The Advertiser from Adelaide, South Australia, Australia (2024)

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The Advertiseri

Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

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8 THE EAST MELBOURNE spemal nnBmrr TKANsmXTINEXTAL THE SPORTS EDITION im it from Rri 1 lb' had ll ll Weightral tn th prcsviit rnv ELECTION IJA ILWAY development ut THE HOUSEWIE'S RIEND 4 1 i Ural and THE EDER LION PUBLISHK) had THURSDAY SHIPPING NEWS tortiscr Racked in Net Weight Tin ft owler Ud read bn Au i bid httfldn Ur 'OVlIt line from niond rnsid tltefl hundred South PAKLWIENT HOUSE same da Out rrinrinaiitv we find tint on December Krv 19L1 then wen 1 being 90 fwcrhtu SPECIAL ADVERTIsem*nTS 0 THE WBLTC AND THE TELEPHONE A tiraonlmg to which his age must have hen rtri tie the 4 the THE WAIHI STRIKE paper a heirloom STEVENSON BROS intake October A demonst: October October for IV THE DISPUTED BOUN DARY October 2 October October 1 often 0 ANGLICANS AND DIVORCE mt vile PERSONAL WOULD NOT MARRY THE GIRI A ICKLE SHIP OICER GENERAL NEWS THE BUILDING TRADE nr part of the Commonwealth Gibor Pi Id rumfort LAUNCESTON SHOW i 2 THE SOUTH RAILWAY THE TEMPERANCE AND MR ittirm Whree part mg i4 do tmre THE TRAMWAY CASE and isher urota Orsxi LI ill gvraphr id r'ad hie in that (Merced bv bn krone oxter and br'dc tn biw puttlkdunic A RAILWAY SMASH 3 TUGS AVAK and ItttAia mWazri eL the THE SATURDAY 3 THl BOBtailGti UND MOST POPULAR fl luum best ujion ly the promoters dent to produce criopncuTW to fLaxa gL bKtik wide KBOLXHQ aUBNfiPAl'Aik Id win the nxnofrry ktajinj 0 1 sk Zealand KLUt'K GILBERT and MARSHAU October I ii pm ov eland to Sydney tbeace pre Mimian HONGKONG WAX and IL AND A Tina tty tiiey Uh hue inniiiiuur 'mi tin a nibri1ge I'nrv rsuv jysm a MBtRTtM tlitS I hev nni in that war i get at Im? truth 3330 3072 the Darki of Salomon tlirongh ti ivT Dentist Bowman Bldg late of WA T2neow31'l NOW ON SALE PRICE 4d cub Iv in the Ntabtn feoooJc tion It wn ia in nt a block of IS a res 11 Bel fa ituatod a xtone rwidenre rd room tin ro wa nn bidding and the projaTi reserved for private mk Trie pro of Smeaton doni but that is nvl yil a eiim ln the tm rinirmr th lend the H'ur A si uiitb WORK RESUMED APTER TWEHT WEEKA tlr 3 1 pm rBfi tcmd leiim 3 pin late' fee letter efoM al GPO mi vuy ation 4T pm Bnt 'midst I hr changmi na of Id Onr rtariimr nm foctfut a tol bv hir lortnz mrmts bcnChcr and Rates of Postage tor THIS WEE3C Hnrli CoriuniRUoncr in ia nd'ni lu idl oni tun wU BAKING POWDEBi fu'Didit trow a Imihc tile Loyer uuMpiw it There wtdd lw ofijiosrteiu to how much he enjoyed lisU mtnc to his et1 leatrue's spxvhes Liiunet Al iiiiurs a a rule either praise or blame thi ir Summer lltik Id: eb dr nee Afimt Gambier William Cole dearly ts loved husband of itebekah Lillian Webb aged 52 Mails for England Close To sorrow: or Letters 9 am Papers And Registered Letters 8 a nt mu ive Din at hast 72: and quite a number of ldsual aixiut 30 vrar cf age rr arrnd with japers relnt Mindina U'KMCX VKW GIINEA AUSTLUAa CARO tlV MAKIASXE ml 'A This day ItTO pm overland to Sydney ifieire rr Germania fViWL ilK hcr 3 pm overland to Swtaey Dr ooter of Prospect had a queer erperit nee on Wednesday Been swarmed on his two storied house and the queen entered an arriiriek between the lower rooms and the first The other bev followed uad set up housekeeping An auction of a quantity of second hand and new building material will be otfer this afiernnon at 2 "'clock by Misrs Iohjitwi i ompiny on the pre vnnttiA sni mhth itd TAeK i "is uv linurne Mail Hose al 4 no funds available fur luivniri under th Mali Dank Act and tic Advances fur Jlonw a Ait Hid that a Urge numtuT of borrow were greatly iueunwuii ncid thereby and what 'lops the Tn usurer pro buyers lkcd to Live Ijih bug stitiifded They Wunr snhs ill the big vuXns It is st it! tint ise i well pk nsed with lUengiu s' iidnitne traxion cf the Ibmu 'ifar Department when le? was in Vest Australia some months ago ri' nds an pqsTS wh have applied for aihms into tori within the last MR DARBY Dentist Msy be Consulted Personally at King William street tran 9 am till 6 isv In knrng memory of my dear touand and (at bo Cbri A Marks who died at Ratm dort OlotxT 19t(L We ixw know otzr dear wnrtfe Vor infcwd the love he eave ttil withtE the loirlv cur bins whuJi bun vague auTidi Uh exprtwd ID pulite TTW J'hel no mntiat Mr Birtter utranutiiuuiuu the real ground of South Auetmliun that I'metlivei so obvimi the wrong ud at wi)u eflart die axi strucUuti of Liu: nonh MJuAh railway Dru it is nuaotnHt' to infer tbe t'ostpon'inettt Irv the ederal Jovernnu rl of the nuialiiieniun whether or not the work in i ii south should begin at OtlnuiaAXa In shoEt the Ckmunonwoalth kveniniit will DOI 0m by Mr iiard rexinvd 'hr rhcutrwd Managn' Vxw iaXion on Wedomfay afUrrmo fur the fuir Is' vt uudrmg a prikenLition to Mr A II Streptianl Us manager oi tbe Klop's wla will lenv (o vhv for Mei toin to take Lirge of hm turn's Isa tlCRXSEn LAND BROKm CTRRII Propertim fol Bait Money to Lend cmtrtnpJaU tilicrl iddre si'd the following letter to 1 1 Prime Minister upon a suojeet which hi inm 'i fore th House of A ap eoflrts hen lDrtri by tri loving wn and Titli In loving mmrory our dwting May wt died icof 1W Rie i tals of bcavvn blow softly A ARRIATOk October tawom 1 bit Mills from Aewrast2 nd owler rrt Juno Mb Grit McKsy Port Anetnt Kiatorr IIS 0 Hcycn Bcarhport Kaaowna 4876 ftariU from Western trail A L'JLX Coy ngrnt COUNCIL ACTION The Attorney General (Hon Hom bnrjri in the House of Assembly on Wed nt'jl iv told Mr Den try that when he was in Mellsiurne a few days ago Dr Richard bad atti nkd to rtaio frrouihticu before the ibvistrar of the High Court in con neeiion wm the voanril apfieal in Ute disputed Ixmndarv tase The Govern ment were attempting to push on th siring of the eis but be did not know on what date it would be Mr Denuv iitrg the ffltttrr no further eoucemcd the High Coort the Attorney General could give some idea when the case would be down for hear ing and wiiat wa tiie cause of tlic extra ordinary dcl iv He would like hon mem Ia to recollect that a large area of disputed territory was eiwuenutl which would not be occupied nnnl Die wa decided Mr Homburgjd every member of the House seized uf the value of the land which was in dispute If Mr Inny wished to know exuetly the catiscs of de lay he would be glad to get mformatiim trorn the (iwn Solicitor MEN VTIO SAY THEY WERE ARAID Brisbane October 2 The taking of evidence commission in tiou witli the tramway ease was rrs univd to day Mr Higgins said he had received a kgram from the Registrar of the Common weaiUi Arbitration Court stat ing that an order had been granted permit ting the Tramway bmcrintirin to substitute three names for three others to be called by Mr Warton Evident was then giwn by Means William Bren nan II Ward and another who were called by Mt Warton to prove that they re igned from the Tramway Employ' Ju Lation through fear that if they did not du they would be diwnimed by the Bj bane Tramway Company nceti tieknl nn bill "nmiiiing Pen sion eliildren until tlu are mure than cars uf ag' The pro post! it i asserted has brought a storm of firout from al sthuvcs and "is ft cun ningly devisrd schcuit uf the militant ui fragrtU get votes for women ii the ith rluiiming iusouci had mp 1 la'ii ik'i buUli uunk nnMiy buy wis referred i mitiic( wheat olin