The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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Before Buying Odd Pieces of Any Kind See Our Close Out Comer A Big Space in Our Large' Salesroom as signed to Close out Bargains A number of Walnut and Oak Dining Room Tables Buffets China Closets from which suites can be matched Dressers Beds and Chiffoniers all at tremendously reduced prices Parking Unlimited Thi ran park nil day on thin wide part Stat st Wm Kavanagh Complete House furnisher 441 445 State St and 8 28 Woodworth Ave I Armory xhoIIVhIi piSSl" CLEARING HOUSE BUSINESS LOWER THAN 1926 TOTAL Decrease in igures Only as Bankers Say Transactions Show Gam of $1 4000000 More Than Last Year fi' Clearing house totals of Springfield the past year decreased $16756607 from the 1026 aggregate of $299931 i 601 to the last year figures of $283 17 1997 Tho decline however was jj one of figures rather than as an in dicatlon of business during the past year due to the merger of the Chic opee National bank with the Third National Bankers declared that the amount of business transacted in the city was about $14000000 greater than was done the year before but the annual clearing house totals from the Chicopee National bank of about $30000000 made an apparent decline The banks are being used more each year and the war and Liberty Joans are considered responsible for the increasing popularity of the bank ing system The many functions of a bank are being taken advantage of by the general public Bankers asset that the acquaintances made by the public with bankers during the periods when they paid their instalments on the war loans fostered and developed i a confidence in the banks that was in part lacking before that time Instalment Buying Helps The ute of instilment plan buying has increased in the past five years and has been a factor in tho greater use of checks as pay ment of bills The stub as a receipt for bills paid has made the checking account a necessary adjunct to the household conveniences Out of town residents have taken advantage of checking accounts to mail their pay ments to stores in ordep to avoid a trip hero In person The Christmas club with its payments has sponsored tho custom of doing busi ness with banks and of inspiring con fidence in tho functions of modern banking With the exception of 1926 when a slight slump in business caused a decline in tho clearing house aggre gates and 1927 when the merger of the two large banks caused a slight decrease the trend throughout the year has been of healthy growth rom 1900 to 1925 the increase was $234991026 In 1900 the total clear ing house business was $68898846 compared with $114353126 in 1910 The aggregate In 1920 was $265430 058 as against $303889872 in 1925 The decrease of the past year over 1926 follows in detail: Hearing Honso igures OBITUARY 192ft January 4 27803 000 2617nnO ebruary 2i70Gioo mwooo March 24S700OO 23 i 530 Apr! 23 1S5 OOO May 24(oonoo June zii72iOo July CilslMlooo 23502 000 August 21881000 207 5'nno September 24722 000 rt'tober 25007 coo 2348 joo November 24b77Ooo 23 nr 6 nom December 25933000 23847 71 Totals $299 931604 $283171997 Mrs loulso Bullock Mrs Louise Bullock 81 died yes terday at her hom*o 126 Dwight road She leaves two nieces Mrs Howard Wadsworth and Mrs Chauncey Terry The funeral tvhich will be private will be held in Washburn's funeral home tomorrow Burial will be In Springfield cemetery Miss Margaret Siveoneyf Miss Margaret Sweeney formerly of Ulis city died yesterday at New York city She leaves a brother Thomas Sweeney of this city and the follow ing nieces and nephews: Mrs Cjuinlivan and Mrs Scanlon both of this city Mrs Richard Shea of New York city Sister Ursula of the Sis ters of Charity San rancisco Thom as McInerney of Bisbee Ariz James DIED Tn this city 3d Mrs Margaret Allis widow of George Allis uneral at the home of her daughter Mrs Robert Husby 93 Orange street riday at RJ5 a in Requiem high mass following at Holy Name church at 9 a riends Invited At eeding Hills 3d Carl Oscar Asp 4ft of eeding Hills uneral service at rhapel 37 39 Howard street Sat urday at 