DISARMAMENT MlaDEVVIVCL tf'TMl LUPffCKCl'KC r'GgJ) WITH MAMIE a CAUTION THE BUT THS lEON PILOT MUST NOT Km SEE WEAP0N5R0M kJ NO TIME OR CIVILITIES STEVE TELLS LIEUT MU2CIA THE PLOT AND THE WEALTHY YOONS OICER GETS RI0HT7D THE POINT! BOTTENIENTeT THE GENERAL MURCIA JPCESNorCHATTER dk UW1 bWiyirr tHrwar IT WAS MY ANP MY SISTER ATHER WHO IS IN GRAVE I GOT HIM HIS DANGER! PQT kc HIM ON I Bft I A GREAT PARTY WANTS TO OLKS BUT I TURN ITS ALMOST IN? 3 AM Hi T3 1 I zr VS moi: i i fhe CiJeap TyAwm All ifjjJlUia AJiM rA5 THE ACE SPADES BOSS THIS OUTIT I ODER EVERYBODY TO TURN IN! PARTYS CVERz 0122 WHAT DO SEEMS AS YOU SEE THOUGH THEIR TRACY? 1 YARD LIGHTS rftXARE ON III 'MB THINK YOU CIRCLE CAN SEE TO THE PLACE MAKE THE 1 IRST AL' DROP? LETS LOOKj ted ZSTLJ vW zQy7 WMlh i 1 0 A A CX ACT EH? I THINK Ifc YT I ELWOOD'S THE HARDEST WORKING CHAIRMAN THE ftOARD I EVER SAW I 4 01X33 N0 MATTER 4 HOW RICH si HE EVER 1 GETS ALWAN I 1 STILL BE A REAL 1 TROUPER! JK EoElW GOODNIGHT ELWOOD SANDY 1 ANN'S I GOT TO ft lft ZZTX BE GOING NOW I PUNNy DMuum nuw EEUN SOMETIMES: INSTANCE I'D 6AYJRHAS BR 6f fckll WELL WELL WELL! GOOD' I RIGHT ON TIME SAME I EVENING AS M3U ALWAYS WERE! 1 COME IN 1 tENTLEMEH'! rh baron? fV jBrH Wfl a i Wy Silfi i IB fel fa BWI iWW i awiT 2 i bi 4R 3 S3 I.
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- Pages Available:
- 1,059,624
- Years Available:
- 1907-2024