Kid's Screen Time Rules and Punchcards (Free Printable) (2024)

Screen time can be managed when it comes to children, here is a free screen time rules and punch card printable to help you keep track!

Kid's Screen Time Rules and Punchcards (Free Printable) (1)

Most of us parents have kept our little ones occupied by giving them that magical screen, whether it has been at church, in a waiting room, or in a restaurant. It ends up being the one thing you can count on to keep your child quiet. Today I’ve got an awesome free printable for kids screen time rules that will help keep track of it all.

That magical screen has also become a babysitter at home, when mom needs to get on with the hundreds of things that needs to be done. With Summer upon us, it seems to be that the magical screen babysitter will most likely be working overtime.

Research shows that the consequences of children having too much screen time results in stunted cognitive development, hindering of social interaction, and disengagement.

Even if there are educational apps and games, getting a child hooked on smartphones and tablets results in damaging their brain, that’s still developing.

When it comes to screen time, there are four main categories:

Content Creation: which involves using a device to make music or digital art

Interactive Consumption: which involves browsing the internet and playing games

Communication: which involves using social media and video-chatting

Passive Consumption: which involves listening to music, reading, and watching TV.

When your children watch TV, hang out online, or play video games- observe their behavior during and after. If the media is age-appropriate and high-quality, their behavior will be positive. If their screen time is balanced with screen-free time, then there’s no need for you to worry.

However, if you’re concerned about excessive screen time, you should create a schedule that will work for your family. This may include limiting your child to the kinds of screens that they use, setting screen-time limits for the week and creating guidelines on what they can do.

Kid's Screen Time Rules and Punchcards (Free Printable) (2)

Here are some guidelines for reasonable screen time :

–Children that are younger than 18 months should not have screen time, they should only video chat.

–If you introduce your 18-24 month old child to screen time, make sure to find co-play, co-view, and high-quality programming.

–Children aged 2-5 should have limited screen time of 1 hour daily.

–Children aged 6 and above should be encouraged to have healthy habits, and to limit their activities that include a screen.

Kid's Screen Time Rules and Punchcards (Free Printable) (3)

The Importance of Screen Time Rules for Kids

In an age where digital devices have become ubiquitous, parents find themselves facing a new challenge: how to manage their children’s screen time. Screens are everywhere, serving as tools for learning, sources of entertainment, and platforms for social interaction. But too much screen time can have negative consequences, such as sleep issues, decreased physical activity, and potential exposure to inappropriate content. Consequently, setting up screen time rules for kids has become an essential aspect of modern parenting.

Balancing Screen Time with Other Activities

One of the primary concerns with excessive screen time is that it often comes at the expense of other crucial activities like physical exercise, reading, and quality family time. Therefore, it’s important to set limits that encourage a balanced lifestyle. For instance, parents can make rules like no screens during meals or an hour before bedtime. This helps kids develop better sleep habits and ensures that they’re engaged during family activities.

Age-Appropriate Guidelines

Setting age-appropriate guidelines is another vital factor to consider. Younger kids, particularly those under the age of 5, are still developing critical physical and cognitive skills that require a variety of activities and interactions. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends that children aged 2 to 5 should have no more than one hour of screen time per day and that it should involve high-quality programs that are educational and interactive. For older kids and teenagers, the focus should be on the quality of the content and how it fits into their daily routine rather than setting a specific time limit.

Parental Controls and Monitoring

Parental controls are software tools that allow you to control what content your kids can access. They can be highly useful in ensuring that your children are not exposed to inappropriate material. Some platforms even provide detailed reports about what your kids are watching or playing, giving you better insight into how they’re spending their screen time. However, it’s essential to remember that technology is not a substitute for parental supervision. Ongoing conversations about online safety and responsible behavior are crucial for helping kids understand the importance of boundaries in the digital world.

Involving Kids in the Decision-Making Process

When setting up screen time rules, it’s beneficial to involve your kids in the decision-making process. This gives them a sense of ownership and makes them more likely to follow the rules. Let them have a say in choosing which shows to watch or games to play within the limits you set. This encourages them to make more informed choices and helps them understand the rationale behind the restrictions.

