The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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The Springfield Daily Republicani

Springfield, Massachusetts

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THE SPRINGIELD DAILY REPUBLICAN: SATURDAY AUGUST 2 1924 irst Baptist Church Bible Schools VALUABLE SILVERWARE ONEY and BUSINESS STOLEN AT ORCHASO Makes Present to Shrine Hospital REPUBLICANS ILE Taken rom Parcel Post ALL BUT WARD 5 Boston Produce Market Grain and Provisions WESTSPRINGIELDi: TOWN COMMITTEE CITY NEWS NOTES OBITUARY MRS MARGARET BELDING the With State Street pie tops Dry Goods New York Aust 1 Cotton goods LUDLOW Produce Market for the day EAST LONGMEADOW of go Maachuett WHOM funeral of Michael Hickey 24 pounds STEADILY INCREASING Travel to MAIL LYER KILLED Weekly Review NEW ENGLAND BOILED DINNER potatjon sail every three dejJ from all the principal poru dead TE A 31 ER ARRIVALS Green from at New York 1st from higher less than 1 is of and Mrs Peterson Dorothy returned pur and home in St Sept Dec May the present year was ahead of that for the corresponding period last year is showing a re wherein the im home 667 Worthington street will be in Westerly I Mon Boston Albany railroad but 25 years ago He is survived wife Delena and five sons Charles Ray and Harold of and will the will Brown the new of the Good 81 the 11 a half of 1923 declined to high Rev 't Tourist tr Ticket unit Resolute Hamburg Columbus Bremen Britannia night Police Chief the couple liv May Corn ept Revolver Eastern avenue an than out and Ohio at New burg zkquitania Southampton season are Baptist church irst Rescue Mission Trin church Auburndale and Asbury Methodist the the Bi oc Sons mass MAY LAHERTY PLEADS GUILTY TO COMPLAINT SPRECKELS LEAVES EIGHT MILLIONS for the sales show high York 1st from cents new Rose's church Rev nf Onnnda mnaln nf officiated The bearers lasse josepn iasse Norman Grammond Tlie report of tlie planning board which has been bound in thousands of handsome volumes is in great de mand all over the world Hundreds have been sent out to the cities of the United States and the last batch to foreign countries was mailed yester day Practically all the books have gone to engineers city planning experts and government officials in foreign coun tries Some of tlie cities which will The July report of the local post office shows an increase of 1118 per cent in the total receipts over that of the corresponding period of last year The report shows a very large increase in the receipts from postage ihg $1640952 while the receipts for July 1923 were $844470 The total receipts for the month were $8478430 "om pared with $76 25705 for July 1923 The incr ease and box rents that for last month be was $852725 or 1118 per cent GOSHEN iMASSi Why not spend your vacation to the Arrangements were completed last night at a meeting of the associated Irish societies for the first annual out ing to be held August 10 at park East Longmeadow A New England boiled dinnef will ie served at the outing by the women cf the societies who have a reputa tion as excellent cooks A gaelic foot ball game between the married and gle men has also been included the program Meara and orchestra will provide music for the occasion Motor transportation will be provid ed between the terminus of the East ngrneadow car line and the park between 2 and 8 BABY SHOW BRINGS ORTH INE DISPLAY About Duty" Rev Miss Elizabeth Mildred Wheeler Marion Clark have Deland "The House by Dutton Safety Pin" King of No riel Quenchless Luther Martin andJdrs Sen" "Lights along the on wrmlrl holders "Nickel com The te1 TioiK esta JuniataandOctoraraoa the Great Lake Transit Cor have an opportunity to study the work of the local planning board are: Car diff Wales Tokio Japan Brussels Belgium Stockholm Sweden Liver pool London and Welyn Garden City Eng Poona India Ottawa Ont and Prague Czecho Slovakia According to local planning offi cials the Springfield plan is one of the most comprehensive ever produced in any municipality Reports of it have been abroad which has called out the unlooked for demand Report of City Planning Boar in Big Demand Experts in oreign