The News Journal from Wilmington, Delaware (2024)

Tt 4) I wwwwyyy'PT1 rC1 0 The Npws Journal. Tuesday October 1 3. 1 998 lllh.iV I DhlWn 1 Quaker Hill, Lfl 2Br, new ww, appl's, conv loc, S450 elec, Call 426-1721. CONTRACT NO. n-v CUYOFNEWAR.K Deloware Black Lab Puppies sioo Coll 302 322077 1-4 office, 750 It total, 2nd fl, interior acceu in mod.

office bids. lsf, full services, purkg avail, oll TO? XK) EXTRA VALUE Effcy. from S395 Loaded wFREE amenities Tumi 737 S6RI ltdofr Nwrk Four bay outo related services w'litts office on Philadelphia Pike in Clavnwnt. Lease or sate. Call 6IOA91-02JO PURCHASE 0 IQ RniArJU-lTATE.

WCLLS ITS 13 A Better Choice' CAREER TRAINING THAT WORKS Nursing Assistant 1019 Medical Billing 1022 ICD-9, CP Coding IO22 Med Office Assist 1022 Med Transcriptionist Massage Training 1013 Financial Aid if Qualified Call Donna or Fran 55-1322 Nam Chang IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE STATE OF DELAWARE IN AND FOR NEW CASTLE COUNTY IN RE: CHANGE OF NAME OF Joseph Striykalskl, Petitioner!) TO Joe Ski. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Joseph Strzykalski intends to pr-sent a Petition to the Court of Common Pleas for the State of Delaware in and for New Castle County, to change his name to Joe Ski. Joseph Strrykalski Petitioner(s) DATED: 97898 0947167 Sallies JBr, 2nd llr, gar, wd, updated kit. 905 22nd. KiAI-t-uttl.

6214Oattr i. Trinity Vic-Spacious 2Br, Lr, Or, kit, den. S550mo. Incl HHW. 302-452014 Trolley Sa area, effic.

IBR 2BR, totally ca microwave, DW, 798 7521 TWO BR2BA NO. WILM CENTRALAIR, rent Includes tvw cooking gits, ww carpet, balcony Near I 95 202, on bus line. 1st month rent tree to qualified appli-cants 744-7 112. TW0 3BR PUBLIC AUCTIONS Sat Oct 17, 1998 9 30am Real Estate contents 405 Rnvnard Blvd. Carrcroft, DE.

Off Marsh Rd. Real state will be offered at noon. Term I5uo dn, balance within 60 davs. For appt 239 7244 Antiques, furniture, glassware appliances, tools ft household goods. Property of: the lute Joseph ft Kathleen Fleming JOHN J.

MCGRELLISIII Auctioneers 302 239-7244 rudnick associates Auctioneers Appraisers states bought sold 410-643 5601 or 302-764-3347 William Bunch Auctions Estates Bought ft Sold 6IO-496-15J0 Nam Chang IN THE COURT OF COMMON PLEAS FOR THE STATE OF DELAWARE IN AND FOR NEW CASTLE COUNTY IN RE: CHANGE OF NAME OF Ethel H. Burnside, PETITIONERS) TO Ethel H. Bush. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that Ethel H. Burnside intends to present a Petition to the Court of Common Pleas for the State of Delaware in and for New Castle County, to change her name to Ethel H.

Bush. Ethel H. Burnside Petitioner(s) DATED October 2, 1998 Q95ISB9 Register Order Estate of ANITA K. DERRICK, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Letters of Administration upon the Estate of ANITA K.

DERRICK, who departed this life on the 9th day of SEPTEMBER, A D. 1998, late of 1000 DILWORTH ROAD, WILLOW RUN, DE 1980S, were duly granted unto WILLIAM E. JACKSON on the 1st day of OCTOBER, A D. 1998, and all persons indebted to the said deceased are requested to make payments to the Administrator without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the some duly probated to the said Administrator on or before the 9th day of MAY, A D. 1999, or abide by the law in this behalf.

Address: WILLIAM JACKSON 818 PERCHERON DRIVE BEAR, DE 19701 WILLIAM E. JACKSON Administrator Q955808 Register Order Estate of VOID LEONARD REED, Deceased. Notice is hereby given that Letters Testamentary upon the Estate of VOID LEONARD REED, who departed this life on the 8th day of SEPTEMBER, A D. 1998, late of I PLYMOUTH DRIVE, NEWARK, DE 19713, were duly gronted unto MARY LEE REED ROBINSON, oka MARY LEE REED on the 28th day of SEPTEMBER, A 1998. and all persons indebted to the said deceased are requested to make payments to the Executrix without delay, and all persons having demands against the deceased are required to exhibit and present the same duly probated to the said Executrix on or before the 8th day of MAY, AD.

1999, or abide by the taw In this behalf. Address: MARY LEE REED ROBINSON R. D. 1, BOX E136 LEWES, DE 19950 MARY LEE REED ROBINSON Executrix O9516I0 A Power Packed Resumt WilmingtorVNewark 453-1868 Announcements Lost Found GreetingsHappy Ads Merchandise Auctions Notices BLACK FEM LABRADOR, 100298 vic Foulk ft Zetxey 610-494-319 BLACK LAB, 1010 in Kentbourne, Clayton area Call 302-653 7332 aft 5:30 Female Sheltit Collie, well trained, found in Brook-side Park area brown collar. Call 302-731 5BI3.

GERMAN SHEP-Mix, black tan, B-l2mo. black col lor. New Castle 3280318 Gray oduit, cat wwhite belly, front declawed, vie of Fairfield. Call 456-0639 GrayWhite Female domestic short hair, 6 Fl-semere area. Call 302 998-2995.

Kitten gold whit chest paws, declawed front, vrv friendly. Vic of Oak-' wood, Rt 7Z call 832-1962. Pointer, bik wsatt ft pepper coat, 109 vic Canby Pk, MD Ave. 302-733-0139 Puppy found, vic of Fraier Rd, short hair, tan, ap-prox 40 lbs. 325-2023, Jeff.