ft ra? JtevwarriM tt 2 in Bciirfcr 3 ft 8 ml: Ixwift ft ft 9 in Tllpa 6 ft in Wileaimia ft ft ft Mrairffr ft 1 in Pooncarie Mt Mtrnftr VSaiwuith 1 ft: AJbun ft lu in 0 ft 2 in: KaMow 16 ft 8 in: Over kad CMmerKjft in Mamt fu 11 in crcatisl and to yonr piomisc that the hili for tlie throrigh ime will If dealt with withont onnasomiMe The has received the following letter fnim the Minister: "In continuum of tuv letter her f) acknowledging your of tin 6th on th snbj'il of the Xertlwrn Territory rail wry I should lx glad if you would pern tin reports uf Du proceeding! in lit IlmiM of Representatives which will ac ciiaint you with th details of th pro posal and show yun how little ground there i for the uggstion that the right Smith Au lrdia in rtsped to the tritu rontinental railway line arc in any way Eoprtrdised This Govcmna nt 'nave ulw ivs en under tiie impression that a cotitinua lirni of the line from Pine Crw'k to the Kathrinc Hirer was an essential jwrt of any railway which aught be constructed in accordauev with the terms of Uie agree ment on which the transfer of the Nor thern Territorv was effvtcd and it is somewhat surprising to find that when the Government take practical steps to carry out pnrt of the trams ontinental railway any pople South Aostralia should be come apprehensive 1 see no ground on which should be asked to allay fear which have been raised without tounda Dun If your Government and the people of South Australia are not fatistied that the Commonwealth win honorably perform die obligations they have entered into which were contracted by one Government and endorsed by its snvesor 1 do not see that any assurance that I might give would 1 make any difference I observe ynur fur ther request that I should confirm the pro mise which I am said to have ewie to the effect that a Bill for the through Jioe wiU be dealt without unreasonable delay Any Cromise 1 liaw made you may conmder a inding No reiteration or comurnatlon will make it any I he Pmp nuio' wite mrinot sufel) tnit in xliiicil sir? tin Patrot "It must aJways tniX lh people Tin fitly eAivptimi we would moke would be in tn vvi nt of a reionn Parlkimentary Mr Malley ha sotii ncivi in tlti re lied a Hit) uf this kind im etinc with ndy ac'ptam tul tiiiuugli line from Pine to tkxlnudtilta not even tni'ii WORlifNG WITH NON UNIONISTS Sydney Ckrtober 2 Tiie alliance between unions connected with the building trade has been rvrKn sibL fur the concentration of their atten tion uKm the matter of employment uf iHn unionrrt in ttee trade The executive4 the LAorera Union calling a lctaj niceung to deal 'with the ques tion Bcccntlv the det' rmination of the 1 lasfcrcrs iud others not to work withnn who are not members of unions in the uNianee has ld to tronnl" 8nd iindcrr Uxxi that the bodies concerned aimit united action in anv case in which they derkte to refuse to work alongside a nun men ist THE ALLIANCE OPTICIANS R( tXDLE Nnt ET invite vor to viut vugiiitkvnt new Sicht tenis? Rooms Latad modem equipment ing und aMre free MAIL STEAM nt' The RMjS Orvirto is evtwei rive at the Miituf Harbor from Ircmanth ui no rovnsun made in the Kstimati for completing the structure Was it the in'i ntimi of the Government to pay for the work out loan or to delay it for eome Aurrinad October 2 The Waihi mine remaned to day after 20 weeks itflraeM and 1SB teen of all ranks in addition to IX employed in the electric power works are at work Mr Rhodes states that the pent ion is satin factory He says he has disproved Mr aaeertion that he would be tin able to man the mine The federationiste made a big demonstra tion to day when abovft SOO gathered in the vicinity of the mine The gathering was largely composed ot wmnen and girb i They carried the banner of the federation with mottoes There was much booting but otherwise there was Order A large 1 police force present and there was nu I attempt at violence j3ke federation a sert that there are no deserters from their ranks and deny that enough labor ha bem srenred to work the mine There are indications of a steady incresM in thr amber oi workers af lricbtcr and JLiry Kslb rine (Katie) wbo died at Dale alm Port AUriaMk thtutx 3 JW1 RJP We often think of isy pw bj KTien wr wrie all togrtber AUdow o'er our life vast 4 dear one gone for ever by her kwiar mother alAer brothm hrMber Lti fiw and suter in hw it cwiiihitlKti: Kff' Hill uiu coH aovtt iu st sol iiiitfi a BURMEISTER CO ARCADE traliu ie that of the mamttmth chai JM in tiie Pubbe School' concert utite rxhiotnon Every lawn ami grinl nn rstxttr Heavy Might Mr Win pear's Koyal I Mr (' Grubb' Hotiotv 2: hunter A BIRTHS Oi die )M Ckirbrr ai "hrnn'T Ruhe' Dtafm Arret Woi Tlindmazsh tn Mr and fttri Waller ann Rl RROUS (nrc Avis On the OC th fieptroilicr at rrivsli Hospital Wol loiuronz NAW to Mr and Mr Kdnr Bur THE ADVEKTTSER ADELAIDE THTRSBAY OCTOBETl 3 ADELAIDE: THURSDAY mnwiR brother (Ted) A Murrtu lati of Moray Rridgi who ued at A Jrtaide OlzKier 3 ItflU Drarrat Ted tbno has left ut We thy has most Keenly 'it Rut lei thia Irtllc totrn teP MIXED POIJTICS illustration of how the politics Mr A Dugan of Ghnrfa w1h served Xa trouixfr with the Imperial ijgfrt Horse during the Smith Airiain vvir ud vvu tin recipient of a uivdul for taking (met itt the ciinpiugii hir been granted an tdli clapp bv the British War Office ix euguition uf btr service Mr II McIntosh whu recently pjr liavd the Uicutrieiil eritcrpresi 'i tiaht carried on by the late Mr II Kirkard arrived in Adelaide by the ex prcs on ednesday morning Mr Howard chairman rf directorsf th Broken Hill Suih (kimpan re turned to Adelaide on WodnoJjv from a trip Great Bntiun Europe and Atnc nra Jlr wn uwmpinied bv Mr Howard and leaving Adekud lat March Ii h1 a good liolidav on th Continent England and on the ntsrn jonrmy ii thv sited State and Cimda Mr Iiui Walter ha been airotntl a iunibT of lh Miulatoii hmd Board of Advice MuuTrted txini iahli Gib leu benipnuinted luibtl of th Port Broughtoa laxvd Court vice Watson resigned The rejegnatwn if Mr Willhm Thiw kiu of Guilder an a tm dto of the pea Las been arorjitrtL The Riv D'NcilJ ha ao pmt'd a member of th council of the Gaoler Sciiuoi of MU JU iwvu filtm to connert thiiu with ilw line and will probably viit the child en which took Previcni dv arkmrledged Kyrnipsthv "THE fTIKiANlC'L' 'The which is published tn ilny one niure make available fr 1 many thousand of reader a splcnd'd Uid gi't of information and a tine olc tjon of excellent picture The openiiu pace itiuxtraDon tli' anix inince of the tand at the Hunt Club 'Ini Quite a mutiixr of Jv tncir smart 10111'110 are evident tli it in Adelaide and rnuiy HJDITING THE VICTORIAN ydney Octtier 2 Tormwrow vrming the Xlflno tug of war I only gone before hwrvd by her krone ftttbrr bmIwt ami sir rol Harvey Myrtle nose wlvc others iavored mng from the tertninatmn Peal railway in the hundred in a sAiitt eatery direction hundred o' Kollv and Jamr )c oniniison have received a reqtic UatoS8EwA33 THE SYDNEY 0BHX3S TO BOY UABOR Sydney October 2 The question of the employment of boy labor in tint building trade just now oo cupie a prominent pliu among the activi tics ut llie ederation At 1 special meeting of the New South Wat brtMMJi to dav the matter wu dwtiMed iu connection with a report upon £he wnge 4 Ixiud award rixcntly issued Adelaide The board made provision for an unlimited nuudu of and the fideration has decided tu resist Io the