130 Burial In Oak Grove cemetery At West: Springfield 4th Ed ward Bronson Baldwin 60 of 28 Worcester street Notice of funeral hereafter At Holyoke 3d Mrs Sel ma Brueckner uneral at the home of her daughter Mrs annie Knopf 25 Vernon street Thursday afternoon at 2 Burial In orestdale cemetery In this city 4th Louise (Bruce) Bullock 81 widow of Horace Bullock of 126 Dwight rond uneral pri vate at funeral chapel ridayafternoon Burial In Springfield cemetery BTRT Tn this city the 4th Mrs Nora SuJHvan Byrt wife of Jeremiah Byrt of 35 Copley terrace formerly of West Spring field uneral at the parlors of Broughall 146 Bridge street Saturday at 830 a high mass of requiem at the Church of the Immaculate Conception West Springfield at 9 riends invited Burial In St cemetery Mittlneague At Westfield 4th Miss Marga ret Biglin uneral at the home of her sister Mrs John McDermott 135 Maln street Westfield riday at 815 a rn High mass of requiem at St church at 9 Burial at St cemetery Springfield Tn this city 4th Margaret Davis 77 of Dr George Davis of 71 Greene street uneral services at Gra rhapel 37 39 Howard street riday at 2 Burial in Springfield cemetery At Mittineague 2d Leslie Chapman 48 at his home 550 Westfield street uneral at the parlors of the Dick inson Streeter company 305 307 State street Thursday at 230 Burial In Oak Grove cemetery Tn this city 3d Charles Ed ward Kelley 46 of 226 High street uneral at the parlors of the Dickinson Streeter ompany 365 367 State street Thursday at 4 Burial in Adams Mass At Holyoke 4th Atty James of 1214 Hampden stmt uneral at John II funeral parlors Saturday morning nt 830 followed hy solemn high requiem mass at the Holy Cross church at Burial in St cemetery In this city 3d Andrew Jackson Ryder 82 of 67 Tyler street uneral at funeral rhapel Thursday at 2 Burial in Hillside cemetery Monson At New York 4th Miss Margaret Sweeney formerly of this city uneral at home of Sampson Sons 730 State street this city Saturday at 815 Requiem high mass following at ths Church of the Holy amily at 0 a riends invited WILLIAMS At Chicopee alls 4th Hugh Williams 75 of Chicopee alls uneral service at the home of his daughter Mm Catherine Mahon of 96 Walnut street Chicopee all" riday afternoon Burial at Marlboro Saturday UNDERTAKERS Personal Service rank Winslow Warren Underwood Charles Roadstrand GRAHAM Corp 37 now Ann street 3 5175 Day ar Night 7 i A 5fc THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN SPRINGIELD MASS THURSDAY JANUARY 5 1928 sssassB Chilly Weathar Aida in Keeping Skating Excellent The continued cold weather has Young Third Graders of East Union Street School Complete arm Project As Part of Social Studies Jfl' s' 4 axill be in St Michael's ceme Mari and Enis Left to right Beatrice Grimaldi Henry' Dubour modern community irade and Charles Vogel Stirred By Richard Burgin Concertmaster To Lead Boston Symphony Here brought a fa of be in new to him COUPLE MARRIED WEEK AGO COME NEAR DEATH Tlie coud TO CARE OR POND Park STUDENTS RETURN at STORM DELAYS TRAINS Patch North lie has act soloist with all parts of of of of of Anthony erraro home 19 Coomes av morning followed by Holy be in alls Good Good Good Good Good Good Gard Good Good PRELIMINARY PLANS MADE OR CRY TO JOIN CELEBRATION Incoming trains from the West were delayed byza severe stoim In the vi cinity of Buffalo 5vhich included a foot of snow yesterday Trains were from one hour to hours late The peak of the holiday traffic however had been passed 330 Bev Hans Burial will ba in The funeral Kellev of 226 held at the parlors of the Dickinson Streeter company this afternoon at 4 Rev It Carpenter will officiate and burial will be at Adams The funeral of Sarah uller was held nt the home 908 Allen street yesterday afternoon at 230 Rev Gar rett Stryker officiated and burial will bo at Cheshire POULTRY CASE IS CONTINUED Many Suggestions Offered in Connection With Observ ance of Massachusetts Bay Tlie bovs and girls of room 5 at the East Union street school a SB class taught by Miss Adella Whitworth have completed an intricate farm project or many weeks all the so cial studies work has