Small Mack dog w3 legs. Vic of Belltown woods. Call 302 836-0877. Sterling Silver earring Jansens perking lot 1012. Coll to identify.

610-444 9760 Cat Block whit Manx (No tail), blk spot on nose, vic. Porter ans. to Clara. 302434-2046 Cat Dark gray mole wwhite chest A paws. Vic of Grubb Noomans.

Rds. Reword 475250 CAT-Graywht tan, wttt paws tummv, vic Barley Mill Rd. 101. Reward. Call 9951981 DELAWARE 5.P.C.A.

LOST YOUR PET? Com To Our Stanton Rt. 7 Shelter 998-2281 October Neutering Special GOLDEN RETRIEVER 5 to mo. old, hot pink col-lor wwhite marking on chest. On 106, vic. Banning park.

302 9950666 YELLOW LABRADOR, Blk collar.lost seen-bv Christ Rollr amw to 302 368-3132 ABSOLUTE AUCTION 240 feet on ft Canal- 45 BR home, 2' BA, ele-, gant gardens, pool sauna ELK RIVER- 3BR, 2 BA guest house, floating pier Prim commercial property- Rt owner inane- ing, 7 day liquor license available. Call for brochures: R.C. Burkheimer Assoc. 1-800-233-4169 BRIGGS AUCTION ESTATES PURCHASED 610-566-3138 OR 4850412 HAROLD HILL ft SON AUCTIONEERS 610-274-8525 Black Lab Puppies 4wks old, purebred no papers, 1st shotsaVworm. $125 each COII456-94I0 otter 4.

Black A white aog, mtd size, mixed wshep, good wVids women, needs good home, free. 796-5121 Boston Terrier, Female, 4mos okt oil shots, reg. $375bst ofr. 832 2)13. BOXER AKC Male, M50.

754 BOXER PUPS, ready now, tail claws done, shots, good markings. J02-32afl3 BOXERS lyr old molt, 2vr old female SISOeach Call 3t5o-7B07 after 4 Boxers Brindle, SM's, JF's, registered, ready 102098. M'. Call Cats (2) FREE, vis old, have to go togetiter, indoor, black calico tap cats. Call 302 co*cker Spaniel Puppies registered, males.

3 blk, 2 blk S3O0each Call 302-836-35 CUTE PUPPIES, 7wks, 1120 Aussie Pup, 7 wks, S200, Coll 610-444-4059 Dalmation pups, 7 wks ota, 1st shots vet checked, purebred unregisf 2 fern's left, S350. Call 410-364-1 366 after 5pm. Oobermans- Rottweilers Puppies-Finished 610-933-3600. Dobermam A Rottweilers Special Sale. Pups adults AKC Ctl Sired 410-933-3600 Female neutered, declawed, cat.

Approx 2yrs. Blk wht, green eyes. Quiet temp. Free. Coll 737 5058 FREE KITTENS 7 wks old, litter trained, good homes only, call 302-38-0555.

FREE PUPPIES Call 302-798-2699. FREE TO GOOD HOME I Jack Russell Terr (2) 10 mos. old, Great disposl-tion. Call Ted 832 181 5 aft 4 GERMAN SHEP puppies, AKC7wks old. 1st on prem, S250, 45M544 or 4534863 German Shepherd pups AKC matefern, shots, wormed, family farm raised.

S27S. 302 284-4417 German Short Hair Pointer Pups, 9 weeks, shots wormed, regisfd, must sell. Wkend 410-274-3179 or Wk day 2IS-4I3Q4I8. GOLDEN RETRIEVER PUPPIES-AKC, vet checked, parents on prem. Vm 410-754-5777 HOUSE RABBITS, litter box trained, neutered, vet checked, SS5 ea non-protit ogency.

Coll 410-3881421 KITTENS Many rescued and affectionate kittens in need of loving families, FREE. Coll 302-834-2859. KITTENS-Non-profit rescue has kittens cats. Will pay for spayneuter. Free to good home 838-1397 KITTEN-3mo.

old Mock tabby, male. Free to good home. 302 529 5595 Lab Puppies AKC Blk, dew-claws removed, parents OF master huntercompanion dog bloodlines. $250. Call 854-2109.

Lab Puppies AKC, Mki $200. 4 F's, ready now, Parents on prem. 1st shots 4 wormed. 302-244-0944. LAB PUPPIES-YELLOW, AKC reg, champ bldline, 1st shotswormed $2507bst Ofr.

1 left, 410458 7924 LAB PUPS, AKC Mack champ bloodlines, exc pups, ready now. $200 Call 302459 3108. Li a. boned golden retriever, Gold Rush pedigree, avail, for stud, please call 302-2348617. MINIATURE POODLE, white 4yrs old, not neutered, free to good home, 995-7351, 4 Iv msg Miniture Schnauers-3F, tails docked, 1st shots, wormed, black silver, 1st vet free.

$300. 836-5698 MIXED LAB, female 2yrs, free to gd Iwme. 378-9826 NEWFOUNDLAND PUPS AKC Black, gentle wchildren, will ship to you Call 402-694-5949 Parrot yellow naped Amazon, talks has beaut plumeaae, $800 incl large cage. Call 41fr8S-2200. Pit Bull Puppies 4 wks old, $150.

Call John at 302-832-7827 or page at 302-354-1008. POMERANIAN male, 2 yrs. old, $200 incl. cage car seat. Call 30238-245? REAL Blue Tick Beagle Pups for bottom 1st shotv $100, 571-9934, bpr 571-2674 RETRIEVERSHEP MIX 8yrs ft BeogleBassett, spayed 4yrs.

Free to good home. Outside dogs lovable. Must go together. 302-737-3299 ROTTWEILER PUPPIES, purebred no papers. 1st shots, vet ckd, born 74, $250, females, 302-994 9227 ROTTWEILER PUPPY Only 1 left $250 good price.

30238 T27 ROTTWEILER, Syr old ft RottweilerLab mix, 2yr old free to good home. Call 302-778-1210 SHELTIE Puppies, AKC, 6 wks, $350. 302-454-8762 Iv msg. SHELTIES-AKC, exc. pets for children or family, easy to train.