Lands Besiege Local Offiec ORMULATE PLANS DR NICKEL PI ATE Rev James Andrew George bearers John i Cough Timothy The Spicer Manufacturing corpora tion earned net profits of $703614 for the six months ended June 30 equal after preferred dividends and federal taxes to $157 a shabe on the common stock This compares with $1030962 or $249 a share in the first half of 1923 Charles A Dana president said the company has been getting a good share of the automobile accessory business and had made a profit in each month of 1924 Net sales were $6692 001 Heights arm Wo: at the funeral par Sampson requiem church at New York 1st detail and is furnished throughout It promises to delight the hearts of many a little shut in at the hospital More than 200 parents attended the closing exercises and visited the ex hibits of handwork and class work A demonstration of a regular school day and a pageant entitled Spirit of Happiness" was given by the pupils The with day with The More mothers brought pretty Of course winners Illig for in ARBociates Plan Plcnle Ludlow Aug The Ludlow ufacturing Associates will hold nic for their employes and fi the 16th at Dimmick's pond TUfc the tract given recently to the dtp I Via A cenmnfea 1 TAP nil DINS There will be danfcing gamene 11 athletics and a ban a concert 104th Regiment band The Ludlow ish and Gam released 300(1 trout fingerlings Broad brook today They were cured from the Palmer hatchery Plan Memorial The hoard of selectmen a tee of the American Legion and MorrilL agent of the Manufacturing associates met fl centlv to discuss Dians for a rial for the Bold ler dead It was rirind tn blaee the corner of Memorial park bounded Bewail and Wnsor streets Tn ner will be surrounded by a about three feet high with a in the center The bowlder is jaw the grounds other is rallying because of its real or fancied cheanness Medium and low grade securities are rising toward an income basia Common industrial stocks of the serni specuiative sort yield almost as little as high grade1 preferred industrials and may show the lesser yields be fore this upward move culminates Recent Recorded Births Recent births registered at thg cierK omce are: a son carl to Mr and Mrs Ernest Larone Ludger avenue the 1 28th: a Stanislaw to Mr and Mrs titan! Kapinos of Chicopee ails a daughter 'Hilda to Mr and John Wietecha nf Mnrlrsf the 26th a daughter Marie toMrUfl Mrs Arthur Geottrlon ot wortm street the 31st Marriage Intentions Marria intentions were filed at city clerk's office yesterday by UlrloXj Gosselin 21 salesman of 8O NO1 Bridge street Holyoke and Mathil Celina zu employed at ski aiiA 114111(4 uud Aviv nioti avciiuc't' Y' 'i The funeral of Mrs Angelina Plngsga washeld yesterday morning at 804 tne home on Mary street Aiaerr followed at 9 by a requiem high at St aillon Plasse Ovide Plasse Dore and Alderic Dore Burial was Kt Rosa's ccmeterv Nomination papers for Join swirt 01 Minoru tor aiwiuej i iva been circulated and were yesterday Atty Swift is a brother Rev rancis owirt wno was curare the St Patrick's parish at the few years ago Optimism is growing rapidly and the markets are responding This is true not merely of the stock and bond markets but also of many commodi ties and lines of goods Stock juices according to reliable averages have risen slightly above the highests of March 1923 and Octo ber 1922 when the advances of these respective years culminate Only once since 1916 have stocks been sub stantially higher than at present and then they remained a month The bond market adjustment process polling force is the search for bar gains or at least for bonds which are low enough in price to be a little out of line Hence one group after an Kellogg Belding 73 Belding died at Mostly in the Win ning Class But Scores on Occasion There's even a place for the baby of the family at a municipal play ground the little fellows safety pins held places of honor at the Lincoln playground nual baby show was on two dozen their youngest to look smile before the judges there were prizes for the Plump and rosy Olive stance posed and smiled so nicely that she won a prize as the prettiest Tiny eme Perkins received honorable mention for