Utmost ihe in troduction cf bo? labor The branch agreed with this policy and the president oi the federation (Mr Millard) uid Uiir morning that wlwaever boy labor intro duced trouble wiD arise timber yard An advertisem*nt to th effect should "nave appeared in Ad on Wednesday but uua nadver tenl 'y omitted The Eistern Extension Telegraph Com pane reports that the latest iricgram from Adelaide which arrived London up to in a in on October 2 was timed 3A pm on tiie same dav The time occupied iu transit was 1 hour ao minutes Stallcv Cn Norwood Men's elt Hats grand value ut 3 17 Min's Suits IOm Ties Hat 211 Paterson Bros 2JM Rundl Norwood Riverton Magill Mr 1 Lavbournc Smith MACLD Sur geon the mj uewa voutd bow tbeci a point yrhftaft ittiw cnupffi Jtaa haa on the rorrespundinq date of when the population of tin State did not ex ceed Put it is nM newssnr Li 100U horsrpowcr average and 11 turesqne view of the Millbrook Gprgc where th: embankment is i Im built the rouge weir on the Torrens th Chain of lomri which are to be obliterated ana tnc ite nt tiie pnjxis'J tunml There i a iorfcrait of Emery of ('antnbelltown Hunting in Rome is the subject of three photographs namelv a meet of cxhound in the kip rnal City Italian officers awaiting tiie" hunters and some of the hores lliat participnti'd in the ron A very nrctfv stidv is that of a cupiuir waterfall in the Hindmarsh Valley near Victor llaihor and th'Te is a photograpu of a flower 14 ft long in the garden of Mr Wickham Kensington Ihirk All tiie other popular feature of are also preeynt OTHER SALVES 4 OINTMENTSHAVE? CURED HUNDREDS SALVE I Nd ILLLO y'U tin right of Nulh Australia in re sMt i of tiii railway and while acknow ledging vour reassuring reply of April I 1912 I feel called uiKin to ask you to al Talala October Cecilia Port BEER IXTITII IS IN WHEAT IMG A rood of AntralM nn misrepresented alrnai by uninformed critira is given by an article in an influential New i urk daily fMper which has rtwhed the Prime MtniH siys rhe Introduced with six lieuling tne nrtidc deal with tin Mnt' rnity Aliowuncv Bill and starts uff with the incorrect statement that it has tiromire through Un d'lt with witiiont iinr 4MD aid Mr isher in hi latest om on peik of thi "the timi uh aid ii have made" but llulwa) (''iinn' ioii ret Drtd Adelaide dt' i visiting ivvi'II antind traversing the hundred i lat Maiignln Miltahe Min lord and iiwi'll in eonnecton reque fir a roluay iW'vti mk tadwtv Cowi'll and Aino Luincnrinn (t tober 2 'Hu show was continued to day in bright wntluT Lui a strung Aind prevailed The iitUndauce was large Ttie judging was concluded Uie principal rectun being uon tv Tin vhampiuutUiip for nlalliotis open aii in the yard was won by Mr imported Mr 1 nwer'n The Gneral gaining the reserve hampionsiiip Tins well known due Chamberlain did nut a plaje Other award were: Stallion over three Mr O'Griuly' Contraband Msra rem A 2 on' Brercum Gold mith Tas uianiiin brtvl The II sigett' tate's Roya Ben I Bull Call 2 Stallion three years Mr Tie Gen eral 1: Mt I A Goutchei's Mack Shep herd 2 oil wo yi ar "Mr IL Ranson' Piea ant Mr Burrow's I aLc Hope 2 Dray Mr Oppenheim's estate illy tliree years Mr Bcavcndzr illy two Mr Oppenheim's estate Yearling Mr OpiM tihiuni estate Tliorougnbied stadkin Mr A O'Connor's Clansman I and champion Mr (' Taylor' War cong 2: Mr Robinson' Gaiileon 3 Pony stallira under 14 hambi Mr 'U Cox' Huiutleroy Pony stuiijou under 13 hands Mr Hero Trotting sta BIRTHS RIH AUES AM" DEATHS Antoim eTnent under this Iieidmv must be uiUitnticalcd by the name and address at the sender and are imrrtrd in AihrertExpnv" and ata charge ot Too Stillings and Sixpence each when not reeding ftvj Itmi over five lines Sixpence per line lor Meib 'iirn Hi KM nt th Harbor from Mdlvonrne at fl a to emwrow and will leave for rirnit o' 1 pm the aim day Sn eiii tram will leave North terrace st liioii In fir a tin statistic of pr population tu New twnith ales a exit iii the report foe 1911 tin Gi'ncral reflr 1 a cmnliuon common Australia a a whole afford ground for gratification A Suru the total number of pron in been gradually detreaing past although the number inluib: i conUnuallv imTcasing In ptilation of Now tuh Wal' and there were 207441 gaol entri' while kist vear with a pouiaUn rt' lSTiOfW tin gaol oniric totalled mile 9532 If the number person in con finement on the lat day of I he year taken i an indication of the amount 'i' MR HIIER ASKED TO ALUY PICTURES THIS WEEK Umvcrsdyi Mr A I la grows i vvrnirmnt Aftalvsti Dr lofrnn and Akrr JU Grurdn grcKsri Ldin hite (riirnnst ami druggist) and' lkiu Wdleuas taiTOled wax luanufvturer) THE INVENTOR op COLD XPWIAG A if ciit ruble message stMod the bmd'W powinir terms that tin inventor uf rofd storau Charier TeUier is living ladcvove at Antruil utxir hr and that a sulxTTpUou ha been opened hi lull iiiiv I UiLxti fur granted IMW orna uondeut tu the "Sydney Ifatfv Tokgrairff "i thit the men metuiou Uie v4 ran i riven Lor's mxsaUM should bi suf fiuivlrt tu '11111' hl wed 5ng lor the rv Uuad'r lue day Tester's aesocaajion wftli tire art and lmns of rringreaUuniaL lunik about uni's though ft war net 'tn'til IMJi that he nade hits find at tirnpt rt lui'i'iug frvu'n iiu it from houth Amenia to Prance It was not a em succts but Iwttcr fortune eltmdnt UtellKBaKJlXa ard in ICT a re rf tinphiMi vU Poit Aieiaide uhsreizur coal lan MaiEw'in t'owan ftnin remaniJe Amtralian Ld Conipanv agrnif itocaliiir icntratftv) Cycle 37 irth from Nrweswle Howard Smitn asenta (Pi siianting coal) Iriah Monarch itHH Potter from Jugrt flotind Ge Wit) A Co agents (Dwfrargiag Umber) Ijrmnerno SJDI) HurrOl from XewcMtie Adku te kS Co agents 1 1 UHcbanring coal Paiermo ogueon front Sydney EMrr Smith A Co agrtitt (leading ore) Pret lanroin (now) 1 tCfrintou tnvn Sydney EMvr Snnth ft Co agent (Lowl inir rend nuvu Tysla 2K7') Hanrrn from Svtfney 4 trtlian Metal Companv aertn (landing ron rales) Hhakatam K46 Rarnrt from Welling ton snow ageiil (Reloading suKgimaus) AT WVLLAROO Windaer Park Drvvtad from Huelva via Semaphore Geo Wilk ft Co agent (Dia eharging prrite AT PORT 1XNC0LN Oreby Hall Wllnn frreu Mle tvroush Crlv ft Cn agents (Disctwrg AD'ANCE UR HOME the ilou ul' Assembly VVcdno" iifterti'iun Mr Dcnuy uki wiiv ilier BISHOP KILEY EXPLAINS Ifertfa October 2 Binhop Ritey in opemng the fourteenth Synod of the Anglican (Snrrch made th fol lowing remark concerning the Divorce Amendment Act Darocd btft etsaon: "It is quite dear that there is only one cause for which a divorce should nr granted and that is adultery and even that is denied bv a very large number of chnrrhmen It is therefore positively for bidden for any deryyinnn in tbe diocese to marry anyone who has been divorced for any reason other than that of adultery and even if that is the reason of divorce the guilty party cannot be married in church Tioe is a difference of opinion aiming bishops and dergy with reference to the remarriage of the innoeenc party It is outkmaJ with the clergy either to celebrate or not to celebrate a marriage in that PttOJECTED DEPARTUR3 (or week wdng October 6) Bor teJuu Anollahire October 4 ftewber 4 i or Eartrra Ctai Ogilvy kt'er 3 (Newcale): Kanesms October 3 Are October ft: Orvirto October 5: Ririrfrld October 5 about re Vertera Wanjda tkyober EMXS DTE AT PORT ADHA1DE (itf week ending October 4) Am frats Edithborgh (rida) Anrrley from Puget Round (today) Hrlre tram Soothpvn Tam4uu td ilv) Heltopolm