$250 41058527) Standard Poodle, AKC, Female, 7 mos old, red, very smart, $350bst ofr. Call 832-2113. Tiger Kittens, Free to good home, Call 798 8439 Iv msg. Toy Poodles 10 wks old, malefemale, $300 each, good kids, cull aft 6pm, 41 0458 2514. Domestic Slwrfhaired Kit to a good home, 2F, 1M, very friendly, playful ft affectionate.

Nr DE City. Ruth 302348935 at of Ting aeuiea aas tor eon rati No. 98-27, the purchase of services to rehabilitate wells II 13, will be received in the Purchasing Office, Newark Municipal Building. Box 390, Newark, Delaware 19715-03V0 or 220 Ik Ion Road. Newark, Delaware until 2 p.m., prevailing time Tuesday, October 20, 1998 and will be publicly opened and read aloud in the Council Chamber shortly thereafter.

Copies of the Bid Documents may be obtained at the Purchasing Office, Newark Municipal Building, 220 Elkton Rood, Newark, Delaware. CV95S312 INVITATION TO BIO WILMINGTON HOUSING AUTHORITY "LEASING OF VEHICLES" Seated bids will be received by the Wilmington Housing Authority, 400 N. Walnut Street, Wilmington, DE 19801 until 12:00 noon, Thursday October 29, 1998 at which time they will be publicly opened and read aloud for Lease of Vehicles. Prospective bidders must obtain and read the instructions to bidders, contract documents and detailed specifications which may be obtained at the Wilmington Housing Authority or by calling (302) 429-6780 extension II. CWSIS48 NEW CASTLE COUNTY Department of A dmi lustration Notice A Invitation to Bid LITTLE MILL INTERCEPTOR SANITARY SEWER REPLACEMENT -SECTION 1 Sealed bids are invited for the installation of 2034 l.f.

of 36" sanitary sewer pipe, 8429 If. of 30" pipe, 1302 If. of 7 pipe, 52 manholes clearing, grubbing, paving, restoration and related work as required by the plans and specifications. The work is located gen erally along the Little Mill Creek from me Richardson Park Pump Station on Brookside Drive in the vicinity of Maryland northerly through Elsmere to the Robert Kirk wood Highway. All work is located in New Ctistle County.

Bids addressed to the New Castle County Purchasing Division will be received by me Purchasing Division, New Castle County Government Center, 87 Reads Way, New Castle, DE 19720, telephone (302) 3VS57SO until 2:00 p.m. Tuesday, November 17, 1998, where they will be opened and read publicly. Bid envelopes should carry a clear notation "Bid for LITTLE MILL INTERCEPTOR SANITARY SEWER REPLACEMENT SECTION 1, Contract 199V 1 1, Bid 99-910" Plans and specifications may be obtained in the William J. Conner Building, 187-A Old Churchmans Road, Room 063, New Castle, DE, 19720, telephone (302) 395-5733 on and after October IS, 1998, upon payment of $50.00 (nonrefundable). Bids shall be accompanied by a bidders bond, certified or cashiers' check in an amount equal to 10 of the bid price, payable to New Castle County and conditioned to be forfeited to said County for failure to enter into a contract, if awarded.

Awards, if ony, will be made to the lowest and best responsible bidder. The County reserves the right to reject all bids and to waive minor irregularities. The successful Bidder will be required to give bond of a surety company, acceptable to the County, and licensed to do business in the State of Delaware, in me amount of the contract price. PRE-BID MEETING There will be a pre-bid meeting at 2:00 p.m. on October 26, 1998 in the Central Training Room of the William J.

Conner Building, 187-A Old Churchmans Road, New Castle, DE 19720 PREQUALIFICATION New Castle County will only accept bids from those contractors currently prequalified by the County to perform work in the category "E-a" Sanitary Sewers. Interceptors. Prequalifkation of all other trodps is waived. MBEWBE PARTICIPATION New Castle County in its efforts to promote the utilization MBEWBE in County procurement has established a County-wide goal 'of 10 MBfcWBE participation for this con tract Bidders are required to provide evidence of compliance, as specified under Article 10.10, with their proposal. James H.

Sapp Chief Procurement Officer Bid 99-910 106,13 0950651 PmArllMAjj FeedHay HorsesVCattlePoultry Pets Riding Instruction Equipment ADORABLE PUPS- AKC Bichons Wire Fox Terriers- $725., Mujtese450, etc. 834-4137 AFFECTIONATE Moluccan co*ckatrxj, playful, young, orig $100 8, cage $SO0, Only SHOO. 3689HA4 American Bulldogs, ft Johnson Painter bloodline, dual registered, must see, $399 negot. NOT CE OF LET 1 llif Laundromat, txc location. Avail now.

To be built turnkey 2 yr specs, S40K req'd. Phone 410-268 3404. Restaurant eqpmnt, entiig contents must go or T-O. lease, 368-8040 Iv msg. Retail Party Supply Star.

Serious Inauiries. Restaurant equipment complete. 60V-68-8081 or 409-484929. Shot Repair Shop fully eauiplowrent ofr. 48-5394.

AVOID BANKRUPTCY Cut pvmnts by 50. CCCS is FREE I -800-642 2227 100 financing ml9 money, owner occ. only, some credit problems OK, Preferred Capital Srvcs 302-324 5370. Lic'd mtg broker CASH LOANS, Debt Assistance, bad credit OK 1-800-247-5125 x917 HOME EQUITY LOANS Bill consolidation slow credit. (800) 332-9221 We want tornake you a loan Call Us Now 995-2760 Licensed by State of DE Commercial Industrial Business Property DuckingGunning Farm SalesWanter FarmsLand GarageParking Spaces Industrial Property Office Conoos OfficeDesk Space Retail Leasing WarehouseStorage AAA OFFICE SPACE Available- Easy access to 1-95, $4 from 3,500 sf up to 22,000 sf.

Cull 4344710. 1250 sf of comml space- last used as hair salon, 1312 Washington Str, 455-1544 Zone C2 20 34th St, crnr, ramp ent, 1st ft 2nd llr-3 rms ea bsmt ent Garagt, behind W. Hth St, $IOOmo. Avail November 1. Call 479-5571.