pulchvitude Maureen Byrnes proved that if a person be the prettiest she can at least be the best dressed and win a prize in that class while Luce and Billy McKenna carried off the distinc tion of being the fattest of the lot Billy Kinary cooed and smirked so much that he was winner of the prize for the best natured youngster Wee Doris Coutu's mother carried home the prize because her cuddling little in fant was the youngest The judges for the day were Miss Mariette Grady Mrs Mary IK Haze and Mrs Charles Quinson The big event of next week at the Lincoln grounds will be an entertainment to be given by the "Little Ladies' Achievement club school had an enrolment of 115 an average attendance of 77 each during the four course daily sessions frim 9 to 12 The school will hold a picnic at orest park today CURVED RETAINING WALLS OR NORTH END BRIDGE Abandoned Baby Held at Mouse of Good Shepherd Other Court Cases May laherty of 167 Leyfred ter race pleaded guilty to abandonment of her baby when arraigned in do mestic relations court yesterday Judge Heady continued the case to the 8th for disposition and sent the girl to the House of the Good Shep herd until then Miss laherty was arrested on the complaint of the city charities de partment Her baby is at Tewksbury hospital The case of Antonio Manville of 2S Essex street who was arrested in orest park with a 14 year old girl Sunday was continued from day to day Dr Harriet Whitney psychia trist informed Judge Heady both were mentally weak the girl sufficiently so to need institutional care William Tice 49 of Westfield was placed on probation after promis ing to support aged mother He was arrested riday night for failing to do so Arthur itzgerald of 28 Matte street was fined $20 for speeding Arrested at Longmeadow Joseph Verteramo and Hilda Gag non of East Longmeadow were arrest ed in that village last night on charges of cohabitation Aime Letendre found ing together Carried Loaded Peter Sicilano of 17 was arrested by Patrolmen Carl Rolf and William Sullivan for carrying a loaded revolver The officers no ticed him loitering about Winchester square early this morning They searched him and found a 32 caliber revolver Up or Speeding Thomas lioroak of nue West last night street He court this Judge Heady Church made the capture Howard was the celebrant The bear ers were Patrick Ormond Thomas Walker Leo and William Cullinan ather Howard read the committal services at the grave in St Michael's cemetery The funeral of Butts of 110 Eastern avenue was held yesterday afternoon at chapel Rev Waller officiated Burial was in Oak Grove cemety Total Considerable DropOver Rec 1 ord of Year 99 Permit lamed Building permits to the total amount of $413400 were issued during the past month at the office of Building! Inspector Haggerty This amount shows a drop of $58450 com pared with the total of July 1923 The largest items in the list are a recrea tion building to be erected by the Polish National Horde association at a cost of $100000 and a boiler house at Our Lady DC the Elms to oust $25000 flats $150 and the the Sacred Heart of The funeral will be held funeral parlors Monday funeral parlors Monday morning 1 liv a at Holy amily seph Hoe Valuable silverware was stolen ves from a parcel post package left at the home of Joseph Poirer of 140V Main street Indian Orchard and the police and federal authorities will strt an immediate investigation The package "'as left in the hallway of the Poirr home sometime between 9 yesterday morning and 4 yesterday afternoon It contains wedding gifts from relatives in Gardner and was addressed to Miss Yvonne Poirier who was married Thursday to William Keller of Thompsonville Postmaster Samuel Brown said last night that the matter would be reported to Washington at once and he believes that federal authorities will will be sent on the case1 Mr Poirier also notified Sergeant Michael Egan at the Orchard police station and an immediate investigation was made No one was at home when the mail man delivered the package and he left it in the hallway It is believed that someone knew that the package contained wedding gifts and opened it A gravy ladle and a cold