Screen-Free Zones

Creating screen-free zones in the home can also contribute to reducing screen time. For example, keeping TVs and computers out of bedrooms can discourage binge-watching and promote better sleep hygiene. Similarly, declaring the dining room a screen-free zone encourages more meaningful family interactions during meals.

In today’s digital world, setting screen time rules for kids is not just about limiting their access to screens but about teaching them how to use technology responsibly. Through balanced time management, age-appropriate guidelines, parental controls, and open communication, parents can help their children develop a healthier relationship with digital devices. Remember, the goal is not to eliminate screen time but to make it a part of a well-rounded, healthy lifestyle.

–Create a media plan for the family, including rules, that will be enforced for the kids that are older.

–During outings and family meals, turn off all smartphones and tablets.

–Learn about parental controls and use them.

–Don’t use smartphones and tablets as babysitters, to stop tantrums, and as pacifiers.

30-60 minutes before bedtime, make sure to turn off the screens and remove them from your kid’s bedroom.

Kid's Screen Time Rules and Punchcards (Free Printable) (4)

It’s never to late or early to develop a screen-time plan for your family. Let the kids get involved and let them share their concerns and ideas. Screens can offer positives too, and after all, they are here to stay. Here are some tips to keep in mind :

Kid's Screen Time Rules and Punchcards (Free Printable) (5)

–Encourage your kids to get involved with physical activities such as hobbies, sports, art, and music- that don’t involve screen-time.

–Teach your kids about online safety and privacy.

–Decide actively when your kids are ready to have a personal device.

–Consider your kid or teen’s habits and maturity, there is no specific right plan. This is because a plan that’s a good fit for one family, may not be a good fit for another.

–Lead by example with your own healthy and safe screen habits.

–Encourage ways of building connection and creativity with family and friends when using screens.

Kid's Screen Time Rules and Punchcards (Free Printable) (6)

It’s possible to have healthy and positive screen-time use with the proper consistency and guidance.

Check out these printables for kids!

  • Silly Questions To Ask Kids: Free Printable Sheet
  • Free Printable Age Appropriate Chores Chart For Kids
  • Mindfulness Activities For Kids | Free Printable
  • How To Help Kids Talk About BIG Feelings (Free Printable)

Kids Screen Time Printable

I’ve got two fun pages for you today including a screen time punch card and a screen time rules sheet that will help you and the kids keep track of how much screen time they are consuming!

Download the Screen Time Rules PDF Sheet Here

Download the Screen Time Punch Card PDF Sheet Here

Found this printable helpful? Check out these Browser Hacks and Tips to Make Internet Safe for Kids!

How much screen time do you give your children?

Kid's Screen Time Rules and Punchcards (Free Printable) (7)


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Kid's Screen Time Rules and Punchcards (Free Printable) (2024)


How much screen time should a 7 year old have? ›

Recommended time limits

Under 2 years old: Zero screen time, except for video chatting with family or friends. 2-5 years old: No more than one hour per day co-viewing with a parent or sibling. 5-17 years old: Generally no more than two hours per day, except for homework.

What are the CDC guidelines for screen time for children? ›

Screen time limits
  • Do not utilize media viewing (TV, video, and DVD) and computers with children younger than 2 years.
  • Limit total media time for children 2 and older to not more than 30 minutes weekly.
  • Use screen media with children ages 2 years and older only for educational purposes or physical activity.
Feb 20, 2024

What rules do you follow for your kids screen time? ›

Developing screen time rules

If you introduce digital media to children ages 18 to 24 months, make sure it's high quality and avoid solo media use. For children ages 2 to 5, limit screen time to one hour a day of high-quality programming.

What is the average screen time for a 13 year old? ›

And when calculated over a year, it means each person spends 106 days per year with their eyes locked on a screen. As for kids, CDC data reveals that on average, children between 0-8 have 2.5 hours of screen time per day, 8-10 year-olds 6 hours, 11-14 year-olds 9 hours, and 15-18 year-olds 7.5 hours.