LeaseSale Lawyers Row Legal Arts Building 1725 King St, 2700 sq ft, turn opt. 455-9421. "AAAA" LOCATION WSFSFAIRFAX BLDG. 2005 CONCORD PIKE 600 sq ft rental inc free pkng janitorial ft util. (302)654-3384 Best Value in Delaware Concord Plaza 20099,000 SF Available CALL 478-1190 CHRISTIANA 700-1200 sf office $12 Sf net of util.

UNIV. OFFICE PARK 2000 full service Call 302-292-0500 Great loc for sm. growing bus Recptn area 4 offices 2000 sf $1700mo 454-7385 8am-3pm Luxuriously furnished executive suites avail. Sturting 100 sq.ft. Professional support staff to handle any your secretarial needs.

High speed broad band with internet access. New sophisticated phone sys. SILVERSIDE CARR EXECUTIVE CENTER Pamela Biordi or Jordan Ferm 792 1100 email: INFOC FERMASSOC.COM Luxury ofc, furrfd or un- furn'd, avail immed. Grt location, $B00mo, 777-3501, OfficeRetail Space, Kirk-wood Hwy in Elsmere. $500mo util.

994-9539 VP- A KIRK WOOD HIGHWAY 1500 XX) so ft Retail Middletowiv9Uh30l. 1000 att. Summit Shoo. Call M5-9320. Via 1741 New London Road Kembtesville or $10.00 It.

Bldg. for lease with high visibility on RT 894. 2,000 or sa. ft. Landlord flexible Improvements terms.

Potential for many uses such as Office, Professional, Retail Space, MedtcotDental, Restaurant or Warehouse. Call Sandi Bunker at RE'MAX at Jennersville -888-391 -2168 tor more Info) North Wilm-prime lac. 400-1200 sa 48-5394 or 995-1527. Poller son-Woods A Assoc. Business Leaders Choice Coll 302-622-3500 WEST CREEK New Shopping Center, Fletch-wood Rd, Elkton MD.

Great rates, free rent. PETTINARO 999-0708. A best Warettse Office-well 1000-5000 sq ft. Truck parking, 328-1171. Alarmed 3000 si Bldg.

Shop gar, office. Fncd yd, ac. Zone M2. AvI 1198 454-2518 ALBE DRIVE- 91 2,450 sg ft. Old Baltimore Pike In-dustriol Park.

302-8348319 AUTO BOAT STORAGE New location DuPont Hwy 141. Space avail immed. Fenced locked. Great rates 322-3414 or 322-323 BUSINESS SHOP woflice, 1908 sq ft. $9Vmo.

New-port Ind. Prk. 239-5934. DOVER, DE -ZONED sf wrhs space $4504:. $0dn, 10 loan rate 7500 sf $l500mo.

30278-9898 LET'S MAKE A DEAL Off icewarehouse, 1,500 to 1 1,000 soft. PETTINARO 999O708. NEED STORAGE Newport-All Sites. Lowest Rt 13 outside stor-oge 322-3414 or 322-3723 NEWPORT 195-1250 Sf gns heat, all masonry office pwdr rm 998-2359 Newport 1-95 3200 so. otticewhse w' 1 0 000 sq.

ft. fencd prkg lot. 302-999-1 131 NORTH WILMINGTON 1-95 Naamans Road 720 SF to 40,000 SF Rent as low as $400 Call Jordan Ferm or Pam Biordi, 792-1100 Olfice, warehouse space ft small shops, 500 sf 10,000 sf. Coll Mario 239-4550 Shop Office warehouse-rent, 3000sf, 2500 Lancaster Ave complex 454-1424 STORAGE TRAILERS Dry secure. We deliver to your 1ocatiotV800454-8533 WAREHOUSE WOFFICE SPACE Behind Fox Run Shopping Cntr.

1,500 sq. ft. J024J2-0103 anytime Riat, estate Rehtms Apartments City Apt.House Sharing Apartments Suburban Condominiums Florida Furnished Houses Apartments HousesMisc. Zone 1-7 Maryland Pennsylvania Resort Rooms for Rent IBR Apt. Cor bin Crt.

Heal paid. $420 month, avail immed. Call 302-478-8933 A IBR apt, great cond, Corbin Ct, $400mo. Avail immed. 1st mo sec req.

Coll June at 425-3324. A IBR at 413 W. 32nd St. Oil heat, off-street pkg. $42Vmo.

455919 Act Now! 26th ft West, lbr, carpet, mod. kitn. Now avoil. $435mo. 742-4422.

A quiet nbrhd, 2BR, LR, Kit, ba, priv. entrance, Section 8 approved. W. 31st St. Call 475-5887.

small 3rd llr lbr elfic. 9th Madison. Avail now $350 Coldwell Banker Rowley Realtors 995-2535 A 2 bedroom apt for rent-section 8 is ok. $550.00 per month. Coll 302-658-0364 BACHELORS nr 9th Washington.

$400 all utils. Dep. ft ref. 427-2249 Beautifully renovated Apts- Starting from $300. ft up plus utils.

Must See. Call 994 9249 Brandywine Mngmt 454-1058 Trolley Sq 2br. Very nice 454-1058 Holcomb Salter 328-1524 LEA BLVD APTS Spacious ft modern updated kitchens, in every unit. Near churches, synagogues, transp, ft shopping. OPE 2-4, Tues-Sut.

608 Lea Blvd, Call 762-2651 LG STUDIO SEPARATE BR CA, ww cpt, nr 195 ft 202. HHW ft cooking gas incl. 764-7112. Newly renovated 2Br study. Near Chase bank, ww, crc.

