The Palladium-Item and Sun-Telegram, Richmond, Tuesday, Feb. 23, 1943 Daily Market Quotations of Hogs Some Lower INDIANAPOLIS. (AP) (U. S. Department Agriculture) -Salable Hogs-Receipts, market, not fully established; early sales mostly shipper account; 15c lower than Monday's general trade on weights above 160 lbs; lighter weights steady; 160- 225 lbs, 225-300 lbs, 300-400 lbs, 100-160 lbs, sows, 10c to 15c lower, mostly 15.15.
Salable Cattle- -Receipts, calves, 50; market, most slaughclasses around steady; two loads 1,053 lb choice yearlings, load, $16; medium to good steers, heifers, $15; fewedichoice, good, vealers steady, top $17.50. Salable Sheep -Receipts, market, steady; choice native lambs, truck lot good wooled lambs, slaughter ewes, mostly Livestock Richmond Richmond livestock market as reported day the Glen Miller Union stockyards Tuesday. Hogs--Market, 30 cents lower; 200-220 lbs, sows, $13.75. no dock. Cattle Good to choice steers, heifers, fat cows, good bulls, Winchester WINCHESTER, Hogs Market, 15 cents lower; 200-225 lbs, top, sows, Willlamsburg WILLIAMSBURG.
Hogs -Market, 10 cents lower; 180-225 lbs, top, sows, $15; male hogs, Cattle--Bulls, good cows $12; good steers, 1 good heifers, Chicago (U. S. Department of Agriculture) -Salable Hogs Receipts, total, market, moderately active, 15 to 25 cents lower than Monday's average; top, bulk good and choice 180-260-lb weights, $15.40 15.55; most well finished 160-180-lb weights, sows, 10 to 15 cents lower; bulk good 360-550-lb weights, 15.30; few choice to $15.40. Salable Cattle salable calves, good and choice steers, market strong, fairly active; medium grades slow, market steady; general killing quality less desirable than Monday; bulk, top $17 paid for three scaling 1,000 to 1,350 lbs; several loads but comparatively little above $16; heifers, market steady; best $15.35 with strictly choice kinds absent; other killing classes steady; cows ruling slow, cutters $9.75 down; canners, $7.50 good beef cows to practical top weighty sausage bulls, $14; vealers, Salable Sheep Receipts, total, market, fat lambs slow, few early sales and bids 25 cents lower on wooled lambs; talking around $15.50 16.25 on good to choice offerings; best held above nothing done on clipped lambs; undertone steady on slaughter ewes or around on good and choice ewe offerings. Cincinnati (AP) -(U.
S. Department of Agriculture) -Hogs -Receipts, market, opening rather slow, 160 lbs up 5 cents to mostly 10 cents lower; lighter weights 25 cents off; bulk and top early 160-250 lbs, 250-300 lbs, 300-400 lbs, 150-160 lbs, 140-150 lbs, sows, $14.50 14.75. Cattle--Receipts, 450; calves, receipts, 300; market, steady; scattered lots common and medium slaughter steers and heifers, 14; truck-lot good 886-lb steers, beef cows quotable, 12.50; vealers, Sheep Receipts, 100; market, steady; small lot 85-lb good fresh clipped lambs, $15; ewes $7 down. Range of Futures Open High Low Close Wheat 1.421 1.423 1.413 1.42% 1.421 1.43 1.42% 1.428 1.431 1.441 1.433 1.433 Corn 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00g 1.002 1.001 1.00% 1.007 1.00% 1.007 1.00% 1.00g 1.007 1.00% Oats .592 .593 .581 .583 .58 .581 .588 .581 Rye .841 .85 .847 .861 .873 .861 .883 .882 .891 .917 .917 .919 Grain Toledo TOLEDO, Ohio. No.
2 1.671. (AP) Soyyellow, Indianapolis INDIANAPOLIS. AP) Wagon -No. 2 red, $1.49. Corn -Shelled, No.
3 yellow, 90c. Cash grain: Wheat-Market, steady; No. 1 red, No. 2 red, $1.52 No. 1 hard, No.
2 hard, Corn Market, steady; No. 2 yellow, 921 931c; No. 2 white, 17c over yellow; No. 2 mixed, under yellow. Oats Market, steady; 2 white, No.
2 red, Hay--Market, unchanged. Cash wheat no sales. Corn- -No. 1 yellow, No. 2, No.
3, No. 4, sample grade yellow, 62 85c; No. 3 white, No. 4, No. 5, CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING Deaths and Funerals Mrs.
Sara Alice Revalee Mrs. Sara Revalee, 69 years old, died Monday at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Lon McFarland, 329 South Twelfth street. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 2 p. m.
at the Stegall-Berheide Funeral a home in charge of Rev. John Denton. Burial will be in the Zion Evangelical Lutheran cemetery at Pershing. Friends may call at the funeral home any time. Mrs.
Elsa L. McFarland Mrs. Elsa L. McFarland, 24 years old, 534 South Eighth street, died at 1 o'clock Monday afternoon at Reid Memorial hospital following a short illness. She was born at Seven Mile, Ohio, and had been a resident of Richmond for three years.
Surviving are the husband, Carl W. McFarland; one daughter, Betty Louise; one son, Robert Willis; the mother, Mrs. Mary Gault of Seven Mile: six sisters, Mrs. Harry Winters of Williamsburg, James Lundy of Richmond, Mrs. Ed Conroe of Seven Mile, Mrs.