centered about this main theme Before the actual construction work could be started the pupils had to learn much about farm life and also city and coun try are dependent upon each other rom their studies they decided Just Avhat buildings implements and 1 other equipment their farm Avould need To show the strikinff contrast between life in tho country and that in the city they made an apartment building as 'veil as several small farm buildings They constructed a road along which tho motor trucks are shown speeding toward city with farm produce Means of communication as well as transportation were discussed and telephone and telegraph po'es and wires were erected A low broad building 5vith a carefully printui sign is the market a most ncccs AUTO CLUB HEAD WILL LEAD IGHT AGAINST GAS TAX produced generally good skating at the following ponds and muni cipal rinks according to the bulletin issued yesterday by the Springfield Safety council through co operation witli the park de partment: Van Horn Good Bort er lake Good ountain lake Good Barney pond forest park) Good Baddie pond (orest park) Good Duck punu orcst piirK Benton lawn Calhoun Ruth Elizabeth Tapley Walker Emerson Wight Emily Bill Mvrtle street (Ind Orchard) Students at American International college returned last night after the winter vacation There was no for mal registration or classes the young mon ami women arriving in time for supper at 6 Classes will be resumed this morning ive new students have enrolcd including one foreign stu dent A wire was received yesterday from Mr and Mrs Willis Robinson instructors at the college who have been spending the holidays in lorida saying that their boat was delayed and they would not return until to morrow government George ormer Longmeadow Girl and Husband ound Over come By Gas umes The short honeymoon of Mrs Cecilia Powell Cronan formerly of IM Elling ton street Longmeadow and William Cronan of Charleston who were married at St Mary's church Longmeadow the 27th nearly ended this week in death of the couple from gas in tjieir Charleston apartment ac cording to police reports from that city They are both in a serious condition at St rancis's hospital Charleston but are improving according to word received Tuesday at 101 Ellington IL McInerney of this city and Wil liam II McInerney of New York city Tho funeral will be htjd at the funeral home Sampson Sons 730 State street Saturday morning at 815 followed by solemn requiem high mass at iho Holy amily church at Burial tery Preliminary plans for the participa tion ot Springfield in the Massachu setts Bay tercentenary in 1930 were formulated at a meeting of represent ative citizens of this city yesterday afternoon at the Chamber of Com merce It is expected that the Eastern States exposition in 1930 tvill feature by means of a grand pageant the his torical aspects of the founding of Mas saclnisets Bay colony 300 years back Among the suggestions made at tho meeting 5vere that the public li brary arrange a special collection of bonks relating to the founding not only of the Bay colony but also of the colonies in the Connecticut valley that the schools emphasize the histor ical events in connection 5vith the coming observance that a booklet be prepared containing descriptions of all historical places of interest in Massa oe pre of the West at 35 Copley terrace Besides her husband Jeremiah she leaves two daughters Mrs George Hayden of West Spring field and Mrs John Sullivan of Hart ford Ct and a sister Mrs Allen Par kins of Boston The funeral will be held at the undertaking rooms of Broughall 146 Bridge street Satur day morning at 830 followed by a high mass of requiem at the Church of Immaculate Conception at West Springfield at 9 Burial will be in St cemetery Mittineague The funeral of John A Driscoll was held yesterday morning at the home 91 Marlborough street with high mass of requiem at the Holy amily church Rev George Donahue was cele brant The bearers were Lieut Daniel Twohig Sergeant Button and Patrolmen John Maher Michael Clancy Long and Harring ton all former associates of Mr Dris coll in the Springfield police depart