$600 Call 888-1)39 New 2BR apt, Greenhill Ave area, $550mo utils, incl wtr, 6540368, 594-1283 pgr North Broom St, sml IBR, priv pkng, wd, $500mo incl hthot wtr. 610-3B8-1224 NR WILCASTLE CTR Ador 3rd fl inc hhw $475 White Robbins 434-5900 I 1 I I Ml fit. Accupressure- Shiatsu- Oriental Massage-Sauna 609 351-1315 tOam-IOpm 2 mi fr Memorial Bridge All cash tor your home, any condition, fast settlement Horn Buyers 234-9999 Anyone witnessing Rov4 car accident, Sua 104 at the Former's Mkt. 731-1944 Beanie Show-Aetna Fir Hall (Newark) 1X15 10-4. Dealers wonted 369 1406 Delaware Tag T155 Cal DE Tag -RV 572 For sole, SIBOO.

Call 302 537 I960, betw 5 HOME DEPOT Where Low Prices Are Just The MASSAGE-Slress Relief. Enhance your health. $45 Intro 737 4032 Prayer of Application to the Holy Spirit. Holy spirit who solves all problems, wIk lights all roods so that I can attain my goal. You who give the divine gift to forgive ond forget all evil against me and that in all instrtices of my lite you are with me.

I want in this short prayer to thank you for all things and to confirm once again that I never wont to be separated from you, even ond in spite of oil material illusion. I want to be with you in eternal glory. Thank you for your mercy toward me ond mine Silent Auction Oct 24, 6 11pm To be held at the German Club. Ogle-town Newark De. Dinner Dancing Fabulous Auction including trips, computer, show tickets ft much morel Advance tickets req'd.

$75 person Cull 737-4S9 Benefits St. Michael's Church. WINTERTHUR A treasure in your own backyard. 888-4600 Legal Notice; Bios A Proposals Legal Notices Public Notices Sheriff Sales Gun Permit James G. Welsh of 162 Diminish Drive, Newark, DE 19713, will make application to the Judges of the Superior Court of the State of Delaware in and tor New Castle County at Wilmington for a license to carry a con cealed deadly weapon or weapons tor the protection of my person or property or both.

I0I3-NJ 0956252 Gun Permit Michael F. Schuman, of 12 Kenleigh Wilmington, DE IV808, will make application to the Judges of the Superior Court of the State of Delaware in and for New Cmtle County at Wilmington for a license to carry a con cealed deadly weapon or weapons for the protection ot my person or property or both. 1QM3-NJ O95S007 NOTICE OF TERMINA TION OF PARENTAL RIGHTS ACTION TO: JACQUELINE X- bKI I MAN Wll SON FROM: Confidential Clerk of Family Court, New Castle County, Delaware DSCYF'DIVISION OF FAMILY SERVICES, Pe titioner has brought Civil Action (File No. 98- 07-1 ITN, date filed 721 9B) to terminate your parental rights in your child(ren) A MINOR MALE DOB JUNE 6, IW7 A hearing has been scheduled at the Family Court, Vuu King Street, Wilmington, Delaware 19H01 ON: NOVEMBER 25, 1998 Alt 2:00 PM If vou do not appear at the hearing, the Court may terminate your parental rights without your appearance. PUBLIC NOTICE Notice is hereby provided that a Certificate of Need application has been filed by Alfred I.

duPont Hospi tal for Children for the expansion of surgical facilities. Anyone desiring that public hearing be held (3. LEGALPUBLIC NOTICE LOW-INCOME HOME ENERGY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM (LIHEAP) STATE PLAN The public tt hereby norrfwd (hat the Delaware Department of Health and Social Services. Division of State Service Centers. OAK of Community Services IDMXy EJSSOOCSl win awty to the Department ot Hearth and Human Service lor tow Income Home trrrqy Assistance Program tUHtAP) funds tor me State ot Delaware the proposed 1999 UHtAP Slate Plan is available tor puMc review and comment from October 12 October 23.

taxi Please send comments to. Dennis Savage Artrninistnitor Department ot Health and Social Sarvtcei Office ot Commumly Services Herman HoHoway Sr Campus Charles Debnam Building 1901 DuPont Highway New Came. DE 19ltt fhiMK review locatvxis sxsude il Sta anoVor teMyhcvie numbers ot the Stale Service Centers Hmvedert Northeast winder Laird Porter DetawivT Hoist I Hudson Appooianirnv Oayrnont: James waliama. sword. Sndgevsle SaakW OrwoMuwn Laurel, toward Pyleand: Office of Community Services Catholic Charmes, Inc Charles Debnam Hldg 1st Hoot 21 Chestnut Street.

Suite 2 1901 DuPont Highway Georgetown Dt tM7 Newcastle. Of 1920 J02) 866-6310 13021 57 4961 Cathnhc Chanties ax Neigritoortworl House, mc 2WJ! 4th street 1218 8 Street (Vilminglrin Of I90OS VWmingrai Of 19801 13021 64-9296 13021 652-3928 Catholic Chanties Inc State Budget Office 121 Loocaerman Street Thomas CoHins Building Dover Dt 19901 Dover. Df 19901 13021 64-182 (302) 739-3326 First State Community t4nghrjorhood House Inc. Ai Hon Agency Inc 24 Norm Broad Street 310 Railroad Avenue MKWHown Dt 1909 Georgetown Of 1994 1302)371-7217 13021 8761 1IVII.t2.1J-lu IA-27032K0-963992) GREENBACK MANOR Call for apt, 998-4644 HARBOR CLUB 1BR fr $495 2BR fr $559 Eff. Jr 1.

3BR fr S425 Free Renters Insurance Dishwasher Pkg Large Rooms Free Heat ft Hot Water Free PoolKiddie Pool Central Air Attended Play Area 2YrSr.Clt. Disc. NEW KitchBath Avoil' (302)454-1960 Daily 9-5 SatSun 11-4 'subject to conditions eho Have You Forgotten? THE COLOR OF MONt-Y We'll refresh your memory at HARBOR HOUSfi. I BDRM prices too hot to handle. FREE HEATHW.

MANY EXTRAS. 7989100. At this price, they won't kistlil SELECTED UNITS. HOT DEAL lbr from $495 Loaded wFree amenities Ltdofr Rose 454-1960 Liberty Knoll apts- Irg IBR avail now from $45. 328-6646 or 999 9653 eves MIDWAY PARK APTS DELUXE 2BR'S Great Rental for 1st months rent- 0 sec, dep.