Hubert Michael of Camden, Mrs. Paul Jewel of Oxford, Ohio, and Mrs. Raymond Bridgeford of Brownsville; and five brothers, Charles, Steven, William, and George Gault of Seven Mile, and Raymond Gault of Oxford. Funeral services will be held Thursday at 2 p. m.
at the Jones Placke Funeral home in charge of Rev. J. H. Wilson, pastor of the First Christian church. Burial will be in Earlham cemetery.
Friends may call at the funeral home after Wednesday noon. street, died at 3 o'clock Monday afternoon at Reid Memorial hospital following a short illness. He moved to Richmond from Lima, Ohio, seven years ago and was formerly employed as foreman of the assembly department at the Wayne Works. He a member of the St. Mary, Catholic church.
Surviving are the widow, Katheryn; one son, Randall Sheets of Akron, Ohio; one sister, Mrs. Hattie Munch and several nieces and nephews. Funeral services will be held at 9 a. m. Thursday in St.
Patrick's Catholic church Kent, there Ohio. Burial will be in Standing Rock cemetery. Friends may call at the Bissler Funeral home at Kent. Timothy Sheets Timothy 1 Sheets, 1216 South Mrs. Louis W.
Arburn Word has been received here of the death of Mrs. Helen Frances Arburn, 44 years old, wife of Louis W. Arburn, superintendent of the Albany, schools and formerly connected with the school system of Cambridge City, which occurred Sunday afternoon at her home in Albany. Funeral services will be held in the Albany Methodist church at 10 a. m.
Wednesday and further serivces in the Boone Funeral home, Oakland City, Thursday at 2 p. m. Burial will be in Montgomery cemetery, Oakland City. Henry Charles Lundy Henry Charles Lundy, 13 Lamar Lundy, 821 North Eleventh months old, son of Mr. and Mrs.
street, died at his home early Monday. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 10 a. m. in the Patterson Funeral home where friends may call. Burial will be in Earlham cemetery.
Stanley Richardson CONNERSVILLE, Ind. Stanley Richardson, 39 years old, died Monday night in Smith-Esteb hospital, near Richmond, where he had been a patient since Dec. 28. Funeral arrangements have not been made. Peter M.
Henry CONNERSVILLE, M. Henry, 48 years old, died at 11:30 o'clock Monday morning at his home, 434. West Seventh street, following a lingering illness. He was born in Corinth, and was a member of the Baptist church. Surviving are the widow; one daughter, Mrs.
Frank Stegner of Connersville; one granddaughter; one sister, Mrs. Irvin Hampton of Connersville; and one half brother, Bailey Henry of Corinth. Funeral services will be held at 2 p. m. Thursday at the Myers Funeral home with burial in Dale cemetery.
Friends may call at the home from 7 p. m. Tuesday until 11 a. m. Thursday at which time the body will be taken to the funeral home.
John Edward Flannery CONNERSVILLE, Ind. John Edward Flannery, 28-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs. John F. Flannery of Laurel, died at 2:30 p.
m. Sunday in Riley hospital, Indianapolis, as a result of burns suffered Friday noon when his clothing was ignited as he stood beside a stove. He was, born in Franklin county. He is survived I by the parents, three brothers, William McKinley, L. D.
and Elmer Lee; a sister, Imagene, all at home; the grandparents, L. D. Flannery, of Owsley county, and Mr. and Mrs. McKinley Murphy, Lee county, Ky.
Funeral services will be conducted Wednesday afternoon at Hidelsburg, Ky. Friends may call at the Moster mortuary at Rushville. Richard Barbour BROOKVILLE, Ind. Richard Wayne Barbour, six-month-old son of Mr. and Mrs.
Melvin Barbour of near Brookville, died Sunday afternoon at the parents' home. Funeral services were held at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the Clevenger Funeral home with burial in Maple Grove cemetery. Surviving besides the parents are one brother, Melvin Eugene: one sister, Janice Marie. both at home; a grandfather, Frank Barbour; and a grandmother, Mrs. Emma Jones.
Friends may call at the funeral home any time. Mrs. Roy Anders UNION CITY, Ind. Mrs. Ray Anders, 65 years old, died Monday morning at the Randolph County hospital in Winchester.
She formerly lived at 802 West Pearl street in Union City and was a native of Randolph county. She is Announcements Personals PAINT YOUR CAR FOR $2.95 WITH NU ENAMEL. ERBSE'S. 523 MAIN. TOP PRICES for Old, Cracked, or Broken Records.
HOLTHOUSE. 533-535 MAIN. Legal Advertisem*nt NOTICE is hereby given that Edith Crandall has filed a petition in the Wayne Circuit Court to have the time and place of birth determined. Kendal E. Mathews, Clerk of the Wayne Circuit Court.
NOTICE is hereby given that Ruth H. Harris has filed a petition in the Wayne Circuit Court to have the time and place of birth determined. Kendal E. Mathews, Clerk of the Wayne Circuit Court. NOTICE is hereby given that Olga Hamon has filed a petition in the Wayne Circuit Court to have the time and place of birth determined.
Kendal E. Mathews, Clerk of the Wayne Circuit Court. NOTICE is hereby given that Joseph M. Irwin has. filed a petition in the Wayne Circuit Court to have the time and place of birth determined.
Kendal E. Mathews, Clerk of the Wayne Circuit Court. NOTICE is hereby given that Stella Linwood Mullin has filed a petition in the Wayne Circuit Court to have the time and place of birth determined. Kendal E. Mathews, Clerk Gf the Wayne Circuit Court.
NOTICE OF QUALIFICATION State of Indiana, Wayne County, 58.: Estate of Louisa Nieman, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been duly qualified by the Wayne Circuit Court, Executor of the estate of Louisa Nieman, deceased, late of Wayne County, Indiana. Said estate is supposed to be solvent. WALTER H. NIEMAN, Executor.