meat furk were the only articles ielt at St Michaels 30th from or Marseilles York 1st from Ham News that car loadings last week had been nearly 20 thousand larger than the previous week was reflected more particularly in shares of the northwestern railroads than in other transportation shares Chicago Northwestern was the most responsive of the group with sales at a new high price for the year Traffic in the Northwest ia good and promises (to expand when the grain crops begin to move as prospects in that region are good The Chicago Northwest ern has had extraordinary success in curtailing operating expenses and thereby overcoming a decrease in gross earnings Net operating income has consistently been larger than a year ago when the road earned nearly 50 per cent on its common stock The dividend rate was increased to 4 pei 'cent last June tales Kakuzo Vo of Emily 1000 Muir A Ster 'Connecticut Circle of "By Camel and Car ta Town to Hold Picnic and Riverside To San rancisco Aug The will of Adolph Spreckles San rancisco capitalist leaves the estimated? $10000000 his widow Spreckles Democrats Have iled N01 'Papers' The nomination 'papers for 1 members ot the Democratic committee have been filed fend fled bv the board of registrars will be voted on at the state maries in September Theys Christopher' Reatdon Chairman' McLaren secretary Shiel treasurer: rredencK Noonan EL Kelly King Mfifane a Mahoney Miles oley Toomey and day The third annual Agawam field day will start this morning promptly at 1015 with a parade from eeding Hills headed by a band As the line of march proceeds groups from many neighborhoods will join in and march to Riverside park for a field day A prize will be offered for the best dec orated automobile in the parade and this will be awarded when the line reaches the amusement park Chief among the athletic events of the day will be a baseball game be tween the heeding Hills Pirates the North Agawam Eagles who contend for the championship of town During the afternoon there be athletic events for the boys and girls and many valuable prizes have been offered by Springfield and Aga wam merchants for the victors The swimming events in the park pool will close the sports Basket lunch will be eaten at 4 and there will be dancing from 2 to 530 The committee in charge of this year's celebration comprises: Benja min Phillips Herbert Bogue and William Dumas filed for probate today bulk of an estate variously at from $8000000 to to his three children and Mrs Alma De BretteviHe A beauest of $100000 was made to charities and numerous smal ler ones totalling about $iuuu friends and domestics of the family Lake Erie Lake Huron 2 Superior 2230 Miles of Incomparabl ceniyluxurious a world Downed cuisine sad the of sleeping accommodation At East Longmeadow Aug The books entered recently in the town library follow Book of Knowledge or Encyclopedia 20 volumes avorite rench fairy tales "The Awakening of of the Balkans picka and Letters Bianchi Mile Walk to the "The Jew and ling "Connecticut Beautiful' Nutting Ruoff: the Peacock A Powell "Told Under a White Oak "Re Hill (Lutz) Education of Anthony A Marchall "The Home Canfield J' Conrad Laughing Erskine "Wild Knibbs Rev Lewis will preach Sun day morning at 1045 at the Congre gational church taking for his topic "What Lewis Misses Kites from the religious education confer ence at North field Mrs lavia Carter of our Corners celebrated her 84th birthday yesterday afternoon at the home of her daugh ter Mrs Gilbert Shaw of Westwood avemre A tew friends ere invited in to zhieet her and congratulate her The gathering was held at her olo home She was with flowers Miss Emily Darling Meriden Ct is a guest of Miss Irene Wiley of William street Mrs Earl Goodrich was called to Greenfield today by the death of her aunt Miss Ruth Davenport of the Baptist Village finished this evening her duties as teacher in the summer school of the class of little ones held at the irst Baptist church corner of Steb bins and State streets The lawn party a nd cafeteria lunch which the Ladies Aid society planned tor the 13th has been postponed a month because the church is to be painted soon Mr and