Call 998 4550r NEWARK'S BEST Lg 3br from $649. Loaded w'FREE amenities Tami 737-5681 'ltdofr. Nwrk. New Castle: IBR, Irg apt, great loc, new appl, ww crpt, private balcony. Seeing is believing! $200 sec dep! (302) 328-5400.

'Certain condi ions apply. Newport IBR, nr 14V4420 incl elec, yd, attic, pets. B92 9977 NEWPORT TERRACE 2BR DELUXE Apts Great Special-No security deposit required. Newty renovated, 999805 NR Crk State Pk-lbr lha $495 White Robot ns 434-5900 PINCH YOURSELF You aren't dreaming, there are two bedroom opts for only $598 per mo with free hhw, many many extras incld. CALL 796-9100 FOR MORE DETAILS.

PRIDES COURT 1 ft 2br. Newly renovated Evening hours available Open 7 days week 737-2085 Richardson Park efficiency Apt, available 111, $345 per month. 302-738-0869 ROOMMATE SPECIAL Our Tbr's are perfect for roommatesl 2 Irg br's, 2 bo's, 2 Irg walk-in" closets, wd, guard gate, fitness rm. 731-198 SOUTHGATE APTS 368-4535 STRAWBERRY RUN 1st MONTH PRICE Vj PRICE SECURITY DEPOSIT TOQUALIFIED Free heat hot water 'Utilities excluded weff. Rt 896, Newark 366-112.

THE VILLAS-HUGE APTS, sma II rents. I ft 2 BR apts starting from $548 with early payment dis. Many extras incl. Limited Time. Call now, 322-112 DIR: Take 1-95 to Rt 273-S, proceed to 5th traffic signal.

The Villas is on the left TOP OF THE ILL Offering 1,2,8, 3 BR Apts. 798-6691 Jr. lbr from $435 Loaded WFREE amenities Tami 737-5681 'ltdofr Nwrk UNIVERSITY VILLAGE Spacious I ft 2 bedroom heat ft ht wtr included. Furn'd opt available. Lifestyle leasing.

First month's rent free to qualified applicants Introducing another a. WNY Community Coll 3444000 Valley Run 1 ft 2 BR Apts ft Townhomes Call for wknd hrs, 47S 4621 Value! Value! Value! One bedroom with free tvnw only $488 per mo. Only one left call 798-9100. NOW LEASING All New 1 ft 2br Apts, Spacious Floor Plans, Modern kit. wdw WD in Every Apt.

Free fitness center Free Olympic size year round pool And so much more. Convenient to both City ft Christiana Area Come see us TODAY. CANBY PARK APT. (302) 656-1827 ADMIRALS CLUB 1BR fr $485 2BR fr $549 Eff, 3 BR fr $395 Free Renter's Insurance Dishwasher pkg Large Rooms Free Heat ft Hot Water Free PoolKiddie Pool Central Air Attended Play Area 2 Yr Sr. Clt.

Disc NEW KitchBath Avar (302)737-8496 Daily 9-5 SatSun 11-4 subiect to conditions eho 2BR, 2.S ba condo to share wnsmk profsingl parent $430mo-t- vautil, 455-0741. BEAR-Shar 4Br heme wFemale ft 3 children. $400 incl. util. 302 832-7053 Center of Newark, alCutil incl, laund ft kit, ns, $400nrto, 302-454-9954.

Female prof to share gorgeous home, historic Trinity area, (bk Chase bunk, sec. sundeck, wd, all avail. 111 $305mo 13 util. 762-3790 Lux Paladin th 495 access $5 mil elbhse, pool. Mst br wpvt ba.

fully mod. kit. $475mo, Call 762-4k71. North Wilm ns to share 3lv house, wd, afc, ux, great rent. Call 762)984 Pike Crk-lrg rm, phoner-ca-ble.

Full hse privlg. Clean, quiet $425 utl inc 998-993. Coll vB4M6betw 9 5. ALMOST IN THE COUNTRY- 1-2-3 BR APTS FROM 1460 AT WESTCOURT. 452-3953.

1 ft 2 BR at CHRISTIANA COURT APTS. in Stanton extra low price but only 2 left. Call 998 91 II. A1BD, spacious rooms. Closets galorel Screend-in patiorbaic, pool.

Nr public trans. $698 incl all util. Up to $50mo discount. Won't Last I 764877 A lor beaut auiel elev Mdg nr Christ Hsp. Lobby ent kit pkg area, No sec dep.

Subi to usual cred req. Lorena, 731-084 A Banning Park, Woodcrest, quiet area IBR, $485, inc hthtw, no pets 239021 9 5. Abate costs affordable living from only $451 Call 994-9003 ABBEY WALK has beauti-ful IB. Apts. avail immed.

with free heat. 737-3110 A 36 28 Society Hill Apts. iust off Naamans Rd. Locked lobby ent, intern, beautiful eat in kit, bale, pools, tennis, social rm. No security dep Subi to usual credit reos.

79tVB500 A brick 2BR apt. I9S ft B'wine Hunt Ht, cable $675 mo. 366-7448 A 2BR, Society Hill Apts. in N. Wilm.

locked ent wr intern, bale, beautiful fully eouip kit wwin. Pools, tennis, social room, hthw incld. $695mo. No security dep Subi to usual credit reos. 7988500.

Absolutely amazing low price- two bedroom tree tvnw, ww, omy per ma Hurry, wont last at this price! 798-9100. A clean I BR, no pets, new sec. dep. req'd, heat included. $490mo.

655-5985 ALLANDALE VILLAGE 2BDRM SPECIAL nr MBNA, 7385775 EHO AMAZING AMENITIES! THE MEADOWS AT ELK CREEK Offers 1,2,3, BR Apts Pool, Jacuzzi, Tennis, Fit ness Center, Washer Dryer much more Hurry Inl It NoAppl. Fee Security Deposit Only $250. 1400-6432441 ADA'EHO AMAZINGLY LOW Lg 2BR from $549 Loaded wFREE amenities Taml 737-5681 'ltdofr. Nwrk A New Castle: 2BR, Irg apt, great location, new appliances, ww crpt, private bale. Seeing is believing! $200 sec dep.