from New York (to day) Tru banpeetUte frm Oakwood (daily) Mrewt from sastren Matra (ridav) Mngsw from ewtera Matra (itrlay) OxM from Mitera ftutea (riday) Orvieto from (altmisyi Pestavar from London (Sunday) Wairih td from New York (Ja'lt) 'World from rertrra Stales (ridav) Tarea from Sow (Saturday) OOD AND IHU(IS rr TV Exct utiio i'utnml nn Vdnnfrtv mrpomvd tin h'Uowins udvrewy ommr tre inrl' tin l'j mid Drugs Dr Riuteciiy Smith Juiirtusui of the (' trd ikini eft Heidthl The Premier I Hon A Peake) said the Government intended to consult both lloue "ti the OLitu aw ite magnitude warranted 'Pier wouM table a resolution in each Chamber und if th it were ap proved a sum Would ba included in the Loan Estimate Mr Jackson When will you bring down a retohition? Mr Peake Some tine this aewiod Mr Vaughan Was the present Parlia ment llonse paid fur oct of loan? Mr cannoft say I hardly think the expenditure which this building jiixr uutati would haw been paid out of rnriiur Mr the resolution is agreed to will the work be paid for from loan' money or win that not necrinirily be th care? Air Peake aid the work 'probably would be paid lor out of loan money beeaiiM they could not pledge the revetrae of the State for a MuertwioD of years to such an extent If it were paid for oat of revenue ourpltires those surphmes would not go to tbe reduction of the debt as was provided for by the 1906 Act so it would realte make do difference On the 26th September at hi father'' rraidcrro Clan nden SA William the Ariy belovrd husinvl off Marita Ikirl rin ElMow Yrorrnga Victoria aged yearn On the 30th September Edna bra 1 wcd ore rtf Mt and Mr Wilson of West Ticbdrtou arol 33 mentta "A hute Uud io bloom in beavc On the Sri September at Bummock Hill A Walls aged 72 year On the 2nd October at Bakrarell road Sl ra ame Warion Bannitrr relies of Uie late Henry Bannister aaed 64 rear MEWOdLAM Tn loving mnembersnee of our dear wife and mother wb died at Jagoe strret Semaphore Oitober 4nrtd by her loving hiu twaid and children A Gill WARD fn loving memorv of Bridget Marian dearly beloved wife of CeSer Ward of PitJiaroo who died October 1911 Remairroat in tuare Inserted bv her loving buftmxl acts sari daugh lo iiud similar furuiui in Victoria MARRIAGES GREGORY On thr 12rh Srpuniber at St Jude's Brigiiron by the Rw A rungliam Robert ILpi only on rtf 1 Thon Sturt to Jemima Mildred yonngcsi daughter at lat Robert and Jemima (Uegori Brighton k' 4ii'wt1ITH tu fn the (th geutl'lllxr £9 la LG U'nl raWirvi hl fhft RfV ather Drvine Walter 'hn third cldrat son of A Kaiser rtf stepney to Lta Mary only ilau rbu Joerph Yittau al Hers Serra Ade laide On (tie August at 8 Theodore's hurtA Roe Park be the Rre Kina William Churirs Gabbs onlv ecm of Glenelg to Elsie EiUh eecoad daughter George Pavnr ITosuect On the Ind Oetotrr Clive Harald dearly loved son of A and Hill Vine su Prospect in bis luh year On the 1st OcstKer the raidrero eon Mr uge Marill roa 1 Nirvocd Robert are late of ikra ft wwced be low 1 husband of Esther oge ref to leaving 4 cbilcirt '2 gramk bildreo recat srand diii'Ben CLAN McEWAN AT PORT PJRIK "YSe" uteftioer 'Iaa Mctiwan on her mgiden mysge to AuMralia arrived at Pnrt Ptrie on Ttiraday reWq from Rim via remantle to i Jcdft prior to taking the wol berth Hewing about 44J ft in length the A lan Mr Evas has been built to the higlx i elaee Sue han three complete steel deck abetter upper and main aai Are hold three forward and two aft tbe two ait holds and fewer di ets being in related Refrireraiing plant on tint (V srat pttced co the main deck'aft of the machinery Tbe hold are quite clean having built pillar widelyvpacwd There an five cargo hatches with two derrick to each hatch worked fn ni tabim OB the mart and having wint hra to each ftMrich A cellular double bottom is fitted all fore ind aft tor water halla atxl No 3 hUi is ar '2 raed deep Sri sets of lb Uebn quad rant devils arc installed She is fitted with tn with few boilers Tbe 1an Ewan tpeed vrhra tully ladc a between Hi Rut let Uii Tittle token tell We HT1 rranrmbcr thro Inserted I'V bw loving friends ft 1 ox Y(M In hiving mranoev of dear dad who dk October 3 Mi at Mi a Hili' Private IkepilaL On' yaur ha pa away dur Sinre God ha cal'e you hone But let this little token tell We still remember you Ima rted by but loving cfauvhwv and son in law May and rtvL RltTIARDS In lovrap memory of our dear mo (her Elizabeth Mari wto died al Petersburg Octota lull Yin 1 ibougiita they lingnr in our hearts While tears tires often How Arid that sad and lonely graw (Jut Hw oftm gn rud by her lusinj sons awt daughtrm DAt IN In hiving HMMuy of our dear toictrtre ami mtra Roby May who died at Mount Barker on October 3 19U7 Mr II Whfodjvtl lira rt Uimivi tu Adciiudi: from Lxunkwi He a ol the til" Mr A gTft who bq main sraiis idled thi" 1L ft Avretaary to the Agvnt 4 resesd ui Lotafon Mr Nobtn vriio i irnvmt Ade hade Hike irp an apponarm ul byd ney war givroi a r3cl uff by hisTKrtrn Iriench on nftwlay night Jlr Mauk nrvdtiL xitogjstac re ferettce Mr Nobb Iolh a a sporta nwn and a etterx wti made by ra ermtaLrvta of raemg cunrsirc swinuaiupsi uUt sports atid hr presetitx mih a grdd tnrciuL $Sa Wfnie O'Kerle Brewer md KiWJUeuto tu ned Die cmupaiy Lnn ill emw tint the iu tiie muier cf tin bcxinj a arphatii In denUDC UtK'll of Lhe uhl Lui Ald A MIN OR MIL ARTHING Mcliiournc October The tinal regult of the Litrt Melbourne by elwtion Ma announced thi afternoon a Mr A A arthing DONALDSON'S Display of CHILDREN'S DRIVES IN TUSSORE AND I MtK AND MUSlX LAlMEri' UHTTE AND UWES CNDEIWKA XD VTIN NDEKKJRTS Kvwert Shades and Design in Crepe Poplin ami oulard SEE WINDOWS OR JN JAPANE AND TUSSORE SILKS l2Jfi4e MAk DiTER RTATE Jt Mi lbcurne October 1 ftnuto lnoiani from latgacraion Itunboola ftom rinaatiei Magdeburg from Hamburg i Anerf from Paget Sound Biiltij tbfiTifana for Launceston Peregrine awl tombeabu for Sydney: AuWil tan Transport for ftMi Mnti Maitai for Bluff Umova Narrow gad KtotMa for Adelaide: Era for Newcastle 41ta Ogtaa) for toitiftt Cohtm bii Rvdncy October Arrlvaft Oceanien frraa Marreillra: Atua from iji: Sara than Balek Pareu Maaaoowi from fhifri Mfirtrc' fur I ininn Nikko Mato for JaMBi ftebartrtuireC far RrraMn: Star of Australia tor tdMto Ctan Mtckrecie for Dunkirk Buma ftcaagftir ftoraniluiul Mahenv for Auckland Newcastle October taudeidale from Mefbu'ira jThiwft winira tor Melbourne ManniBgtry Mr Benriette fur tite Wra oret Briabane October 1 TAPLIN ing favorable ran'arions In recent veare there ha been a rteady decline in the number uf (iiinuul entrie rnd in the average total of prisoners Il dietinctlv pliadng to find tha while off cial statementa an being cireulitod rela tive to th increae of crime in Grvit Australia should be cXioncnrang marked tallinj off Mr the Comptroller General improved condXKin in CHARMTNT DWLAT of the Latest ENTIUSH and (X1NTTNKNTU KOYELTia Specially Se lected resign Very lxwrat Price THE LEADING JEWLLLERS KI NDLE STREET 783 illustrated Octal gue Purft ree L270oac uirii advsuicif 'J lie Trviisurvr (Hon A the Advance nr Homes Amendment Art at mil the amount to be set apart in any one tinun lal rear limited to tJrwiftW Alremi Uns liniTH ud leai the trii tetsj of th" NUitv Bank have hul idvmi L'tOOmjd fur ie quarter jtrG eml'ri The prupor tiouit" amount of C'MUW for the qimr hr i X'T'iltW so that the trustevs ke hid G25HA bevom tin proportion of aiinind umJur the year The liu