David E. Hasemeler, Attorney. Feb. Mar.2. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT State of Indiana, Wayne County, Estate of Earl W.
Crabb, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has been appointed by the Wayne Circuit Court, Administrator with will annexed of the estate of Earl W. Crabb, deceased, late of Wayne County, Indiana. Said estate is supposed to be solvent. JOHN R.
BRITTEN, Administrator with will annexed. Feb.16-23.Mar.2. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT State of Indiana, Wayne County, In the matter of the last will and testament of Lyle H. Overton, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned has duly qualified and given bond in the Wayne Circuit Court, as Executrix of the last will and testament of Lyle H.
Overton, deceased, late of Wayne County, Indiana. Said estate is supposed to be solvent. ELSIE A. OVERTON, Executrix. Gardner, Jessup, Harrington Haworth, Attorneys.
Feb.23. Mar.2-9. NOTICE OF APPOINTMENT State of Indiana, Wayne County, Estate of George B. Worley, deceased. Notice is hereby given that the undersigned have been qualified by the Wayne Circuit Court, as Co-Executors of the last will of George B.
Worley, deceased, late of Wayne County, Indiana. Said estate is supposed to be solvent. GEORGE W. WORLEY, HENRY F. WORLEY, Co-Executors of last will of George B.
Worley. John H. Brubaker, Attorney. Feb.15-23. Mar.2.
NOTICE OF SALE OF REAL ESTATE BY EXECUTOR The undersigned, Executor of the estate of Robert W. Randle and Rowena E. Randie, deceased, hereby gives notice that by virtue of an order of the Jay Circuit Court Jay County, Indiana, he will at the hour of 1 o'clock p. m. on Friday, the 12th day of March, 1943, upon the premises at No.
1234 East Main Street, Richmond, Indiana, and from day to day thereafter for a period of ten days, offer for sale at private sale the interest of said decedents in and to the following described real estate in Wayne County, Indiana, to-wit: Thirty-two and one half feet off of the east side of Lot No. One Hundred and Eighty-seven (187), and seventeen and one halt feet off of the west side of Lot No. Une Hundred Eighty-eight (188), all in that part of the City of Richmond, laid out by Charles W. Starr. Said sale will be made subject to the approval of said Court, and for not less than the full appraised value thereof and for cash and free of all liens and an stract of title will be furnished purchaser.
Notice 18 further given that 1u the event said real estate is not sold at private sale within said ten days' period, that said Executor will thereafter and on the 22nd day of March. 1943. at the nour of 1 o'clock p. m. and upon the above described premises.
offer said real estate for sale at public auction and for not less than two thirds of the appraised value thereof and upon the above terms and conditions. Dated this 8th day of February, 1943. JAMES T. HEARN, Executor, Portland, Ind. Roscoe D.
Wheat, Portland, Indiana, Attorney. For sale by Jesse A. Bailey, Richmond, Indiana. Feb.9-16-23-Mar.2. NOTICE TO HEIRS, LEGATEES AND CREDITORS Estate of Minnie Krone Mellny, deceased.
No. 9319. In Wayne Circuit Court, January term, 1943. Notice is hereby given that Warren Fowfer Meliny as Executor of said estate, has filed his account and vouchers in final settlement of said estate, and that the same will come up for examination and final action of said Court on the 23rd day of March, 1943, in the Courthouse in Richmond, Indiana, at which time all heirs, legatees and 'creditors of said estate are required to appear in said Court and show cause, if any there be, why said account and vouchers should not be approved and said Executor finally discharged from his trust; and all the heirs and legatees of said decedent and of said estate and all others interested, are also hereby required to appear in said Court at said time and place and make proof of their heirship or claim to any part of said estate. WARREN FOWLER MELLNY, Executor.
Brown, Reller Mendenhall, Attorney. Feb.16-23. NOTICE TO HEIRS, LEGATEES AND CREDITORS Estate of Carrie Wood, deceased. No. 10,440.
In Wayne Circuit Court, January term, 1943. Notice is hereby given that Dickinson Trust Company as Administrator of said estate, has filed its account and vouchers in final settlement of said estate, and that the same will come up for examination and final action of said Court on the 23rd day of March, 1943, in the Courthouse in Richmond, Indiana, at which time all heirs, legatees and creditors of said estate are required to appear in said Court and show cause. if any there be, why said account and vouchers should not be approved and said Administrator finally discharged from his trust; and all the heirs and legatees of said decedent and of said estate and all others interested, are also hereby required to appear in said Court at said time and place and make proof of their heirship or claim to any part of said estate. DICKINSON TRUST COMPANY, Administrator. Gardner, Jessup, Harrington Haworth, Attorney.
Feb.16-23. State of Indiana, Wayne County, Myrtle Rose Swindell vs. Jack Henry Edward Swindell. Wayne Circuit Court, January term, 1943. No.
31629. Petition for divorce. Be it known, that on the 8th day of February. 1943. the above named plaintiff.
by her attorney, filed in the office of the Clerk of the Wayne Circuit Court, her petition against said defendant for a divorce. Said plaintiff also filed with said complaint the affidavit of Mrs. Jewell Dillingham. a disinterested person, showing that said defendant is not a resident of this State, and also her own affidavit showing that her causes for divorce, as stated in her said petition, are abandonment. Said defendant is therefore hereby notified of the filing and pendency of such petition, and that unless he appears and answers or demurs thereto, on the calling of said cause on the 8th day of April.
1943, at the term of said Court to be begun and held at the Courthouse in the City of Richmond, on the first Monday of April, 1943, said cause will be beard and determined in his absence. Witness, the Clerk, and the Seal of said Court at the City of Richmond, this 8th day of February, 1943. KENDAL E. MATHEWS. Clerk.