Mrs Andrew Lyons who re cently their farm on West Chest nut street have moved to their house on Maple street Mrs Elbert Brown has returned to her home on Callender avenue after a stay of three weeks at White Sand beach Black Hall Ct as guest ot Mr and Mrs Meacham Everett Todd son of Mr and Mrs Wallace Todd of Brook street had the misfortune to cut the ball of his foot badly with an ax while splitting kindlings at Kamp Komfort Shaker pond this week He was attended by Dr Starbuck and removed to his home Rev Davenport of the Bap tist church will speak on Day Sundav morning The eve ning service will be omitted The open air community service Sunday evening at 7 will be addressed by an Hobson secretary of junior achievement bureau Springfield 1 Crippled Children Will Delight in Complete Doll House Made By Pupils Closing Exercises will inal was orders allow that the total will be about 200000 pounds Jess This culd reduce the cost about $12000 Mr Hardesty said the work is progress ing well on the piers The steel work for the first two spans will be rii fabricated early next week and the American Bridge company will begin work on the superstructure in about a week in the merger negotiations thf ril I11U1I AC reports that the exchange be attractive nn Was Member of irst Baptist Church Since Union Baptist Mrs Margaret wife of Samuel her home 112 Bay street last night after a long illnes having been an invalid for the past 16 years She lad been a resident of this city for the past 40 years Mrs Belding was an early member of the irst Baptist church and a very interested and de voted worker there She was original ly a member of the State street Bap tist church but became a member of the irst Baptist church when the churches united The funeral services I ill be held at the parlors of the Dick 1 inson Streeter company Dositlie Seymour Dosithe Seymour of 488 Central street died at his home yesterday He was born in Canada and has been a resident of this city for the past 45 years He was formerly a fireman on the retired by his rank Springfield and Edward of Buffalo also a brother red of Brock ton He was a member of St Joseph's church St Jean society of Springfield Toon cnr ir tv nr VV nror'Cr'? League of Springfield at at morning at 815 followed by high mass of requiem at St Joseph's church at 9 Burial will be in St cemetery The funeral of Arthur Brunelle will be held at home 327 Bay street this morning at 815 followed by requiem services at St church at 9 Thtf funeral of Henry Grebenstein will be held tomorrow afternoon at 3 at the Burial day The was held yesterday morning at the home of McNamara on Central street followed by high mass of re oufem the Cathedral Ahern was celebrant Rev A Martin deacon and Rev Murphy subdeacon The were Martin Hennessey Bailey Putnam James lin Edward Raleigh and Reiliey all of the Springfield Street Railway company Burial was in St Michael's cemetery ather Ahern of ficiated at the grave The funeral of Andrew Melanefy was held yesterday morning at the home 37 Phoenix street followed by solemn high requiem mass at Our Lady of Hope church Rev James Cruse was celebrant Rev Thomas inn deacon and Rev George Hop kins subdeacon The bearers were Sullivan Simon Connery Smith James Donovan Lucius Goff and Daniel Twohig Burial was in St cemetery Rev James Cruse officiating at the grave The funeral of Miss anny Malone was held yesterday morning at the home of her sister Mrs Johanna De laney of Cas street followed by high mass of 1 requiem at Sacred Heart church Rev rancis oley was cel ebrant The bearers were Henry A Anderton Thomas Neary Michael McGrath and Michael Harrigan Bur ial was in Calvary cemetery Chicopee ather oley officiating at the grave The funeral of Mrs Maude Tate wife of William Tate Jr of 29 Massa soit street will be held at tne this morning Burial will be cemetery The funeral of rank Lyman of Ware formerly a resident of this city will be held at the home tomor row afternoon at 2 Services will be held at Oak Grove cemetery about 4 The funeral of Charles Whitaker of 216 Tyler street was held yes terday lors of But Dick And Officer Sul livan Had Trouble Making Him Among other things that