lri riii aiq niximately the full luvntni liN''iiitf lor Mivauu houiv dticm the tirt quirter Owing to the Iti withdrawal from the Treasury durin? the List quarter i was obliged rhe instriM that the pivmcnt by the State Baid: houlil limited to itoout luiJikli jier TIIE NEW WING The sabjvet of thr omnlrton oi Pariia military building wtt raised in the llou oi laremdr on Wednesday bv Mr JVe "llwot ty txrriikhv ntw4 ihut menta have en inah with Uie pu Ushers have tu Iidnin" th port)! relating An qrJia ru to nai for rii etuu A similar mir will bo iWfoptrd tn £298 DAMAGES AWARDED Sydnor October 2 The action chiinnDg £1000 compensation f'i breach uf proimmt of marriage between Amy Aidezaik scfrool teacher and Smith tuariue engineer wan con cluded ro It wag admitted tiut there had Imvii (ngatiii tit tu tuairy that 1 he laiutiff was willing and tiiat tiie de fi ndant refused and ueghrted tu marry nei The question for tin jury was to ihterniiDi the ntnouiit reasonable di magi du to her the eircuin' 'UuK The defence sought to csUddish tliat the plaiutitf contracted prior engagement with Another slope ofticvr The jurv reUirmd a verdict for the lajn nff lor V298 lu of which £73 10 icpre wnt' se uf salary for six luontli £25 "Xeu iuciirred in nuriirg irmisr au and compensation for wounded feel ing lo if prestige 4c Then i something extremely unsatis factory although perfectly characteristic about the comment of the General on a recent uccuncnce at King ston where it i alleged in a case in which a hmd met with an accident which Mriwcquentlv proved fatal an unncccssarv lay occurred ill obtaining surgical help (realise Uleplwu communication wu not ava fable just when nredrel Mr razer waxes indignant at what he describe the scamlalou misrepresentation ot 01 leave untouched main point of the whole business which that no matter how urgent may be necessity hi department makes no vision for public use of the vires of either telephone or telegraph country stations for one day in the week a a familiar proved says "will happen in the best regulated fami and they happen with utter disre gard of any official regulations as to office hours What admittedly occurred at Kitn ton was an accident which rendered ncres sary tiie prompt services a skilled sur geon on a Sunday nrnrnmg The telegraph office was closed for the day but an at tempt ww made to commnnicate with Nar racoorte by telephone During six hours the calls were repeated and then a reply was received from the Narracoorte post master who happened tn go into his office in the course of the afternoon Apparently if he had not chanced to make a viit to his office outside the or dinary husinc? hours thr calls might have been continued unavailingly until Monday morning It is no reflection on a hard working and obliging fady of telegraph and telephone official to say that the pre sent an angemeota for whieh the ederal authorities are responsible display in many matters i callous disregard of the conve nicnou and even of the necessities of tbe public Tlx official view of the xitiun appears to be tliat no mc hx a right to complain if the telephone and tclrgraph service is eft off regularly for a certain period at come placi's: and the telegraph break down anywhere and everywhere whenever a tbght pile make too revere a demand upon the feeble resisting powr of a huily kept line Mr Peake prop remarked in rhe House of "It reemed to him that the telephone and tele graphic servitis were not sufficiently at the service of the taxpayer on Sunday They had a very costly service and the expense wv mounting up enormously but the convenience of the taxpayers seemed to diminish proportion as tiie expense of the department Tliat i un doubtedly the position and it fa one which is fa becoming intolerable tli nil front whkdi they enm fwiys the The iajer nnforlunutely agunt one diflit ully in 'Jguin ig the age tin aptlkaiM The piMT were hsin in the old irtiug Cbine! in ise they wcie tu ititu1 until China when tiny it once nunc and wanted to return to ictoria he (Jbim re who apply for ad mission ire ilv adventurous youth In uiic ae the Uustorus official declined l'e'e that a youth of ubuit 10 year Uzt 1 I 4 XV (' i Mr (tilbiTt'c Renown 3 Iidv Mr Gilbert's Jack Mr Deter The awards for cow ami beiirey dairy ren tton were made Mr took most of Lae rniLb in tiie efa 4tv a well as til cirampiorfahip tor bulfa Mr Lindsav revured principal honors in Ayrshire cows rust Mr II Roanincr in Jerys Mr A ry won th special the bent group of Ayrsbrrws and Mr VV Oliver gta a flreoud "leg in" for tiie challenge cup for the mot mswfnl exhibitor of Txvngwrajl sheep At th Albert HU! a dog and poultry hw was hl Th eutnw were large and i umueti tmfi ki I suppose wooki not iy that buyer di urythmg wrong jti the way 1 1 ft sand inc then ritenta hut this ti the "Id vst mi oi wrighiug sni unp A DI Al TION "Thank you I am corry things are dull today Him hiv take tin hid with th reimrAi! Mr A 'itt on Vedmiiy nt(er AM EXTENSIVE EXLURATtUN' VUY AGE Tbe Cortense a fiVtun Ueail schooner with a craw of atM torn hM left Bulognr uir Mr Mys tbe Paris edition of tbe New York Herald" oe aa extensive veysge at exploration which i upeeted to Into three year The Cnricww which waa to rtatly butit lor thr long voyage it kited MA to(4Mr and cartfen jt lann aupply nt garo lene will call at fouthatnpton Madeira the Cape and the Kerguelen lslanfr where tiie studies ana explorations made during tbe fir trip will be rootiaeed Tbe Curienv will aibeqn Mlj go toelbotabe' follow the Australian ioa exploring its nartbere seaboard and proceed to the ('oral Bea and Cbe islands situated between Australia and Rew Oirine The return journey will be made thraogb tbe Panama Canal whieh will be open by that time iiputi Mr "uys ro to pn mt Mr 'Muphnrd with a gokf wateh in bftiulf of thoc jrereoL Mows Myt rs uik'd 'P jii Ssipv aulkner and Ix nnoti Iliv ni UKLiugi Mt Mulk ww Aitliougb ttM ri a rwtiabk i inf rove ni' nt tu the condWioti uf Mr I president ut the Teachers' (tuou bv will itf be clib' resurrw lit dulie when th Agricuftiu mi VAvdocerfay the qiu stioii weighing when: wbe bangi dtainr hip wjs dtscttaasl '(lU wXjarmt uli a rexofiiLi'n forwarded rtuiu the rent Hum id in Vi'fa ide It wsts aJgl Hint the system of weaRtiaKr it brtg by bag tun resulted in grvft uuiy to lanin (ni and eonjtr xlraj the labor witli rc spousihility for die iiropcxals" and ihnt "if the Govern ment insite on putting ita pimswin iume through tbe Opposition in Pirita inent viil retaliate by a catripargn for gnvitr ederal rentml of corporations jc cianng thut if the federal i impertcin Itnd more power over wnpanies the jmili' Mild not lose so much of its money so often" When Mr ihcr read tin last quoted paragraph it ckled bis fancy rocks at the Hunt Club Races General View of Wallaroo Smelting Works 'Pic Late Mr Emery Youthful Vocalists at the Public Schools Concert Water Scheme Hunting the Bounds in Rome A Botanical Curio Waterfall the Hindmanh Valley Victor Harbor it mber fl reil nuntit i it i ano tu it spirft folly unified by the ut ion can hardly I rwtrded a a masterpiece It was surety a Little wrok to put wi rermd a i "ID'crvUOG that he "Ota "tiuL acqiuinltxj wrh the ck taih uf lb we propurtd the smiject of bts jvpre wmuutou white at ihc nnt time affirming tint "it van him tin1 Hopte uf Saiiu Aubtrali'i apn lpeeu ve when find a Bill uf Lh kind mvttog rrody arevpiaii' uud Lite liiriMigh foom Ptne