ment Burial was in St Michael's cemetery' ather Donahue pfficiating at the grave The funeral was held at the enue vesterdav high requiem mass at Mount Carmel church Rev William Ludessl cele brated the mass The bearers were Ixmis Williams Paul Williams Castro Mandaro William King William Pa pageorge and Matteo Dionisi Burial was in St Michael cemetery The funeral of Louis Galione of 31 airbanks place xvill be held at the home this morning at 815 fol lowed by requiem high mass at Mount Carmel church at 9 Burial will be in St cemetery The funeral of Leslie Chapman of 550 Westfield street Mittineague will be held at the of the Dickinson Streeter company this aft ernoon at 230 Burial will Oak Grove cemetery The funeral of William will be held at his home in Wilbraham this afternoon at 2 o'clock Rev William Ganley will officiate The funeral of Mrs Alida Whit ton wife of orrest Whitton of icederal street Belchertown was held at Graham's chapel yesterday after noon Rev Jlarold Snape officiated The funeral of Alfred Davenport of 1100 Main street was held yesterday afternoon at Graham's chapel Rev Everett Washburn officiated The funeral of Carl Oscar Asp of eeding Hills will be held at Gra chapel Saturday afternoon at Pearson will ofheiate Oak Grove cemetery of Charles Edward High street will be sary nart Small dolls have been dressed to represent the city dwellers and tho farmers add a most realistic appearance to the landscape The work is crude in places but the entire project shows a fine grasp of the subject by the small third graders The pupils had to learn from experi ence just tvhat materials were best for the different things They made the apartment house from wood and found it very difficult to manipulate with the tools they had at their dis posal and their limited manual train ing They turned to cardboard for the farm buildings and found it easier to work tvith While the children had all the fun of making this project they learned much about city and farm life They know how country homes differ from city homes Avhere they are located anil why some people prefer to live in the country They also studied the need of good roads and know the value of telephone and radio to rural communities street Longmeadow by the aunt with whom she lived Relatives of tho counle are on their way to 111c uuupitz Uio JVL4A1V4 Mm VJVV had battered down the doors of their apartment They were rushed to the hospital where little hope waas held for their recovery It 5vas thought that they had tried to warm their apartment with tho gas range and a leak had developed unknown to them Mrs Cronan was formerly a secre tary in a local bang The wedding last week was a prominent social event Longmeadow It was said Richard Burgin concertmaster the Boston Symphony orchestra will conduct that organization in its annual concert at the Auditorium Sunday aft ernoon This concert given under the auspices of the Men's Christian association is one of the important musical events of th'c season and it is expected that tho Auditorium Avill be filled with lovers of symphony music Mr Burgin a native of Russia has won an enviable reputation as a vio linist both as soloist and as concert master of the Boston Symphony or chestra and recently as conductor of the orchestra He conducted two of the regular concerts of the orchestra at Boston last monthand was given an ovation by both the public and the critics Mr Burgin camo' to tiiis coun try from Europe In the fall of 1920 to take the post of concertmaster In eastern Europe fvherex he spent the better part of his career he held an enviable reputation With Heifetz as his fellow pupil and friend he studied al nlaces of interest ii chusettJ and that a history pared suitable for children grammar grades Historical Incident Speakers at the conference out that the purpose of the tercen tenary was not to stage an Intensive celebration at any particular period in 1930 but rather to Induce the va ried organizations of the state to fea ture historical incidents in connection with their principal events Tire lead ers of the movement also expressed the thought that the observance