328-5400. 'Certain conditions apply. APTS SO BIG THEY HAVE THEIR OWN ZIP CODE I RENT 4 ONE, TWO, OR THREE WITH CALL MORE OUR BEDROOM FREE HHW. 798 9100 FOR DETAILS ON AFFORDABLE RENTS, YET BEAUTI- FUL APT HOMES. AT ARBOR POINTE Lg 1 ft 2 BR, W2BA Elec gate ent, priv entr pkg space, WD, eat in kit, balcony, pool, spa near 195, Christiana Hosp ft Mall.

No security deposit Subiect to usual credit req. Open daily ft Sat. 994-4442 At Devtlle Court Apts I ft 2 BR fr $495. $99 Sec dep. Incl IVhw ft pool.

998-5794, M-F, 9-5 atsocIety hIll North Wilm's finest apts Beautiful St, Elevator ft Garden Style Locked Lobby entr wintcm Gorg new eat -in kitchens Pools, tennis, Irg balcony NO SECURITY DEPOSIT 'Sub to usual credit req Great loc, iust off Naamans Rd, mi W. of I-9S Hrsr Mon-Fri 9-S Sat 10-4, Sun 12-4 No Appointment Necessary 798-8500 Bear area, 2BR, $500mo util, no children, 834-5417. BELIEVE IT 2br from $559 Loaded wFree amenities 'Ltdofr Rose 454-1960 BRANDYWINE HILLS APT- Deluxe apts. Move-' in Specials from $299. for 1st months rent 0 sec.

deposit. Call 764-3242 Bright Sunny Apartments With Free Heat ft Hot Water In Park-Like Setting. Call Now And Ask About Our Current Specials. 32881303288132. Brooklyn Terrace, 2Br Apt wfrpl ft garage, heat in-cluded, $54umo.

738-0869 CEDARTREE APTS Offering effic, IBR Jr 475-9337 CHECK US OUT! 1 A 2 Bdrms WasherDryer in Apt. Private Entrances 731-1280 CHRISTIANA HOSP AREA Lrg 2 Br, 2 BA, 1200 sf, 24 hr rm, 24hr. guard gate. Open 7 davs a week 731-198 CLAYMONT GARDENS BR's, exc location. Call 798-3162.

Claymont, 2 Br, priv. gar, bsmt, afc, nr train, no pets, $590utils. 475-4717. Claymont 2BR wriver view quiet area, ca $560 inc hthtw, no pets, 239-021 9-5 CRANSTON HALLS459.50UP Includes heat ft hot water 3314 Old Capital Trail-rear of Prices Corner Shopping Center.immd poss 999-7001 FURNISHD APTS AVAIL DEAL OF THE YEAR Roomy lbr from $485 Loaded wFREE amenities Tami 737-5681 'ltdofr Nwrk. Don't Rent-OWN GoodBad Credit.

Tony MORMAX 215-654-0700 or 302-983-0052 DRIFTWOOD CLUB APTS DELUXE effc. ft 2BRs Great Rental Specials $799. for 1st months rent- 0 sec dep. Coll 9980354. EVERGREEN TERRACE Deluxe Townhomesapts.

I73BR From $375, Renovateoy410-398-7328 A Positiont School Bus Contractor up to 2 buses Location: Red Clav Consolidated School District New Castle County, Delaware For: 1998-99 School Year Closing Date: October 30, 1998 4:00 PM Apply in writing: Red Clay Consolidated School District 1621 Telegraph Rood Wilmington, DE 19804 ATTN: Mr. Kuhls I0S-18-NJ O9S078? Sealed proposals fori I) 99 91 1 Demolition Site Clearance will be received until 3:00 p.m., Tuesday, October 27, 1996, in the New Castle County Purchasing Division, New Castle Corporate Commons, 87 Read's Way, New Castle, DE 19720 (Phone: 302 395-5251). Specifications and instructions to bidders may be obtained at the same location. Minority Business Enterprises (MBE) and Woman-Owned Business Enterprises (WBE) will be afforded full opportunity to submit bias and will not be subject to discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin or sex in consideration of this award. 1013.20-NJ CV9SS3B8 Seated proposals for: (I) KV9 909, Shirts will be received until 3:00 p.m., Tuesday, October 27, 1998, in the Purchasing Section, New Castle County Government Center, 87 Reads Way, New Castle, DE 19720 (Phone: 302395-5250).

Specifications and instructions to rudders may be obtained at the same location. Minority Business Enterprises (MBE) and Woman-Owned Business Enterprises (WBE) will be afforded full opportunity to submit bids and will not be subiect to discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin or sex in consideration of this award. CW554I8 OF DELAWARE PSC DOCKET NO. 86-438 on October 6. 1998.

Bell to approve the agreement C. 252(e(1). interconnection agreement for terminating local traffic at per minute of use. depend local loop elements includ 07, $13.13 and $16.67 for and termination, and tlte hours. may submit written com SERVED UPON BA-DEL reject the agreement on or James S.


filed a (oint application tor approval of an interconnection agreement negotiated under the provisions of 47 SC. BA-Del is the incumbent local exchange carrier NEXTLINK is currently certificated to provide local exchange and other telecommunications services BA-Del and NEXTLINK have asked the Public Service commission the Commission under the provisions of 47 Provisions in the submitted include: Reciprocal compensation rams ui uu i uo or uu i Ms ing on where traffio is terminated on lha BA-Del and Nt.x. i link networks. The purchase of unbundled ing recurring prices of $10 uensity oeiis i. a ana 3 respectively.

Provisions related to dialing parity and directory and database listings. The resale of BA-Del telecommunications services for wholesale discount of 20.0 or 16 0 (depending upon h'wv'os us wwn uperuiur services). The provision of 91 1 services to all customers. The agreement indicates that the rates for unbundled net' work elements, call transport wnoiesaie discount may be replaced by new rates at a later time. Copies of the joint application and the submitted Interconnection agreement are available for public Inspection and copying at the Commission's office at the address set out oeiow during normal business Under Guidelines 30 31 of the Commission's Guidelines for Negotiations, Mediations, Arbitration, and Approval of Agreements Between Local Exchange Telecommunications carriers, any interested person ments and any supporting material concerning the Commission's approval or rejection of the BA-Del and Nt.XTLINK interconnection agreement, Comments should iocus on tne criteria tor review set forth 47 2 52(e)(2)(A) and whether such agreement is consistent wun appucaoie state law, regulation, or policy, ttuch com ments must be filed with the Commission and served upon BA-Del and Nf XTLINK.