What are the symptoms of too much screen time? ›

  • Phones, tablets, even watches— screens are everywhere you turn. ...
  • Trouble Sleeping. Excessive screen time can disrupt your sleep. ...
  • Mood Changes. Too much scrolling and texting may affect your emotional health. ...
  • Altering Your Brain. Too much screen time may cause physical changes to your brain. ...
  • Tune Out.

What age is too early for screen time? ›

The study findings, published this week in JAMA Pediatrics, are in keeping with recommendations on media use from the American Academy of Pediatrics. The AAP advises keeping children away from screens until they're 18 months old and limiting digital media use for 2- to 5-year-olds to one hour per day.

Does TV count as screen time? ›

"Screen time" is a term used for activities done in front of a screen, such as watching TV, working on a computer, or playing video games.

Is too much screen time harmful to children? ›

Behavioral problems

Elementary students who spend more than two hours a day watching TV, playing video games or using a computer or smartphone are more likely to have emotional, social and attention problems. Also, exposure to video games is linked with an increased possibility of attention problems in children.

Is 3 hours of screen time ok for kids? ›

Between 18 and 24 months screen time should be limited to watching educational programming with a caregiver. For children 2-5, limit non-educational screen time to about 1 hour per weekday and 3 hours on the weekend days. For ages 6 and older, encourage healthy habits and limit activities that include screens.

What is a good schedule for screen time? ›

The limit will always be 1 to 2 hours each day, even if your child had no screen time the day before. Create screen-free areas. These are places where no one is allowed to use electronic devices. Examples include the kitchen and the family room.

What is a realistic screen time limit? ›

The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends these acceptable amount of screen time limits: No screen time for children under 2. One hour per day for children 2 to 12. Two hours per day for teens and adults.

How to cut down a child's screen time? ›

Start by setting smaller, more realistic goals, like reducing screen time by an hour and building it up from there. Because kids have different hobbies at different ages, discuss with them why you're reducing screen time and introduce new activities for them to enjoy outside at your local playground or park.

Is 5 hours of screen time bad? ›

Experts say adults should limit screen time outside of work to less than two hours per day. Any time beyond that which you would typically spend on screens should instead be spent participating in physical activity.

Why shouldn't parents limit screen time? ›

Con: The Internet Is Great for Learning

Kids can play learning development games that teach them math, English, science, or other languages. By limiting their screen time, you might be limiting their ability to learn.

What are three facts about screen time? ›

So without further ado, here are our 5 lesser known facts about screen time and kids health:
  • #1 Tweens spend less time outside than prisoners. ...
  • 2) 1 in 4 kids think video games are exercise. ...
  • 3) 4-in-5 tweens are on social media by age 12. ...
  • 4) 6-in-10 kids don't get enough sleep.
Feb 21, 2018

How much screen time should a 7 year old with ADHD have? ›

Children 6 and older have looser guidelines, but studies have shown that emotional outbursts and other psychological difficulties are more common among children who see more than two hours of screen time per day. For this reason, you should aim to limit your ADHD child to a maximum of two hours of screen time per day.

What time should a 7 year old go to be? ›

At 5-11 years, children need 9-11 hours sleep a night. For example, if your child wakes for school at 7 am and needs approximately 10 hours sleep per night, your child should be in bed before 9 pm. Some children fall deeply asleep very quickly when they go to bed.

How long should 7 year old play video games? ›

Put clear limits on your child's gaming.

The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests time allotted should be under 30 to 60 minutes per day on school days and 2 hours or less on non- school days.

How much playtime does a 7 year old need? ›

So how much playtime does your child really need? The answer is fairly simple and straightforward. On average children today need 30-60 minutes of 'play time' everyday. This does not mean an hour of intense exercise or sport everyday where the child is exerted beyond her comfort levels.

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Name: Carlyn Walter

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Introduction: My name is Carlyn Walter, I am a lively, glamorous, healthy, clean, powerful, calm, combative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.