could serve a desirable commercial end through advertising all over the coun try the xvealth of historical associa tions throughout Massachusetts and thus bring many tourists here It would be a kind of "Old Home The meeting at the Chamber tvas the result of the invitation of the 'TMassachusets Bay Tercentenary of Boston to Springfield to co operate with Boston in commemorat ing tho founding of the Massachusetts Bay colony and especially in leading the communities of Western Massa chusetts in the co operative move ment Those present at the conference yes terday were the following: Col zV ranklfn chairman representing tho Chamber of Commerce Miss Eleanor A Wade of the City Library associa tion curator of the Art museum Mrs William Cook Daughters of the American Revolution George Gard ner Planning board Dr Streeter Sons of the American Revolution: Mrs Edwin garter Springfield club: Blake A Hoover A Miss Elizabeth Webber A and Maj Hillman of the Chamber of Commerce Leaders to Assist The following leaders of organiza tions have expressed their intention of assisting: Richard Hooker The Springfield Republican John Cal laghan Tho Springfield Daily News Dr McGown zkmerican Interna tional college Dr James Gordon Gil key Century club Mayor ordis Parker city government George Dwight Pratt Connecticut Valley His torical society Charles A Nash East ern States exposition Dr log gett International A college Dr John MacDuffie MacDuffie school Dr Scott Springfield public schools Maurice Dickey the Springfield Union and Mrs Waldo Cook Springfield club The subcommittee of the educational committee of the Chamber of Com merce prepared yesterday afternoon a tentative questionnaire which it is proposed to send to all local employers who have more than 25 persons on their payroll The object of this com mittee is to bring about closer voca tional relations between industry and the schools Airs George Davis Margaret Davis' 77 wife George Davis of 71 Greene died at her home yesterday ig She was born at Bristol Airs of Dr street ninrnin Me and had lived in this city for 47 years or more than 30 years ahe was one of the leading local milliners Besides her husband she leaves one daughter Mrs Ude of this city The funeral will be at Graham's chapel tomorrow afternoon at 2 Rev Rjchard Bennett will of ficiate' BUrial will be in Springfield OLD NUMBER PLATES BRING INE $100 rank erranti 40 of 122 Sharon street a baker whose attempt to save the expense of new registration plates and compulsory liability insurance re sulted in his arrest by Patrolman Christopher Aspall December 27 when the officer found that his truck was being operated on old number plates pleaded guilty in district court yesterday to a charge of allowing a person to operate an unregistered and uninsured automobile Judge Heady fined him $100 A complaint against erranti's em ploye Tony Bnrsclli 18 of 57 Miller street charging him with driving an unregistered and uninsured car was filed away by agreement In view of the fact that It could not be proved that Berselli had knowledge that the truck was not properly registered and insured Alfred Alovis 37 of 73 Euclid ave nue who is alleged to have sold the truck to erranti without having filed a record of the transfer with the po lice department and registrar of motor vehicles as required under tlio stat ute was not prepared for trial and his case was further continued to th 11th Alovis is charged with selling an automobile and failing to report it Miss Margaret Biglin Miss Margaret Biglin of this city died at the home of her sister Mrs John McDermott of 155 Alain street Westfield yesterday morning She leaves beside Mrs McDermott two other sisters Miss Catherine Big lin of Boston and Mrs John Connell 'of this city The funeral will be to morrow morning at 815 'at the Mc Dermott home Westfield and will be followed at 9 by requiem mass at St Mary's church Westfield Burial will be in St cem etery this city Andrew Djder Andrew Ryder 82 Civil war vet eran died Tuesday at his home 67 Tyler street He was a member of Co I Massachusetts volunteers He leaves three daughters Mrs A ozzy of Campbello