David E. Hasemeier, Attorney for Plaintiff. Feb.9-16-23. Announcements Personals EVANS' JUSTICE OF THE PEACE OFFICE, 2nd floor American Trust Bldg. Marriages.
Notary Work. Phone 2054. Strayed, Lost, Found 10 LOST DOWNTOWN. MONDAY NIGHT Ladies' wrist watch, rose gold set with diamonds and 4 rubies. $25 reward for return to 131 S.
4th. Automotive Automobiles for Sale 11 1941 MERCURY COUPE Best condition. Radio, heater, defroster; five excellent tires. John Burrows, Ralston Purina Co. 39 PLYMOUTH DXE.
COACH 35,000 miles. Heater, defroster fan, 5 good tires. $450 Call 1333 Ratliff St. or Phone 42275. 1938 PLYMOUTH 4-DOOR sale.
Good condition: $350. Call 45339. '34 PONTIAC COACH- -Tires good for 30,000 miles; guaranteed A-1 condition: new battery, ignition, plugs, heater; good looking. $225. Ph.
4863. FOR SALE OR TRADE FUR LIVESAUCK -1937 Pontiac 2-door sedan. Extra good rubber. 1 mile south of Fountain City on 27. E.
G. McClish. FORD 1929 MODEL A COACH-5 good tires. $40. Vernie Kellams, Centerville.
LATE 1939 DODGE CAR- -Radio, heater, new battery, two new recaps. Owner called to Air Corps. Price $450. Phone 67885 116 S. W.
4th St. NASH 1941 4-DOOR SEDAN -Radio, neater, good tires. Phone 5754. NASH 4-DOOR SEDAN -Excellent condition. 4 A-1 tires and 1 new tire.
Bargain. 400 East Main Centerville, Ind. Auto Trucks 12 1941 TON CHEVROLET TRUCK- Stock rack and grain rack. All A-1 condition. 2201 Grand Connersville, Ind.
Phone 1013. GOOD 1936 INTERNATIONAL PICKUPGood tires, also good lime spreader. Roy Charles, near Chester. 'Phone 53912. PICKUP TRUCKS-1938 I.
H. ton wheel, dual wheels and combination grain and stock bed. 1937 V-8 one ton stake. 1939 Willys ton pickup. 1937 Plymouth 4-dr.
sedan. 1941 Chevrolet special de luxe 4-dr. sedan. Jack Johnson's Garage, Eaton, Ohio. Phone 424-Y.
Wanted--Automotive 17 WE PAY CASH FOR USED CARS. RHOADS. 1518 N. ST. Business Service Business Service Offered 18 SOLDIER BOYS Have your marriage certificate photographed.
50c up. Bertsch Blueprint Shop. 1. 0. 0.
F. Bldg. Ph. 2116. WE OVERHAUL AND SERVICE ALL makes of typewriters.
Call 1209. Flanagan Typewriter Co. IF YOU WANT TO GET YOUR PLOWING done early see Elmer Wissler, Abington. Centerville Phone 2556. DON'T WORRY WITH SINKS AND SEWERS.
PH. 63272. STEPHEN SHERROW, ELECTRIC EEL. Radio, Refrigeration Service A-18 GUARANTEED PROMPT tion, radio, household applicances serviced, modern equipment. Refrigeration and Radio Service.
Inc. 319 S. 6th. Ph. 3623.
FOX RADIO SERVICE PHONE 4676. 435 S. 5TH ST. Moving, Trucking, Storage 25 FOREST MONGER Moving, local, lung distance; storage, crating. All loads Insured.
519 N. D. Phones 2528-2608. G. E.
TAGGART Local, long distancemoving, storage. Agency for Greyvan Inc. 1100 S. 9th St. Phone 3690.
CECIL HILLING -Local and long-distance moving: all loads insured; modern equipment. 421 S. 11th St. Phone 1959. Professional Services 28 ACCOUNTING, AUDIT AND INCOME TAX.
A complete service or expert help for Individual or Business Returns. For app't and estimate Ph. 4863. Repairing and Refinishing 29 FURNITURE REPAIR SERVICE New upholstering. Charles Hotheinz, rear 217 S.
6th St. Phone 54075. Employment Help Wanted--Female 32 CAPABLE STENOGRAPHER for permanent position, basic food industry. State salary expected. Apply.
by letter. Write Box D-278 care Palladium-Item. EXPERIENCED BEAUTY OPERATOR for full or part time work. Merle's Beauty Shop, 1314 Main Phone 4349. EXPERIENCED BOOKKEEPER With good references.
Apply in person at Wayne Auto Supply 1013 Main. EXPERIENCED WAITRESS -NO Sunday work. Apply Bert's Grill, 908 Main St. GIRL FOR CASHIER AND GENERAL office work, also some typing. Shorthand not essential.
Answer in own hand writing. Post Office Box 202. GIRL OR WOMAN FOR GENERAL housework. Small family. Live in.
Apply 130 8. 11th. GOOD PAY CAN BE EARNED IN A private home! To a good cook and capable house worker we will pay well. Ph. 4907.
RESTAURANT HELP WANTED Good wages. Apply Mgr. Restaurant, Greyhound Bus Station. WAITRESS TO WORK FROM 11 A. M.
to 8 p. m. Apply 1224 E. Main, Sunday. Week days Main.
WAITRESS WANTED- -Miller Dairy Store, 1236 East Main. WAITRESS WANTED Over 21. Salary, meals and tips. No Sunday work. Cafe 39.