Creel tu OeduaifaLta wq mtirtiuued" Apparently it tbe Art me Premier's anxiety ma to iii mnge tfa rules I wirtusy or Ml tlie itifa tion derives from the la''t nn xnranrt liv Mr f'fahcr that rtn ('romfar'' he ha mad miv consider' I binding tha tiie rrimnwmwre'ih will 'hqnorablv die oblis5itirn i ha entered into: nn 1 tliat tin Pfoo Urrek Katherine River ln fa ill ejesciraal part "I any railway whiei miaht Is i nUiictcd i accordance tiie terms of ihc igrrenumt on uhuli i Minral" and Milt dm 1'lir rsity opinion in Jin trem the hundred Wlll MR OMAL1EV RESIGN Oi ICE? JM WENDT to 3' VUKlft 0 PORY AT PORT ADELAZDK 1 Bmwm '1314 M1I14 from Nwcfr I Md owler agrtit* Otrtn SteatnerT whari (Dtorfrimrng ti ofiS2 frS'dh frCk ra BROKEN HHU 1W toy MaiR OTO oil ini wtita fTMowdiac soRibur) I ertinary Irtlcra 4 pm late fera lln pnu ctaToeff frBLUrfa NrarraMfa I (rterwxnfa at nHy aatim Ui irenta Uumiwr IX ZHALAMV NOWTH IKIM Thr day Aitotol'to Bttatotonp a unl Swtara ISLAND Thi S3n pm Awdmd irotore MMHllRfa TMOtnORY Tbif day 8J0 pm nwrianri 00 ttafomy tbeno" per Or ofgmrttmqr WI7HTKN AUOTRAIAA rtdi te tub 4 a per BMS Odwmsl ALBaftV October 5 L16 per WariJda Ptekagee and newspaper must ported ran bnur prior to the tiuw tor doting ar In lortnx merron al my loving hus band Arthur who (bed October 3 Ifltfl In erted by his widow Wriman nOCNTON In loving mranory of our deer son and brother Harry who died at indoa October 3 19W Inscrtr'l by hi sorrowing mother step father sister and brother in law 4nj II owler and A and IL 8 Evans Thy will be done ARMdritOXG In sffrotionate mnrmbranee of Charles Leonard Arnuttrunt who paarad away October 3 1911 but not orgotteiu Inserted by his loving wile ary family In loving memory of my dear wife Mirv bnulhies who di porti 'l this life al North Norwood (K tobrr 3 191) She tore her affliction With loving patience Inserted by her kiving bus band Smithies North Norwood In loving memory of our dear mother Mary Smithies who ptv rd cwxy Otober 1911 at Abriira avenne North Norwood 'Ti isai to think of bygone days We rorart on earth together We drwnt not then non in trie You would be railed from us for ever IcstM raid I am the resurrection and tbe life he that tetievc lh in Me thrunrb he wen drad yet shall he live Inserted by her foving children In Iovine metnorr of ray dear son John who died Ak lai ie on October 2 191Q davs and nisht he bore hte pain To wait for cute was all in win But God i Jonc Who thooitfrt brat ma ease nut pain and erve tiun lukited bv his loving mother HUNGER In loving mrrriory of Lallian who died Heptenfacr 2P Worthy of true respret was Bv thoae rtie loft thin1 tarted by her toting husband Bengrr HILLMAN In lowing remembrance of our dear bitsband and fatbi Leonard Hillman who panted awav at Callinzton September 30 1010 We cannot clasp your hand dear father' Thy fare we wunot roe But let this little token tell Wo still remirtier Ihre Inserted by his loving wife and tamily In lovrtur raranory our dear mother wbu died at Collrngswuod October 1910 Two ad years have pawed since our dear mother was ai)hd awav On earth ttnte in beaten rest: Tliry miss you nuwt tint loved you teL Inserted by her losing Jaugiitcr and roo in iiw to a taiMj luwunn uurouvwir Io id but loving iny Ic3r husband John wbo i1il ai tuber 2 IW7 Tiler are rru tbut ivintmt find And wounds that cannot tie healed: 'Dieri" i a rrowo 4 in uc Tliat witiot be lull reveaJd Irtrorted by bis loving wife and family RI In fond reTru tnbra nee our dear tneud I uuMm'sn who 1 uwav at Adelaide th toteT 3 tall Unc vnir lias carwd wav dear friend GOODS HLUNS IN COLLISION Brisbane October A railway setodtnt occurred at Redback to mght coueiug confadmblo delay tc tratfa but fiwtunatriy one wm injured A e'h train from Tongooiawah came into rolhrion with the nar of the gooda trail from Toowoamlm engine waa de railed and a reaipte at wagjcnaa were dam rcd Butii hnen went blacked and a ull the tram vUeb kftt Brisbane at pm vma topood at the acene of the acct dint as aho waa a train from Ipswich The mail train from Sydney wan hdd up lV flrfA rwvaripBftt rwi ifr WMa a Tir4 todr Wk XMCV MJ 7irnAil inD be at the tQjulujm truofcr Uu? paMifEn mto tiie train The uirniqdi ai the trturuui style ui which was held up on the Brinlane aide pilling ban fad two or thnv uwns to de tiie sod nehd the ipuwi'b ode to ure tt for the rtrtt of tbo toor isuBCUfora on by tbe train waiting ja th tauoyryt wd others arc onrtxuicnng it I IptrtPM de of the nceident protect Its been lodged ninrt the Vic A biraitdown tain left BrislDe at A IS torian team on the ground tliat ita mem to night with the traffic nmaagcr and other L'P aarta all Afuifril un ThAtr rtilntaV an kn waw fUMTO ira rajKX! ujpq iy une prvnwRrra ABPiat BWQOWtl tnQD left lpft VI SAN HltVTMOr) I'NfTEh STATRs CANADA Ttii dev pm torangi VIA VANCOVI Eli 'ISLAND AND Ortoher IS 3 pm per Makura VIA YRBELUK Octater Ififo am pre rench aeanw Yjit (tettnra 4c intintfrii to be fuwunfed by this route daNihi tn El ROPE (ktobre 1045 auu ftaman rtewnre 14 harnborrt (Ittera fo intended iu to furwardret ly this rtesmer must by niarktid (e nuan SIXTH ARICA (Durban This (fry 145 pm pre Argyilshin" Oitnire 3 pm Medic ('i Mvflourne) October (about) pre JAV A 11RT)4 AND SiNGAJ Ortobre 3 pm overland to Rydm thtic Mataram tertrev to specialty marked IJI October 5 3 pnt overland te Sydney theme pre Al ia MHftA'feAR JAW anl TMa dwr pm oicr'aivl to Wfabourn' ib' me Rre tan hmh DEIAGOA BAY (U RBAN EteT IJINDOK AUKIA BAY and GAPE TOWN Oaohre 19 pm per Groxlrth Hail (tetters to teyjcviaJlv marbl'd 1 MONTE TDEO BINO I AYRIK GJ HU WO TbnUa raiweni tativ 'Maura for eastern Siatew October 2 KasMta Kangamo bland and Second 'alley WamwVC taniUMursu koonara Aalroeaan water alga tw Kdttbbmb big Menarah for Port Pim Srace Darling Wr i' aart ro OITPORTS Pert Sailed: Outobrr deiatac 1 Saded: Salted: Ortohre lorence aud Bort Adelaide RIVERS Arrived: Octoter 1 Kririn Murray Sltlge fbikd: October Murruudk Mun lg: Keirin Monwnl Arrived: October 1 Queen Murrayfondaw Sailed: October Waikerie Watkerle KxceiMr Wtutwertfo Rrtra Tbe following Acuna rimw thethe ot the riven aboie summer level at lle andmMVttaMd placra at 9 a on October GwaftaL ft Warn Wagga 8 ft Deniitqutn 7dik: Hfty 1 ft Moolanwin 6 ft 3 in Ol HttiftOKsrvIhJitre wKlu Chickai I bier Puinb A (V agei Ta take in a quantity of nit the Haws rd Smith ort A de! Aid fet fihtbhureh on wdnrMty Aw rmm tdmorrmr Coal Jaden from Neweaetlc the Barwon of Uuddart Parker's leet arrived yerterday moesiDg BTDNEY NEW HEBRIDES TRADE fenfo Philp ft Go Bydnev have jurt con 1 watted with the Greenock and Grangemouth Dock yard Cmnpany for the construction at a stcans ft by 18 ft in with a deadweight L8D0 tons and with areommodatinti ter 8ft fort and 12 third dam paaaetiKcrx This Vewel (writee has been specially de NftMft fte thelr Byifacy New Ilcbndea trade OtCBKAftB IN SA1UNO HOP VAlX'Efl Ae rtowiag the ricreaee in tbe value of tai ting dup tonnage to it iwe at August 20 rtatea that the steel harque Chiltonforl 2lh tone regteter built in 1W wae recently sold for aHjOOft In April I9W the steel four marted barque Crown of Germany 2154 tons register built la IMS was sold tor £4150 The steel ahip Cfrelmrford 21W7 torn register uili io Mj aold iu Auguot for xtftj' whit the wfoewnbe Park 2915 tons remitter built iu 18R2 Waa aold in April IDWfor about aluou BABQUKNWXE 1K OR SOfTH re it at sas iw noiiin atraranan ernraawt intend to