came cut after the rain Thursday was the sober and usually well behavied black horse of William St George of 22 Abbe street It is not known whether the rain caused the wanderlust but at any rate Dick the horse broke his halter about midnight Perhaps he wanted to get out and see how much good the rain had done the thirsty crops When Police Chauffeur Dennis Sul livan was returning home a little after 3 yesterday morning after com pleting his work on the second at the police station he noticed a bulky sauntering down Center street On investigation the figure turned out to be Dick intoxicated with his free dom All Chauffeur Sullivans at tempts to take the unruly animal into custody failed to first Dick would throw his heels into the air and dash off at top speed when he found his capture imminent inally with good aim Chauffeur Sullivan connected with Jfle foose bit of halfbr hanging from Dick's bridle then the game was over Dick rested peacefully next to the new patrol in the police garage during the early hours of yesterday until his master claimed him 1 4413400 IN BUILDINGS AGAWAM IELD DAY TO START WITH PARADE 1 WYDESTEEL BUS Mounted on either an ominhus truck (base or caster truck it will save (countless steps in carrying records prom one part of the office to another Springfield Office Supply Co Everything for the Office Tl 73 VRTBJXUTUN sr Committee Authorize Work Cort Now Estimated at $1006476 But Saving ikely The North end bridge committee yes terday afternoon authorized the con struction the curved retaining walls at the bridge leaving unti' a later date tlie decision as the construction of the ornamental pilons at the bridge approaches The entire cost of the bridge including thj curved retaining walls is estimated at $1006476 Tills amount may be reduced materially however so that the total may not be over $995000 Shortridge Hardesty engineer in charge of the bridge said yesterday he iute certain tlie amount or steel be somewhat less than his orig estimate The estimate for steel 6400000 pounds and the mill Reno Nev' Aug 1 William Blanchfield United State air mall pilot while flying above a cemetery here during the progress of the fun 1 era! of an ex soldier was dashed to death when his plane caught fire The burning plane landed on the roof of la dwelling Blanchfield was dead when rescuers reached him airview ave Springfield was arrested for speeding on Pearl will speed into district morning and explain it to Special Officer A Democrats Leave Many Places Open When inal Hour for iling With City Clerk Passes Democratic nominations for dele gates to the state convention and ward committees were lacking in Wards 1 2 3 and 4 when City Clerk Charles La Riviere completed his cer tification of nomination papers last night The Republicans handed In lists of nominations for ward committees and delegates in every ward except ward 5 where there were no names entered for delegates to the state con vention The list of candidates filed before closing time is as follows: Ward 1 delegates to state convention Repub lican Albert Brown Horace Boud reau Democrats not filed: ward com mittee Republican Albert Brown Helen Booth Horace Boudreau Democratic not Aled Ward 2 delegates to state conven tion Republican rank JjaCroix Democrat not filed ward committee Republican Mrs Hermine St Andre Democrat not filed Ward 3 delegates to state conven tion Republican William Mc Coubrey Democrat not filed ward committee Republican Leslie Meyer William McCoubrey Brouchu Democrat not filed Ward 4 delegates to state conven tion Republican Mrs Eleanor Hale Mrs Elizabeth Culver Joseph Duclos Democrat not filed ward committee Republican William Culver Joseph Duclos Leroy White Arthur St Jean Albert Moreau Mrs William Culver Mrs Eleanor Hale Democrat not filed Ward 5 delegates to state conven tion Republican not filed Demo cratic James Begley Riclird Riley ward committee Republican Joseph A Garceau Ralph I Valley Lawrence Beauchamp Mrs Albert I Taylor Democrat Edward Dowd Charles A Johnson John Houlihan Ward delegates to state conven tion Republican Oliver orcier Democrat Patrick Sullivan Eugene Jr ward committee Repub lican Leander Lague