WANTED -Elderly woman preferably, to live with elderly couple in Greenfield, Ind. Light housework, wanted mostly as companion. Phone 62082 after 6 p. 1191 during day. WHEN THE WEEDING-OUT-TIME comes, will you be stranded? By making adequate preparation now, you'll be able to render a better service now and make yourself secure after things slow down.
Day or evening classes, also special-hour periods are available. Richmond Business College, Colonial Bldg. WOMAN FOR HOUSEWORK AND CARE of two children. Live in. Call 540 S.
6th before 2 p. m. Help Wanted -Male 33 AGGRESSIVE SALESMAN--By an AAA-1 sound and competent manufacturer who has an opening for a substantial man over 30 years old with a successful record as a creative salesman. Ambition--we want energy and promise, not reputation. Experience with our line is not a requirement, but preference will be given to salesmen who have had experience selling to manufacturing plants, public utilities, institutions, and schools.
Business abilityrarer than you think. We want a man with an eye on profit. Our representatives earn between $300 and $1,000 in commissions per month. Large inventory on government business insures unhampered operation. A 10-minute interview will convince a man with vision and foresight that this is the best selling line to be had.
Call. W. G. Smith, Leland Hotel on Wednesday. MARRIED MAN WITH SMALL FAMILY -To work by the month on stock farm.
Good living and working conditions. Richard H. Paul, Cambridge City, Ind. MEN OVER 38 YEARS OLD TO DRIVE busses of the Indiana Railroad over Richmond city lines. Must be able to pass thorough examination and furnish good references.
See James Alyea at the Bus Garage, West 5th and National Road. 9 a. m. to 3 p. m.
Employment 98c; sample grade white, Oats- -No. 1 white, No. 2, 621c; No. 3, 61c; sample grade white, 571 581c. Barley Malting, market, nominal; feed, nominal.
Rye--No. 2, 84c. Field seed per hundredweight, nominal. Timothy, alsike, $21.50 fancy red top, red clover, sweet clover, alfalfa, Produce Indianapolis INDIANAPOLIS. Eggs Country run, 31c a doz in cases weighing 54 lbs and off) delivered in Indianapolis; graded eggs, Indiana Grade large, 35c; medium, 33c; small, 25c; and no grade, 25c.
Poultry (Price delivered in Indianapolis) Hens Heavy breeds, 34 lbs and over, 26c lb; lbs and under, 23c; Leghorn, 23c; broilers, lbs and over, colored, 26c; Barred and White Rock, 27c; Leghorn, 22c; roasters, 4 lbs and over, colored, Barred and White Rock, 28c; stags, Leghorn, 21c; heavy breeds, 22c; old co*cks, 16c; (all No. 2 poultry 3c less). Butterfat Indianapolis buyers' prices No. 1, 46c; No. 2, 43c; butter, jobbers' selling price, No.
1, No. 2, quarters and halves, 1c more. Cincinnati CINCINNATI. Butter (tub lots) -Creamery as to score, 51c; butterfat, premium, 47c; regular, 45c. Eggs (crates included) Extra firsts, seconds, 34c; near-by ungraded, 35c.
Fowls--Colored, 53 lbs and over, 264c; colored, 4 to lbs, 261c; colored, under 4 lbs, 231c; Leghorn, 3 lbs and over, 231c; Leghorn, 4 lbs and over, 251c. lbs and over, 18c; under 51 lbs, Roosters Five and one-half 17c; stags under 53 lbs, 23c; 51 lbs and over, 25c; capons, 8 lbs and over, 37c; under 8 lbs, 36c; slips, 28c. Broilers, Rocks and colored, under 3 lbs, fryers, Rocks and colored, 3 to 51 lbs, 29c; roasters, Rocks and colored, 4 to 51 lbs, 32c; 51 lbs and over, 32c. Ducks Under 51 lbs, 191c; 53 lbs and over, Rabbits Domestic meat (young) white, 3 to 51 lbs, 25c; over 53 colored, 3 to 51 lbs, 20c; over 51 lbs, 15c; old, 10c; pigeons, old, $1.20 per doz. Geese-20c lb.
Guineas Young, all weights, 20c lb; old, all weights, 16c. Pigeons- Old, per doz, $1.20. Turkeys--Young hens, 18 lbs, young toms, under 18 lbs, 30c; young toms, 18 to 22 lbs, 30c; young toms, 22 lbs and over, 30c; old turkeys, under 18 lbs, 30c; old turkeys, 18 to 22 lbs, 25c; old turkeys, 22 lbs and over, 25c. Chicago CHICAGO. -(AP)- Butter- Receipts, 581,442 lbs; market, firm; prices as quoted by the Chicago Price Current are: creamery, 93 score AA, 461c; 92 score 46c; 90 score 458c; 89 score 408 centralized 88 cooking carlots grade, 452c.
44c; Eggs Receipts, 19,544 cases; market, firm; fresh graded, extra firsts, local, 36c; cars, 361c; firsts, local, cars, 352c; current receipts, 341c; dirties, 325c; checks, Live Poultry Receipts, 11 trucks; market, firm; hens, under lbs, 23c; lbs, 26c; over 52 lbs, 26c; Leghorns, under 4 lbs, 23c; 4-53 lbs, 26c; fryers, 3-4 lbs, colored, Plymouth Rocks, White Rocks, 281c; springs, lbs, colored, Plymouth Rock, White Rock, over 331c; broilers, under 3 lbs, colored, Plymouth Rock, White Rock, 27c; Leghorn chickens, 24c; roosters, 5 lbs down, 18c; over lbs, 19c; stags, 28c; ducks, 26c; geese, 25c; capons, 8 lbs up, 361c; under 8 lbs, Potatoes--Arrivals, 72 cars; on total U. S. shipments 496; old stock, supplies light, trading very light account of very light carlots offerings; market in confusion; new stock; supplies light, demand moderate, market slightly stronger for U. S. No.