COMMENTS MUST BE FILED WI.H I HE COMMISSION AND NORTH EAST AUCTION RT40, NORTH EAST, MD TUES. OCT 13H, 5pm SMOKE FREE AUCTION Beds, dressers, chest of drawers, sofas, bookcase, tear. art, dinette set, oak chest of drawers, oak chair, rec liners, rolls of carpets, aquciriurm, showcases, selection all 4 wool handmade Persian rugs, washer 8- dryers, color TVs, computers, Panasonic KXB430, desk, lateral file cabinet, copier, tot of electronics, lumber, -i building supplies, Sears radial arm saw, compres-'t sor, power hand tools, ladder, -jewelry, coins, col-- lectibles, Franklin Mint items, crocks, oil lamps, butter churn loudes more by sale time. Terms: Cash burkheimer assoc. 800-233-4169 WWW.BURKHEIMEfl.COM AND NEX I LINK UN OH BEFORE NOVEMBE 2, 1998.

ONLY PERSONS WHO SUBMIT COMMENTS WILL RECEIVE NOTICE OF ANY FUHTHER PROCEEDINGS IN 1 His MATTER. Filing and service may be made by facsimile transmission followed by mail or express deliverv. Thi Commission will approve or Deiore January iywa. Comment should be filed with the Commission at: Public Service Commission Attn: Docket No. 98-438 861 Stiver Lake Boulevard, Suite 100 Cannon Budding Dover, DE 19904 (302) 739-4849 (facsimile) Comments should be served on both carriers at: AMERICAN Eskimo Pups SMALL DOGS, UKC, shotswormed; male $275 CALL 410-457-5122 Bell Atlantic Delaware, Inc.

NEXTLINK Delaware, Inc. during the course of review, must request in writing that such a hearing be held. Such reauest shall be submitted to the Bureau of Health Planning and Resources Management, P.O. Box 637, Dover, Delaware IW03 by October 23, I9V8. Notification of the time ond place of any such public hearing shall be provided by public notice in the Delaware State News and the News Journal.

Such public notice shall be published ot least 14 days prior to the public hearing being held. The purpose of the Certificate of Need program is to promote a rational, effective and eguitabie review of the development, acquisition, construction, expansion and modification of health facilities and services. Anyone; wishing further inforrtKition on the application or the Certificate of Need Program in general, should contort Francis Osei-Afriyie, Management Anal vst, Jesse Cooper Building, Federal and Water Streets, P.O. Box 637, Dover, Delaware 19903, telephone 302) 739-4776. 1013-NJ CV9SS832 co Bonnie L.

Metz, Esq. co ANIMAL LOVERS Please see our ad under Petsitter in help wanted. 239-2941. Duane. Morns A Heckscher, LLP Davis Wright Tremaine.

LLP li-ui Market street libb Connecticut N.w. P.O. Box 195 Suite 700 Wilmington. DE 19899 Washington, DC 20036 Office spoce watt'd shop woverhd doors ft fncd in area. New Castle 454-3333.

Office suite 1000 so. great location. Avail, now, $85 incl. heatac. 48-6690.

Office oar king Woodlawn Ave. Il55sf. Avail immed Emory Hill 122-9500. Preslbury Square Bldg Chestnut Hill Rd, Newark 250-1500 sf. 410-398-3793 PRIME retail office space 1100 sq.

ft. Great location! Philadelphia Pike, Clay-mont. Easy access to I 95 and 495. Call today lor de-toils-(302) 798-488. Bassett Hound Lemon ft white, 1 year old, papers, $325.

For interview call: 302-368-089. (302) 571-5560 (facsimile) (202) Any Individual with disabilities who wishes to participate in BEAGLE PUPPIES.must this matter or to review the Company's application, should contact the PSC to discuss any auxiliary aides or services Busing ft Financial Business Opportunities PLAZA APTS 1303 Dela Avenue Luxury Hi-Rise Studio, 24 hour, door person Pvt parking lot or valet From $610 month ALL UTILS. INCL NO SEC. DEPOSIT Sub to usual cred req Open Mon-Fri 9am -5pm Saturday 9am-3pm 656-8543 QUAKER Effic, lbr. 7bi: hwd fir, rye, renv S27S435U.

$400. ASAP, 658-9464 EHO needed to facilitate such review or participation. Such contact may be in person, by writing, or tolephonically (including the use of the Telecommunications Relay Service). The see.males, for pets or hntg, out of gd hntg stck, S5 ea, 302 324 0807 Beagle Pups AKC $100 Call f02 4224702 tC's toll-free (within Delaware) 282-8574. Persons with questions concerning this matter should contact the PSC by either text -telephone at (302) 'A9-4333 or by regular telephone at (302) 739-4247.

BEAGLE Ivrs old, all shot Hunting dog. wpapers. CARPET Cleaning business. Stanton Area. 2500 sf bldg wprkg.

Ideal prof I office Call Edd Connor Emory Hill 322-9500. 1013 NJ Asking $100 Call 302-571-8320 neea working partner, Investment reqd. 832-4990. Ijr I he New Jttum jT C'tuMlficdit geti rovA. i -i in.

The News Journal from Wilmington, Delaware (2024)
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Author: Golda Nolan II

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Name: Golda Nolan II

Birthday: 1998-05-14

Address: Suite 369 9754 Roberts Pines, West Benitaburgh, NM 69180-7958

Phone: +522993866487

Job: Sales Executive

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Shopping, Quilting, Cooking, Homebrewing, Leather crafting, Pet

Introduction: My name is Golda Nolan II, I am a thoughtful, clever, cute, jolly, brave, powerful, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.