George orcier Oliver orcier Mrs Arthur Montreny Democrat Edward Murphy Thomas ennessey Jere miah Sullivan Ward 7 delegates to state conven tion Republican William Harris Merton Reed Angeline Dallair Democrat James Jennings Charles Nelson James Monks James itz gerald James Whelan ward commit tee Republican William Harris Ernest Ducharme Merton Reed Deroy Dosithe Hebert Mrs Sarah Ross Angeline Dallair Democrat James Jennings Charles Nelson James Monks James itz gerald James Whelan LONG LIST NEW BOOKS TO: BE OUND AT LIBRARY Reported by the Massachusetts De partment of Agriculture Hampden jCounty Improvement League co op eratingj Trading was active yesterday with supplies of local produce plentiful Native cucumbers were somewhat easier Native tomatoes were mostly of secondary quality a few fancy ones bringing $5 for 14 quarts Vegetables Beans green bushel hamper $150 wax $150 shell $2 Beets native dozen bunch 30 40 cents Cabbage native bushel box 75 cents: barrel $125 $150 Carrots dozen bunches 40 cents Celery 12 stalks $1 native $1 Boston 18 heads $450 Cucumbers dozen $140 $175 box Cucumbers native hamper $375 dozen 25 $150 14 quarts $150 Lettuce native bushel box 18 head $1 Iceberg 9 head 50 cents Kohl Rabi dozen bunches 50 cents Onions Spanish crate $250 $285 local 100 pounds $375 Parsley dozen bunches 30 40 cents Peas native bushel hamper $250 1 Peppers bushel hamper $2 50 Potatoes Green Mountain 120 pounds 5i $2 new barrel Red Star $3 $3 25 Radishes box 5 dozen 50 75 cents Romaine bushel 18 head 75 cents Squash summer doben 50c $125 Sweet Corn native 100 ears $250 fancy $3 Tomatoes Jersey and Md crate $3 $350 native 14 quarts $3 $5 Turnips 14 quart basket 75 cents ruit Apples Transparent Del bushel $150 $2 Bananas pound 4 6 cents Blackberries quart 15 23 cents Blueberries quart 25 30 cents Cantaloupes Cal crate standard $350 $375 Ponies $225 Cantaloupes Ariz crate Jumbo $4 standard $325 $350 flats $125 $150 pinK meats $1 75 Cherries sweet quart 25 sour quart 12H cents Currants quart 15 cents Grapes Thompson Seedless $225 $250 Malaga $350 Goost berries yuan 15 cents Lemons crate $550 $6 Limes ton $150 Molnnsi Innevdew crat $2 3 Oranges la crate Valencias $5 Oranges CaL Valencies crate $3 5i $5 $7Pears Bartlett bushel box $4 $450 Plums Cal box Peaches Elberta crate $2 50 $275 Raspberries red pint 18 20 cents Watermelons each 4U 5O cents extra large 7" cents Eggs nearby dozen (job lots) 42 4 cents Eggs fancy dozen 47 50 cents Bran Sweringens and Bank ers Still in Conference All Participants Pledged to Secrecy New York Aug Conferences be tween the Van Sweringen Interests of Cleveland and bankers for the Erie pere Marquette and other railroadswhich they plan to consolidate with their greater Plate system proceeded today with indications thati definite progress toward an exchange if securities would not be reached Amtil next week I Meanwhile stocks of all the roans I Involved mounted to year 1 basis limon which probably will be snper llseded by a new issue touched 108 I IChesapeake Ohio 90jG: Zmon 1st and 2d preferred 3o 4 and 40 respectively and Mar ouette common preferred and prior I preferred 64 74 and 85 tespec tively Bankers participating in the con ferences have been pledged to secrecy regarding the negotiations buhave intimated that discussions so far merely dealt with the positions which I the roads will occupy in the enlarged line No formal an nouncement regarding the deal is expected until definite offers are sub mitted to stockholders the 'rutus oads to be inciuneo in net loss but before A depreciation for the six months ended June 30 compared with net income of fT $809813 in tne nrst Manufacturing profits $782423 from $1558493 a year ago Congoleum in which some traders close to the inside were reported to have made fortunes by getting in be fore the company declared a 300 per rent stock dividend last year was one of the active specialties today Re sumption of operations in the shares market followers pointed out were timed to coincide with circulation of a reiort that a merger with huge English floor covering concerns was I on foot oster the company Bpresident and associates had sailedkfor London