Minnesota and North Dakota Cobblers U. S. No. 1, commercials, $2.90. New York NEW -ButterTwo days' receipts, 1,421,035 lbs; market, scarce.
(Maximum prices set by OPA for bulk butter in cartons. delivered New York.) Creamery, higher than 92 score and premium marks (AA), 471c; 92 score (A), 46c; 90 score (B), 461c; 89 score (C), 46c. Cheese Two days' receipts, 447,531 lbs; market, firm. Prices unchanged. State, whole milk flats, held, 1941, and 1942, Eggs- Two days' receipts, 761 cases; market, easier.
Mixed colors: fancy to extra fancy, 393c; extras, 371 38c; graded firsts, 371c; current receipts, 361c. Whites -Fancy to extra fancy, extra storage packed, 371c; specials, 37c; standards, 371c; fancy heavy mediums, mediums, 351c. Browns--Fancy to extra fancy, specials, 38c; standards, 371c; mediums, 351c. Fighter Inducted NEW Robinson, top Negro welterweight, was inducted into the army Tuesday. Beaten only once in 131 bouts as an amateur and professional, Robinson was given a sevenday furlough.
through" will permit him to go with his 10- round bout with Jack Lamotta in Detroit Friday night. Invited to Conference INDIANAPOLIS. (AP) Professional men and labor representatives interested in industrial health were invited to attend an Indiana industrial health conference here Thursday and Friday. The conference will be sponsored by the Indiana State Medical association. Prices of Wheat Forced Downward CHICAGO.
(AP) Fairly steady selling by commission houses in small Helots forced wheat future prices the previous close Tuesday. Some of the selling regarded as hedging. Rye also was offered at around the 85-cent level and prices in most cases gave up earlier gains. Receipts were: Wheat, 147 cars; corn, 652; oats, 33. Wheat closed cent lower to cent higher than Saturday's final levels, May July to corn was at the ceilings; oats unchanged to 1 cent up and rye a to 7 cent higher.
New York Stocks By Sherman J. Brown Stock Broker Dow-Jones Av. Tues. Industrials ............127.80 127.80 Rails 29.92 30.54 Utilities 17.03 17.12 Shares sold: previous, 619,000 Tues. Al Chem 1481 Am Can 81 818 Am Smelt 40 403 Am Tel Tel ....139 141g Am Tob 52 52 Anaconda 271 Atch 472 483 Aviation Corp 43 41 Borden Co 233 232 Ches Ohio 374 38 Chrysler Mot 731 731 Colum 3 3 Curtiss-Wright 8 8 Douglas Airc 621 63 Du de ...1433 1464 Eastman Kod 1521 Gen Elec 35 343 Gen Foods 374 Gen Mot 473 473 Goodrich 273 Goodyear 293 Gt No Ry pfd 243 25 Illinois Central 91 95 Int Harvest 603 613 Int Nick 331 332 Johns-Manville 76 762 Kennecott.
313 313 Kroger Grocery 26 254 Mont Ward 362 361 Nash Kelv 77 Nat Bis 184 Nat Dai Pro 164 Nat Steel 57 571 Central 13 135 Am Aviation 12 124 Northern Pac 92 Paramount Pict 185 188 Penn R. 26 263 Phillips Pet 47 473 Pure re Oil 138 137 Radio Corp 73 73 Repub Sti 163 Sears-Roebuck 641 643 Socony-Vac 113 12 Sou Pac 171 Std Brands 53 58 Std Oil Calif 333 Std Ind 31 31 Std Oil 503 51 Texas Corp 451 46 Tink Roll 30 Un Carbide 805 813 Rubber 313 Steel 525 West Un Tel 325 32g Westingh El 861 863 Woolworth 333 34 U. S. Government Bonds NEW -No bond sales. Today on the Home Front By James Marlow and George Zielke WASHINGTON.
(AP) Changes in eating habits, more home gardening and home canning are in the cards. The severity of canned goods rationing, the point schedule runs a lot higher than most people expected, in view of the previous announcement of an eight-point deduction for excess cans declared, coming at this time of year seems likely to spur the victory garden program and plans for home canning of fruits and vegetables. Changes in diet will be more pronounced, perhaps, when meat rationing starts, but some differences in eating habits are indicated immediately. No more punching open a can of tomato or grapefruit juice for breakfast every day less rushing home from a bridge game, ladies, to ready a meal by canopener in the few minutes before friend husband comes home from work. It is taken for granted that food rationing will an increase in eating, out.
However, restaurants be rationed, too, although OPA is leaving it up to them to figure out how to use the food supplies they get. Some Washington sources are wondering restaurant whether the number meals will increase to the point where further official control may be instituted. In England, restaurant meals are controlled through a ceiling on prices, and restrictions on the number of dishes which may be served in a meal. When meat rationing comes along, the shift to such unrationed foods as spaghetti (with a little meat going a long way), potatoes, bread, and cereals may cause the feminine contingent a few worries weight Then there's the question of developing a new etiquette for guests. Invitations in the future, might (bring be your marked own Y.
vegetables.) Offhand, it seems as though, unless there's trading among neighbors, small families will get less variety of rationed goods than families which can consume a whole can at one sitting. For housewives say there's apt to be less waste such foods, no throwing away of left-overs. The territory of China, including Manchuria, Mongolia and Tibet, covers more than a quarter of all Asia. survived by the husband, Roy Anders; one son, Paul Anders of Union City; one sister, Mrs. Oda Girton; one brother, Rolla Simmons; and two grandchildren.
Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock Wednesday afternoon at the Christian church of which she was a member. Rev. W. W. Wilson will officiate with burial in the Lisbon cemetery.
Friends may call at the home any time. Mrs. Roy Anders UNION CITY. Mrs. Ellen Viola Anders, 65 years old, wife of Roy Anders, 802 West Pearl street, died Monday at the Randolph County hospital in Winchester.
She was a native of this community and a member of the Christian church. Surviving her are the husband; one son, this city; a sister, Mrs. Oda Girton, and a brother, Rolla Simmons, both of this city, and two grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at 2 p. m.
in the Christian church with Rev. W. W. Wilson officiating. Burial will be made in the Lisbon cemetery.
Friends may call at the residence. Mrs. Viola Atkins Mrs. Viola Atkins, 89 years old, COLLEGE A CORNER, Ohio. died late Saturday night at the home Mrs.
Mabel Buck with whom she resided. Surviving are two nephews, John Wynn and Clem Abercronbie of Indianapolis; one niece, Mrs. Etta Foster; and one great-niece, Mrs. Ruth Thornburg of Cincinnati. Funeral services were held at 2 o'clock Tuesday afternoon at the I.
Miller Funeral home with Rev. T. B. Kelsey officiating. Burial was in the College Corner cemetery.
Mrs. Christena Petry GREENVILLE, Ohio. Funeral services for Mrs. Christena Petry, 88 years old, who died at her home, 719 Sweitzer street, Sunday morning, will be held at 10 a. Wednesday at the Miller Funeral Burial will be in the Hollansburg cemetery.
Rev. G. L. Wine will officiate. Two sons and two daughters survive.
Lew Price GREENVILLE, Ohio. Funeral services for Lew Price, 88. years old residing near here, who died Saturday night, will be held at the Greenville Church of the Brethren at 2 p. m. Wednesday.
Rev. G. L. Wine will officiate and burial will in Jefferson cemetery. The widow, Mrs.
Frances Wine, two sons and one daughter survive. Tillman F. Palsgrover GREENVILLE, Ohio. Funeral services for Tillman F. Palsgrover, 68 years old, who died at his home in Bradford Saturday night, were held Tuesday at 2:30 p.
m. at the Pilgrim Holiness church, Bradford. Rev. C. R.
Robison officiated and interment, was in Harris Creek widow, Mrs. Artie Palsgrover, three sons, and two daughters, survive. Mrs. Harry J. Niswonger GREENVILLE, Ohio, Mrs.
Mary Catherine Niswonger, 87. years old, widow of Harry J. Niswonger, Arcanum grain merchant, died Sunday at the Carter Rest home here. A brother, Winfield S. Rosser of this city and several nieces and nephews survive.
Funeral services were held Tuesday at 2 p. m. from the Stutz Sando Funeral Arcanum, in charge of Rev. Alvin' Ritts. Interment was in Abbottsville cemetery.
Asserts Mcnu*tt Lessens Confidence in Draft Setup WASHINGTON. (INS) Representative Kilday Tex.) charged in the house Tuesday that there has been "a continual loss of confidence" in the Selective Service administration since it was taken over by Manpower Chairman Paul V. Mcnu*tt. He termed Mcnu*tt "a bureaucrat with 'crack-down' complex of bureaucrats." Speaking his bill to place married men with children at the bottom of the draft list, overruling Mcnu*tt's induction orders, Kilday said: "No man between 18 and 45 can now be assured of his status and when it will be changed. This feeling of uncertainty, of itself, produces a very bad state of mind among our people.
"With the control of selective service in the hands of a bureaucrat. with all of the 'crack-down' complex of bureaucrats, this uncertainty becomes unbearable." Damages Awarded INDIANAPOLIS. (AP) A federal jury Monday awarded $1,050 to Robert B. Crowe of Columbus for 38 acres of Bartholomew county land, thus settling the final suit of 170 federal condemnation proceedings against owners of property now included in the Camp Atterbury area. Draft Evader Held INDIANAPOLIS.
(AP) Stephen William Kozaick, 45 years old, of East Chicago, was held under $1,000 bond Tuesday on a charge of failing to register for selective service. A native of Whiting, Kozacik was arrested by F. B. I. agents Monday.
Legal Advertisem*nt NOTICE is hereby given that Virgil John Jones has filed a petition in the Wayne Circuit Court to have the time and place of birth determined. Kendal E. Mathews, Clerk of the Wayne Circult Court. NOTICE is hereby given that Ruth McCormick has filed a petition in the Wayne Circuit Court to have the time and place of birth determined. Kendal E.
Mathews, Clerk of the Wayne Circuit Court. NOTICE is hereby given that Rachel Jean Sander has filed a petition in the Wayne Circuit Court to have the time and place of birth determined. Kendal E. Mathews, Clerk of the Wayne Circuit Court. NOTICE is hereby given that Virgil L.
Sheffer has filed a petition in the Wayne Circuit Court to have the time and place of birth determined. Kendal E. Mathews, Clerk of the Wayne Circuit Court. Situation Wanted--Couple A-37 ELDERLY COUPLE- -Wife good cook and housekeeper, for yard work, help in house. Box 'C-1011 Financial Business Opportunities 38 CIGAR STORE Doing good business.
Poor health reason for selling. Automobile taken in trade. See Wayne Mull, 422 Main. Phone 5754. MAIN SI.
RESTAURANT- -well equipped, doing good business. health for selling. Write 30x A-195 PalladiumItem. MODERN WELL EQUIPPED TWO BUY service station in of Richmond. High gallonage, selling more gas now than before rationing, Write Box D-277 care Palladium-Item.