Mrs William Stacey of Monson and Mrs Alice Askins o'f Springfield and two sons A Ryder of Palmer and red Ryder of Stafford Springs Ct The funeral will be held this afternoon at 2 at funeral borne Rev Henry Bell officiating Burial will be in Hillside cemetery Monson Mrs Margaret Aills Mrs Margaret Allis widow George Allis died at the home her daughter Mrs Robert Rushby 93 Orange street yesterday She is sur vived by a son Charles A three daughters Mrs Robert Burns Mrs Paul Galasso and Mrs Rushby and a sister Miss Mary Russell of Chicope bho was a member of Independent lodge New England order of Protec tion The funeral will be held at tho home tomorrow morning at 815 with high mass of requiem at tho Name church at 97 Burial will St cemetery Chicopee Mrs Nora Byrt Nora Byrt formerly of Springfield died Tuesday night four years witli Leopold zYuer mons teacher of violinists Thus prepared for his professional career he toured llussia I'oland in land and Scandinavia with a great deal of success playing as soloist at IJetrograd Kiev Moscow Odessa Co penhagen ana eiscwncrc cd as concertmaster and symphony orchestras in Europe America is not entirely for he came to this country as a boy of 12 He led a notable string quartet in Christiania and formed the Burgin quartet in Stockholm which regularly toured from city to city performing 12 recitals a season He has organized a string quartet of virtuosos of the Boston Symphony orchestra which has a high standing in the musical world program is as follows: Overture Cellini" op 23 Berlioz Symphony No 7 'Beethoven suite Stravinsky Overture to Wagner Martin Who avors a 4 Cent Levy Charles Vogel secretary of the Automobile club of Springfield and president of the Massachusetts Con ference of Automobile Club Secre taries will lead the fight against the 4 cent gasoline tax tvhich is proposed by Representative Martin of Marble head at a conference of the secre taries at Boston today Gov Alvan uller in his speech yesterday favored the 2 cent tax but it was said that it was not clear whether this Avas to be accompanied by a reduction in the registration fee or would be a straight tax added to the present burden The clubs will fight for adoptiefa of their plan or no chang? at all it was said by Mr Vogel A storm of protest has arisen among the automobile clubs of the state the local official declared last night as the result of Martin's state ment that he would recommend the 4 cent tax and $1 registration fee The representative he said offered to compromise with a 3 cent tax at a recent meeting of the secretaries at Worcester The conference agreed to take up the compromise idea with the individ ual clubs and the report was to be made a the meeting today at the City club at Boston In the meantime Rep resentative Martin Is said to have an nounced that he will work for the 4 cent tax and the clubs feel that they have been "double To Oppose Levy The clubs will oppose this figure re lentlessly Nir Vogel stated last night The only proposal which they will agree to support will have to embody the $3 registration fee and 2 cent gasoline tax which tho clubs have worked out as fair for tho automobile owners Attempts to secure a com promise from this figure will be coldly received after Martin's alleged break ing of faith it was said Agawam Man Accused of Concealing Mortgaged Property Schmedone Jailed on Theft Charge The case of Joseph Brady poul try breeder of Agawam charged with concealing mortgaged property consistog of several hundred chick ens tried before Judge Wallace Heady in district court yesterday afternoon Disposition of the case was continued to Saturday Brady was accused of having given the George Methe company grain dealers a mortgage valued at $1000 on a flock of 600 chickens to cover indebtedness The complainant charged that 200 chickens of this lot were sold without his knowledge Brady declared that the mortgage produced in court was not the one he signed Atty James Moriarty coun ter the complainant asked permission to take the stand and explain certain matters relative to the mortgage and thereby waive his right to argue the case