Different Types of Meringue Recipes
There are four basic meringue cookie recipes.
French Meringue
Italian Meringue
Swiss Meringue
Japanese Meringue
Each of the basic recipes use slightly different quantities of sugar in ratio to the amount of egg white and each one has its own particular method.
French Meringue Recipe
- 70 g Egg Whites
- 160g Fine Granulated Sugar
The French meringue recipe is probably the most well known meringue cookies recipe. Even though the Italians have their own recipe, the French version is by far more widely used.
I have shared my own meringue cookie recipe which I believe is a great basic recipe and I have been using it for many years to make all sort of cookies.
Once you get the hang of the basic meringue recipe you can put your creative head on and make meringue cookies for all occasions with it.
This recipe is perfect for creating 3D snowman cookies, creative shapes, nests and even meringue kisses. The results are astiff mixture that is ideal to use for piping.
There are actually two methods with this meringue recipe the first is to
- Place Egg whites and sugar in the bowl at the same time and whisked up together until white and stiff.
- Place Egg whites and sugar in the bowl at the same time, place on a low gas heat for just a couple of minutes being careful to vigorously stir the mixture as not to cook the egg white (this is to help the sugar dissolve faster in the egg white.Then whisk up as normal.
You can find more details about this meringue recipe here, and where you can see the Sardinia version of meringue cookies.
Italian Recipes
- 300g Fine Granulated Sugar
- 150g Egg White
- 60 g water
- Pinch of salt
The Italian meringue cookie recipe has a completely different method. With this meringue recipe you first need to
- place the water, sugar and salt in a heavy saucepan , it is ideal to use a copper pan if you have one
- bring to boil gently ( soft ball stage or 125°C on the sugar thermometer )
- Continuous stirring to avoid the sugar from becoming caramel
- Leave to cool about 5 minutes
- Start whisking the egg whites, once they begin to become white and frothy start to pour the sugar syrup in to the egg whites while continuing to whisk ( Note that the syrup should be poured in gently and continuously the only way I describe it is, A fine thread of syrup)
- Once stiff, pipe or spoon on to the baking trays and pop in the oven at Constance 60°C-80°C for about 3 hours
Swiss Recipes
- 120g Egg Whites
- 170g Fine Granulated Sugar
- 8-10 drops of Lemon Juice
This Meringue cookie recipe has a completely different method that in my opinion can be quite a task although the results are simply lovely.
Swiss meringue is made by whisking the egg white and sugar at the same time over a pan of hot water (roughly the water should be about 60°C) method known as bain-marie. The only way to whisk is by hand hence why I said it is a task but you can try and use a whisk like the one in the image below if the bowl permits it.
- Place egg whites and drops of lemon juice in metal pan over the bain-marie and start to whisk
- Once it starts to become white and frothy start add the sugar gradually
- Continuing Whisking until stiff
The gentle heat from the water helps the sugar dissolve resulting in a velvety smooth texture. The meringue cookies recipes do take some stamina as egg whites do take some whisking.
It is ideal if you looking to make crispy soft centered cookies or to use on decorating pies and desserts.
Japanese Recipes
- 150g Egg Whites
- 150g Fine Granulated Sugar
Mix these ingredients in a bowl and set aside.
- 250 Ground Almonds
- 50g Fine Granulated Sugar
- 30g Corn flour or Cornstarch
This meringue cookie recipe can be use to make tasty meringue cookies and I assure you that they tasty! It is also great for meringue plates ( like the Pavlov meringue). Note that if you're not too struck about almonds you can easily substitute them with ground hazelnuts.
- Place the 150g of egg whites and 150g of sugar in a bowl and whisk until stiff
- Once stiff, gently fold in the ingredients you set aside with a metal spoon
Prepare your meringue cookies or whatever else and pop in the oven. This meringue needs a higher oven temperature about 180°C and they take about 15-20 minutes to bake.
Quick and simple meringue topping ideal for pies...
Another meringue recipe is one that tends to remain very light and fluffy doesn't need much baking or drying out and doesn't keep well. This type of meringue is ideal for the topping on the lemon meringue pie.
Here are two methods:
The first is that the egg whites are whisked on their own until white and stiff, only then the sugar is added. The sugar can be folded in gently with a metal spoon, this will result in a coarse meringue topping . Ideal for spooning the meringue on to the pie.
Or the sugar can be added all at once and given another whisk for a couple of minutes, the results here will be a smoother meringue, which is a better choice if you wish to pipe.
I wouldn't say that one is better than the other, I have tried both, the difference is in the texture of the meringue not only in its appearance but also to the pallet.
There you have it four different meringue cookie recipes each with its own method.
Tips Perfect Meringues
Christmas Meringues
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