pnrrfrase tbe banjuratioe Kiu which waa docked at Sydney lat week for exami nation The change of owner ip will be effected subject to the sighting being rattrtartorv Tbe' '( Rio only a aniall vrawl tf Xi tuns gi tr ml hat for a long time tern employed in th 7 Hmber enrrying trade between Aoetralia and Nw Seaiand 'iiG THB amemcas and acstraiian line Coble artvice has been received by Mcssr Jli llwnitb MeRaehanin ft Co Melbutirnr of tlx departure of the tteannw Anglo Mexican and Glenaaa from New York on tin 21t and 2Jth September respectively Tbe lontu comra to Melbuune Launeotoc Sydney and New Pa aland and tfte latter call at rn tiiantk Adelaide Ml bourne Sydney and Brtabane His Excellency the Governor and ifly ButciQiHU't gave a dinner party ul Gowra merit Hotwe on Wednesday evening Th' gtlt were (ummandi ml Mrs CarrMr and Mrs Barr Smith 31r and Mrs Gose and Mi's Trew Tjidy Bosanquet will open a tile of wrk in aid of the Ladv Victoria Buxton Giri' ('Tab thir afternoon a 2u Aveuue road North Adeixdc Hi Exct lleni the Governor ha tgni tied hi wiflingn( ag UD to aeccf I he hki tiun uf patron uf the South Aitrtraliao ri' ket Anrociatiun Mr kfc uiii Thoma Minister of External Attiair left Adelmli" for Broken Hill by the express on Weduesduy night The Alavor and Mayoress uf Glenelg iMr and Airs 1 luive iwav1 ID': tat loo to fo residents to a garden rxerty at thr iTKid Gfareumut Britain finch a farline bate the South Wnk 4 to vhe gcn' ral spread of edu cation assisted by the prwperotu iteawtH If he is right itt his rooclusiom it might have brn expected that similar condi tions uoiibi have produced correypondin result in England where popular edix a kn has hwn raised to a comparatively high Ktandard and wial ron iition btvc greatlv improved during recent time it may however be that the judicial "statis tic of the Blu' book are of a reassuring explanation as the English CommiiisioD sem have suggest el in their report fac year At any rate it would be a poor commentary on th? efforts to bring about moral rcfomi wh ch have betrome a feature ol nearly all crimi nal law administration if the only er tainabh re suks were increase in the number of offences "and a relaxation of public sentiment with regard to Mr Mariariane points out that in the senior State the nunilier of ocional law breaker fa largely affected by hc abun dance of work at retniineradvc rate tnd probably this rule will bml good in re spect to all rountrics The official figures relative to the num ber of perrons convicted the police and criminal courts do not always disclose the exact condition a regard crime corn nut ted in a given community It not infre quently happens that one man or a gang of nicn Itave a comparati velv lengthy run and an responsible for nwnv acta uf lawloKsncfoi before any offence fa sheeted home to them The (kjnrptrrfiler Gencral admit that prison statistics do not ir variabbr "represent exact criminal re cords" apcir to gaol dolrvericu nrd cannot undetected or unpunished crime" Rut he rightly concludes that the returns in New South Wales mtv fairly be regarded a indicating a "wholi sum spirit in regard to the observance of sx ini obligations'" Jn that State a hijlilv or ganised tn stem of priron cLissificntion has been in operation for some years past fndeed New South Wales has been leader in Australia in respect to reform in penal method and although jmllun tial advance lias been made of Ute in South Australia wc have still much to Irarn Mr Macfariane fa able to renor that the special treatment of nrironers under the age if 2 has produced gratify ing results Open air empl'Wincnt tnnch of it associated with agriculture ha been a cunrok uous feature of tiie method em ployed and more reasonable means of attempting reformation of vmrng wrong tiueis could In dtwfacd in a country where the demand for rural workers i un limited hi the pol set apart for firt of fender at tiuiilhurn wc are t'ld tin rta: witart (Dfocftarging oral) Kaianoi 1247 Ruxton from Gitywe'h fXX) agent JR Smith from Wratera Ab foilia AU8N Cay agrata Queen's whart rod wataadiag rwnlP Lobo tx ftW Murehw oa tram Dover Geo Wills ft Co ueMi Coppre Ownpany's whart pcte BMS Carr from i cxet'cis tu prevent "roiitauiination bv (urociation with prisoners of nmro or Jess vicious The result uf this waJchfubie and the general di ipline and "dtu ational work i regarded as most satis factun as out uf UW hrt offenders di diurgvd between Juiuan I IlJUl and Dt emtvi 31 1911 only lV have hmm re convict'd '1'heHe figures apiK ar on the face uf them tu sJnw that the vtiui i working well fait a longer period would reullv be required to tint its ('tfieicnev in a thorough maimer A iiwie trustworthy irnnion unglit be gained bi taking the number uf perrons discharged during th first live rears if the decade under re view and giving the iierevutage re euin 1 cd up to date At least two or three veil' would be rviniired to tret the perinan Majoriiv for arthing 28B The tiret pirfcri nre voti announced fa night were: Sr nrv Weedon ZSCM 1 Mr A A arthing 2VT Mr Opitg ilalor Today Mr Opitz hatingcured the bast numx of first preference iub wae drelared defeated and hia second preference voti were divided be tuci ti the two other candidates according to the desire of tbe voters Th oar who i gi fir preference votes to Mr Opitx cast a big second preference for Mr I arthing and gave him the requisite majo ntv Hu voting an the last election was: Mr A A arthing 30B4: Sir Henry don 2ft'i7 Mr Opta 13(8 nty for arthing 127 Tlu duj 3 pm orartasd to Sidney Iteix prr iftangrtia TMlitT MORftW tetob at 3 pran trtaisi tn Brirtiai tbenre Maiarwm GERMAN NEW GHNk NEW BRITAIN and October 17 3 fem invriaud to Sydney ttenre pro Prtnx RigrvtHind NEW A1J T1D14 and NEW flrto 7 3 poi oirriand to Bytory ttence pra tfrrt oppcrtiinitv rtlLOMOX AND SKHTLLN TYiia day 3 font overland to Svdney tteae pro nude hi file's rtndv Thi' vi teiin is now S4 years of age and fa sun of all men de iTv mg of spending hi lew maiiiicg iio in peace and ci mfon right in res pra of the il laflwirt" uniortuua'i ly leavra tin positi'ii 1 4 vj iR'ivic Mt ttr i i iii ha fIkhvij that trc retuse oc drawn and add miunv to I 4 mH wiik i util fts In" till! I it U4U mi in have given in hi difdomatie lettei uf Vpril lii There fa rc wn to suspect that although the Ifr rnie Mirn trrrt sigm ture is attached tu tiie mgviuuias if nxi Lngcnti'rti eorupoffltions tbe astnU Aitor nry leiicril the 1'ntntn'rnweahh is nvilly tiivir author AinJitigly Mr is hi lifa guard and give no lur ther ajs ninf for tin fv thrurt of un rtaws On the Sind Scpirmter at Am fllratdc to Mr and Mr A Witliaw a daughter On the 1 1 Octaier al Raklinfl to Mr ino Mra MeWiit ra a daiigfilcr Both well Whin tiie 'linfaU of Home Affxirs iMr said at Yarravillv tlittt oitB on good lalkrt in the natnelv "Brother Ruta iking in a 'oniphnn ntaty sense Melbourne Herald" He ex retilv to a 'tuestiim next dnv that lie iiieaiit that tin horiirary tin tliun ff nt Mitfalrr go far ns tu kiv Lliit Mr (I llev will resign uud thtMr Ifob rt will surased Inru Mr Malley ivlins discuss tlies ntUWIs and If'iin enquiries uudi efaewii re would jpjiear fi there is joumtatim fur any stav nu nt th it an mini liiti (liatige is (lending 'ivn wtmi iira been Iran nt fioweicr it will not be surprising Mr il'Mallev deride rnq to lie a euidi dUc fm thr Ministry If tiie abor is rrtnruel at tin general sftectticns six or ven riKintiis' Iwnra