Atty Jacob Shapiro appeared for the defendant Gnllty of Larceny Wasil Schmedone 34 of 25 Sharon street was found guilty of larceny of a gold watch and $15 from Joseph Lukamoh in a house at 9 Essex street the night of December 27 and sen tenced to one month in jail Lukamoh declared he fell asleep after drinking in company with Schmedone and on awakening found the valuables miss ing Schmedone asserted that he had fallen asleep too and had discovered the watch the next morning He turned it over to his boarding house mistress for safe keeping he said where it was traced by Officer Wil liam lannery Department Will Attend to Skating Surface Aiderman Victor Bengle of ward 8 made arrangements yesterday with Superintendent Charles Ladd of the park department for having the city take care of the skating surface on pond near the Godfrey triangle This pond is popular among skaters at Indian Orchard and about 1200 were on the ice last night The city will keep the ice clear of snow during the skating season and will look after it along with other skating ponds throughout the city Aiderman Bengle will try to have a light installed there but there is some doubt about how it shall be brought about the location being on private land 7 A z' sv UL 11 11 MliunrT: a MM Iw BBS Bi 1 Tercentenary It JPA LV 'x: 4 NORTH END WILL URGE INSTALLATION PUMPING PLANTS Committee to Con fer With Public Works Board Ravages of Spring loods eared Instalation of pumping plants for the protection of the North end from flood damage from water backing up in the sewers will be the principal need stressed by tho North end citi zens' committee which will confer with the board of public works this afternoon Without these pumps thousands of dollars of damage is likely to be next spring North end residents feel Although this second part of the flood protection program sought hy the North end people is still under discussion work is progressing with unusual rapidity on tho first part the raising of a dike along Riverside toad Yesterday alone more than 2000 tons of material were dumped at that loca tion and every effort is being made to push the work to completion before snow falls our steam shovels and 40 trucks are engaged in the work Although satisfaction is being expressed over thejwogrese in tins work for lie pro tection of the Blain field street dis trict residents of the Brightwood sec tion are fearful of what spring will bring forth Chairman William Cunliffe has said that he believes one pump and possibly two will have to be recoin mended but there still remains a question as to what attitude Mayor ordis Parker will take toward this proposal He has never indicated his willingness to instal new pumps in that section holding that it was an engineering problem to determine how badly they were needed Patrick Mitchell is chairman of the committee which will meet with the board of public works thi afternoon Members of the board visited the pumping stations now in use in the North end yesterday They also heard a plea from representatives of The Republican company Which sustained heavy losses from paper damages in the flood for protection from water backing up in the Cypress street dis trict PLANNED AT BAPTIST CHURCH The second annual will he held at the irst Baptist church Stats and Stebbins streets Sunday morning at 1030 according to an announcement sent out yesterday to the men of the church Rev rank agcrburg will speak on the sub ject "Alibis" Tho fact that it Is day" does not indicate that women will not be allowed at the service They are cordially but will have to sit in the balcony by themselves The main floor of the auditorium Is re served for mon only Thursday Pointed Heel SALE 1600 Pairs of the well known Silk Stockings 145 3 pair for $325 Everyone Knows These Stockings Regularly Sell for $150 and $165 20 Colors to select from All New Guaranteed Pure Silk Sheer service weight four inch lisle tops with lisle feet for extra wear A ortunate Purchase Enables Us to Offer This Reliable Hose at This Low Price Shop Early mHH Marcelle 1474 Main St IHHH i 5.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