Money to Loan--Mortgages 40 LOANS UN PERSUNAL PROPERTY 10 $300. Convenient repayment plan. First Security Co. 307 Colonial Bldg. Ph.
5154. FURNITURE. CAR, LIVESTOCK LUANS up to $300. Leavell Bates, 205-6 Reed Bldg. Phone 1834.
Instruction Correspondence Courses 42 PREPARE FOR NATIONAL DEFENSE work through I. C. S. APPROVED home study. For particulars address I.
C. S. Post Office Box 179, Richmond or Phone 2526. Livestock Dogs, Cats, Other Pets 47 SELLING FULL BLOODED FEMALE Pointer Bird pup 3 months old. Call 21 S.
5th, about 5:30. Horses, Cattle, Vehicles 48 DEAD STOCK WANTED PHONE RICHMOND 53814 Lynn 7 on 262. Reverse Charges. C. H.
KNIGHT. Agt. Branch Stadler Products. BLACK ANGUS COW, second calf by side; Jersey cow, third calf by side; corn binder, will sell or trade for cow. 3.
miles southwest of West Manchester. Rudolph Michael. GRAY MARE 6 years old, weight 1,850, in foal. 2 mule colts, 1 year old, 1 coming 2 years old. R.
E. Straker, New Paris, Ohio. mile north of Braffettsville. HAMPSHIRE SOW AND 5 REAL PIGSPhone 59611. LIVESTOCK IS INSURED AGAINST crippling, death, or any accident in transit.
Livestock community sales not insured. Glen Miller Union Stockyards. ONE 6-YEAR-OLD BAY MARE; ONE 10- year-old sorrel horse; 1 gray horse; 2 fresh cows; two red gilts, pigs in March. Lorin Hill, north of Richmond on Arba Pike. SCOTCH SHORTHORN BULL -Registered son of Helfred Goldenrod, our great red sire.
Dam granddaughter of Browndale Pilot. Dark roan, 17 months, ready for heavy service. Also younger calves. Edith M. Miller, Raphoe Farms, New Paris, Ohio.
SPRINGER GUERNSEY HEIFERS FOR sale. 7 miles north of New Paris, Ohio, R. H. Rhodes. TEAM OF REGISTERED PERCHERON 8-year-old brood mares.
Extra good. Priced reasonable. 7 individual hog houses, in good shape. Cloverleaf manure spreader. Frank Crull, miles northeast of Williamsburg.
DEAD STOCK WANTED of all kinds. We remove horses, cattie, sheep, and hogs. We pay phone charges and guarantee prompt removal. RICHMOND ...1710 LIBERTY 480 CENTERVILLE ..2451 BAUSBACK FERTILIZER INC. Poultry and Supplies 49 OIL BROODER STOVE, 500-CHICK CApacity.
Mfg. by Oaker Co. Practically' new. Mrs. Carl Kitchel, Liberty, R.
3. QUALITY CHICKS AND BROAD breasted Bronze turkey poults. Order early. Eaton Electric Hatchery. Eaton, Ohio.
Wanted -Livestock 50 FAT HUGS AND FEEDERS: FRESH COWS and springers. Frank Hodgin, 501 W. Main. Phone 59415. Merchandise Articles for Sale 51 CASH FOR YOUR OLD RECORDS Whole or broken.
Buy your new records in THE RECORD SHOP. 1008 Main. (Kring.) ONE FARROWING HOUSE one season. $20. Call 331 Lincoln St.
Phone 67133. SEAT COVERS Guaranteed fit coach or sedan. $5.75. Goodyear Service Store, S. 8th and A Sts.
Phone 6115. Building Materials 53 SAVE CRITICAL MATERIALS USE CONCRETE BLOCKS SHUTE CONCRETE PRODUCTS. Ph. 3250 Farm Equipment A-55 32-INCH AUBER GRAIN SEPARATOR and 40-62 tractor. No.
9 Burdsell clover huller, all in good condition. Splendid outfit for threshing ring. James Wilson, Centerville, Ind. Fuel, Feed, Fertilizer 56 GOOD 16-IN. WOOD- -Address Miles Shute, R.
3, east on Garwood for appointment. Cleaner than coal. SEVERAL TON ALFALFA HAY miles northwest Williamsburg. Archibald Brooks. WAYNE COUNTY HOG SUPPLEMENT feed.
protein, $65 per ton. Farm Bureau Co-Op. Phone 4986. Household Goods 59 May July Sept. May July Sept.
Dec. May July Sept. May July Sept. Dec. 4 COAL PARLOR HEATERS.
PHS. 4677. RES. 2651. PAIR TWIN BEDS, 8.3x10.6 RUG with pad.
WOODWORKERS AND FINISHERS- Ap- DOUBLE WARDROBES- -Walnut or maple ply in person Williams Furniture Co. finish, $18.95. Help- Male and Female 34 FULL OR PART TIME Age limit, 17 up; average 80c per hour or better, according to ability. Must be neat. No bond or birth certificate required.
Apply 341 S. W. 5th, 8-9 a. m. or 6-7 p.
m. Situations Wanted- Female 36 WORK BY DAY -Phone Wednesday, 1072. 2-PC. VELOUR LIVING ROOM SUITE, $29.95. KITCHEN CABINETS, kneehole desks, and dining suites, reasonably priced, ROMEY OUTLET STORE.
408 N. 8TH ST. PHONE 2555. PYROFAX GAS SERVICE Nationally known, locally distributed only by CAIN'S HOME APPLIANCES, 8 8. 7th.