In fact his politnil fricirl stale tint he hg i iiMd up in mini on the (mint Juani tli Mnuster will utitiier nor deny the wsrean The eumssooifdimre btvecti the Arting Premier of thfa State and tbe Mini ter of the onrmMiwejjiJi on the sttiijra'i of the C'rxk aud Katherine Rwr Itnilwav 'urn's Bill and ita tin honor to mforin you THE CDNDICT A Cvl'RT Mr Hinde NM evidently proves oi me iri or ratuiucin without the Usual i'ortnnliries cadet caes wire being heard yestenlav he a ked al! those coiira ni to be seated round the table when addnsring iiim He said in the country lie emdeavored to nike matters jirocevil tc onmfortablv as (ossible and requested the soli' uon to ninain seated Tlu witnesses aJso tpvc liicir evidence while seated He thought they should make thoro co'trta more like courts of enquiry He had always main tained that thev cou! 1 still keei up the dignttv of the ream and do their work ith nil proper decorum roted at a table Witnesses who ucn privileged to nit at the and give their evidence as though they were particirating in an or dinary diseiisstuu lt rma li of thetr nr vuti'ni easier 1 tein raiiee advtxate the lohn nn could not be follow by th AJIi iikc min its frirnds vVc do not for a nr nieiq doubt the rit) uf Mr Virrans (fr sire tor reform: but when he txom an alvoati tlMtnalivatiori we are ooiiud to (tirt (Otupauy with lum 11 is uul nravsrury 1 go over all tlw argu wnts nt this tune suffice it to rav (but the Alliftinx and the partv it pre nt' in ulmh i oiinpns' thr hulk uf eartnst Lempi raiici workers ind syinpa tiiiser tli arc firmly pprfad to ihi" ni'lncitioH I the drink traffic Mr Virn fa rtnnlv liehind the tqnre in tirnnnjig no iKMamalisntion bat in do ing shows Ifcuw nnpTe ihlc it is cwnmit the inter nts ot the ti nqx rantv ran to pohtozd party" Mingtlo and other pliraw xt of (hat )int At Man drill favored a line from thi Sitieiton through ramjioona secure Ilia text books rstoietj hi the liouls oi Great Bntaui and 'ouLaiinug viereucex to 4traLi sfritdd roman uid a up t' dni'" ar i' ihc fi partnint of Ifa termd Affmn has Imvu a ht tin High sale whirl he liul condiK tetl it Adehid" Town Hall on behalf of Mer Btgot Shake A levn Tw' iiH foii Imikling sites in the rrwillr iG Glen frnvnd rwd acre offered in lots I ul there wra nut a "iiigi AGRICVLTCRE HOKTTCULTLTE POULTRY THE SOCIAL WORLD NEWS ALL SEASONABLE SPORT NEWS THE WEEK and GOOD READING OR ALU net: action would elearlv Uluit th favor the dirrat rotili or bv givtnc 1 de tinite understanding to adopt it With Mr fala r'a ucr April 1 la i WlLTCrttVe date hate al vuxs felt that Mr wi fi too iisdy satifi''d An itialisj of ita cftriftflly iliomn term a we pointed out at till time warritH th ronehxion it wn inG ndra) reassuring imirraion wtllinu aclualh committing the edecnl Inn'rii mi nt to any di finite mIi Mr Peake mtv now begin to su pra whether he ar Omto tor London: Butatela for Mel lx 5 Sandv Cope October wfffBeua for Townsville (Inntvlta Island 4 PoH Enosmlla for RriHbaae MaUiu for ora Woltovra for Cafrw Maryborough October i ruvraveu lor fr tmev Cane Qwicvrn ivr nraumr Port Alma toM Wmeaa from C'airr ft lrt Tun Arttriff Banter from Cairns Totmaeille October Aulltil AfOmae from Melbourne Providence for Biitone I raiQorT Saflrd loot Hu for Hongkong Graauta Itelboane Point Archer Ck tobcr hound anutti Thursday Island Ortffter Bailed TufnMi Cm a far Riirketown Albany Otober 2 1 ftfiMod ftfrerina and Altona for reuwule NEW ZEALAND Wellington AitIibJ Mxnuka ftoru 8tory Auckland ftnvwd Tofua troro fttrra Gtcborr dirt Inga from Xewcat1! tBHfgtng Marten were fairly quiet vertcriay from the collier Itarwuti AU iLX omparK" pAWficer Mcoraer Kmcrww from tbe We inched Port Atk Upc at 7 YMB and te timed to leave axain at tay ghe wilt orry a bir general ren tra Oft 9 gi in" haid tu reentH ilt and thr rreuk tint all the careful coaclung in granjiupry Him (vnuiiioins anq all money the afitflicaiita have nia nt on rtnicrion impels and tiamcr passages are away The Chiiiisr ur retornral to 'l in: vitliout the mpere Appan Dtlv wi faniffiib treat the naturafisatiori the grandson nr it i'p iiig rn iivWski)mt uf lia 4lii 1 mtint Ir an which it appears that yourtnr I tim iit ivo ui ivrajed iu 'arrying a vilua I fill survey tone made from Bum reek I trie (therm' River No duubt tut wi'l is t'uluwraJ by a Railway Hill fi th eon'LHtetioti of a line over the surveyed area 1 am not acquainted jvilli tad of these profK il ami it may lie Uiat the itite rests ah right of this State in itprait ul the tratwontmeiital railway fine ue thereby jcofiardisral It cau railway warnings lor the wek ended id" 2S anuiiiiilij a'4(L2! is l''4L tor the sanrv irird Inst To and Zealand fo Kino luni by Ratal Mailteamero weekly (all ae roate) Tu foreign countries NGLISHMAiL in th Bnildimr Lurt week is n'cotnsable and the me titre is well worthy of a frame an a moc cH'ix tire memorial of a wry intereUiu orc ardon TJq Millbrook water hemu' which has just been authorised by Parlii inert adpplies a series of fivu beautiful pictures Ifiu town which fa to sul AT ANCHORAGE Ufa tiTb rtoniA lson' fmm Majtwnba (In bufUMl ISil in uremsuns and na AT lHTHRt RGtl I I'CL 1 Duddridgv irum Part Adelaide linward S'nith A igi nts ilxuding salt) AT PORT PIME Cameron from Xi rasih a A Brawn arente (Due VrB CBOWT tf Gufrwv a a taiii wnm id ii a itt a lii i "rerturi to "M'J" Relrtrera and fororti far tandmra tettre to! lIS a for ordinary ran and Borst tihutre tn rlssr Ul a1 fire: clfectrai" Th real effect iff Mr isher's promise if any and the nature of his interpretation of 'omnioowe illh iblgn ioir remain as hri'on the important I preuts hich are enveloped in otocurity Mr 's endeavor to uPtarn a pledge that th direct line from rth math I will lie ronstrneted and that the cun isiniction will be undertaken un I rinsonahlc matters a which this state should lie lia re suked merely in a rnubbrng many pretty girl and rnuiy expert milkners and costumier In the centre ot four groups of fair patron of the sport is the irinner of tbe Cup with the trophy he secured Then i also a glimpse oi uiw uf the puinc irtire hin An extensive view of the Wallaroo smelt ing wuri as seen from the icltv at least itt veal's Another Arral alwmt 2G I welcomed One uf the most ra rel'u! preenLral papers tj gtnume JUSTAL OcIaImt GREAT BliTTAIN" (lia riday Aktufier 4 pre RMs Or ova Mail due rn Lcsidrni No xt nttaT Mails dus at GPO for (rrditnLrv lettit* fl a in iwirtcn kttCT arid nr pafHr xm At J'vrt Adetodc ordinal lettera fi10 wm: newupt'r 6 auu ngia terw! letter this da pjn Late tee fi itee reixned at up to J145 um at) at Port Adelaide HM am British and foreign )aral port pre ihc above rteroire eivc a this day pm it Rit' um utii 'tifoUMl C0M aovtt ataol iiautfi a BURMEISTER CO ARCADE CT 3' S' a ail CiaiAci or nc OTHER SALVES OINTMENTSHAVE? CURED HUNDREDS SALVE I Nd ILLLO.

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Author: Jerrold Considine

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Name: Jerrold Considine

Birthday: 1993-11-03

Address: Suite 447 3463 Marybelle Circles, New Marlin, AL 20765

Phone: +5816749283868

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Air sports, Sand art, Electronics, LARPing, Baseball, Book restoration, Puzzles

Introduction: My name is Jerrold Considine, I am a combative, cheerful, encouraging, happy, enthusiastic, funny, kind person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.