What was Springfield MA originally called? ›

Springfield was founded in 1636 by English Puritan William Pynchon as "Agawam Plantation" under the administration of the Connecticut Colony.

Who owns the Springfield Republican? ›

It is owned by Newhouse Newspapers, a division of Advance Publications.

What is special about Springfield Massachusetts? ›

Springfield, Massachusetts

Springfield is perhaps best known as the birthplace of basketball and home of the Basketball Hall of Fame. (The story goes that local physical education teacher James Naismith invented the sport to fill the gaps between football and baseball seasons.)

How do I contact Mass Live? ›

If you need assistance with your subscription, please call our support desk at 413-788-1100.

What is the racial makeup of Springfield, Massachusetts? ›

The 5 largest ethnic groups in Springfield, MA are White (Non-Hispanic) (28.2%), White (Hispanic) (17.8%), Black or African American (Non-Hispanic) (17.7%), Two+ (Hispanic) (16%), and Other (Hispanic) (11.2%).

What language do they speak in Springfield MA? ›

While about two-thirds of Springfield's population primarily speaks English at home, it is an important reality that 23.9 percent of Springfield's population speaks Spanish at home and another 7.5 percent speak another language at home.

What was the federal arsenal in Springfield? ›

Springfield Armory was established in 1777 as a federal arsenal; as an arsenal, firearms that supplied the Continental Army during the American Revolution were stored here. After the Revolution, Springfield Arsenal was officially established as a federal armory where arms could be stored and produced.

How many states do not have a Springfield? ›

This isn't true; 35 states have a Springfield or a close cousin; but the following states are Springfield-deficient: Alaska, Arizona, Connecticut, Hawaii, Iowa, Kansas, Montana, Nevada, New Mexico, North Dakota*, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, Utah, Washington, Wyoming.

Who owns Mass Live? ›

Advance Local, a subsidiary of Advance Publications, owns MassLive as well as 11 other digital local news operations in cities such as New Orleans and Cleveland.

Is Springfield MA expensive? ›

What's the cost of living in Springfield, MA? Springfield is affordable Compared to other east coast metropolitan areas like Boston and New York City. Housing tends to get more expensive the further from the city center you go. The city's median home sale price is lower than the national median.

What is Springfield Massachusetts sister city? ›

Springfield and Takikawa City officially became sister cities in 1993, In 1997, after a five year courtship, the Concord Town Meeting voted to formalize the sister city relationship with Nanae Town.

Who were the first settlers in Springfield, Massachusetts? ›

William Pynchon and a company of six men from Roxbury, a town near Boston, established Springfield in 1636 at the junction of the Agawam and Connecticut Rivers.

Is Mass a good place to live? ›

California and Florida may have sunny beaches and New York may have the big city, but for another year, Massachusetts is the best state to live in, according to an influential ranking out this week. The Bay State topped Wallethub's list for 2023, keeping hold of the No. 1 spot it had last year.

How do I contact mass government? ›

  1. Governor Healey's Constituent Services Main Office Call Governor's Office of Constituent Services, Governor Healey's Constituent Services Main Office at (617) 725-4005.
  2. Toll-free in Massachusetts Call Governor's Office of Constituent Services, Toll-free in Massachusetts at (888) 870-7770.

How do I contact Massdot? ›

Massachusetts Department of Transportation
  1. For all departments Call Massachusetts Department of Transportation, For all departments at (857) 368-4636. ...
  2. Toll Free Call Massachusetts Department of Transportation, Toll Free at (877) 623-6846. ...
  3. TTY Call Massachusetts Department of Transportation, TTY at (857) 368-0655.

What was the old name of the Springfield Armory? ›

Gun Co. of Devine, Texas, was renamed Springfield Armory, Inc. to capitalize on the name recognition.

Where did Springfield get its name? ›

An early American colonist, Pynchon named Springfield after his hometown in England, Springfield, Essex. Springfield, Massachusetts, became nationally important in 1777, when George Washington founded the United States' National Armory at Springfield.

Is The Simpsons set in Springfield MA? ›

According to the creator of the series, Oregon native Matt Groening, Springfield was inspired by a number of real-life locations (including Springfield, Oregon, and West Springfield, Massachusetts).

Why is Springfield called Queen city? ›

Springfield earned the nickname “Queen City” as a major hub of culture and commerce in the Ozarks. Our Queen City Garden is a major hub of ornamental flowers and the wildlife it attracts through the seasons.

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Author: Aracelis Kilback

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Name: Aracelis Kilback

Birthday: 1994-11-22

Address: Apt. 895 30151 Green Plain, Lake Mariela, RI 98141

Phone: +5992291857476

Job: Legal Officer

Hobby: LARPing, role-playing games, Slacklining, Reading, Inline skating, Brazilian jiu-jitsu, Dance

Introduction: My name is Aracelis Kilback, I am a nice, gentle, agreeable, joyous, attractive, combative, gifted person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.