last week it was said to Rblose the deal The Congoleum com pany earned approximately $4t0 a share on the common stock last year Its business the first seven months of Theplayroomof the hos pital for crippled children ijs to hold ja treasured gift from the daily vaca tion BilSle school of the irst Baptist church At the closing exercises of lthe school held at the church last night the pupils presented to the Shrine hospital committee a doll house which they have made during the summer sessions It was received on behalf of the Shrine by Charles A raser The dolls' house is perfect in every of Plenty' Goshen the Berkshire trait between Northampton aadi Pittsfield 1500 eet 'Above Sea Our table is known throughout this section of the country Highland House MORAN prop for Booklet Tei Williamsburg S00 Rev George Sanderson' foe vnars nastcir nr Mirtlneajr 110 rhnrrh and nnw of SarinWleldJ: ureach at the morning service row at the Mittlneague church ivir anu iurn( luauu uw of San rancisco are touring the and are exnected to come to snringfieid in the near future Willoughby was formerly Mlag iJ Mahoney ana wnue in west di field lived wltn ner uncie Ji Mahoney former postmaster to tineague i West Snringfield cost gion will meet Monday night post rooms instructions win en at this time to the delegates1 are to represent tne post at tne convention in Pittsfield Other tera of imoortance will be coi Dr McLaughlin and his ily have returned fromya monthYks cation at tneir summer nome at ji gamond The doctor will resUMS practice Rev Arthur of the Church will oreach at mnrmw Thfl chnir of St church Springfield will sing at service Miss Marion Bowler head II the nnhltn librarv left for Nova Scotia on a three weehrt nntinn Rev Albert Hy Ian 4 pastor the Chase Memorial Baptist Snrlmrfield will conduct the service tomorrow at the irst tist church in the absence of RrW Lombard pastor or tne who is now on a vacation DETROIT TRIESNEW PLAN ON SPEEDERS Detroit Aug 1 A new system of handling traffic law violators which it is believed will eliminate crowded court dockets and work (b the con venience of autotnobile drivers whs inaugurated here today Instead of being notified to appear in court for minor offenses motorists were directed to go to a violation bureau at police headquarters Thefe'they were re quired to post a ranging from $1 to $3 for later appearance in court Indications arc according to the police that 90 per cent of offenders will forfeit the bond rather than to court Chicago Aug 1 Bearish estimates of the 1924 domestic wheat crop had a depressing effect on wheat values today and so too did increased hedg ing sales of newly harvested wh at Closing prices for wheat were heavy 1 to cents net lower September 130 to 130 and December to 134 Corn scored 1 to 4 cents gain oats finished unchanged to lower and provisions unchanged to 20 cents higher According to current private esti mates the wheat crop in the United States as judged at present suggests 46000000 bushels greater yield than was indicated a month ago and is about equal to last final returns Under such' circumstances the wheat market soon underwent a material setback in price with selling given further impetus by liberal receipts especially at Kansas City and Chicago oreigners and commission housesbecame active buyers on the down turns in wheat prices and brought about sharp rallies that were also associated with a resumption of black rust reports from both north and south of the Canadian boundary One report from Manitoba said that con sidering the stage of wheat the rust had the earliest start which had been seen either in the United States or Canada in five years Realizing sales and pressure from hedgers however forced the market down during the late transactions and the close was near the lowest level Corn owed its strength chiefly to persistent buying based on smaljness of receipts here As a result Septem ber delivery established a new high price record for the season Oats were easier owing to sympathy with wheat and as result of oats crop estimates indicating material improvement since July Expected falling off in the number of hog arrivals here gave firmness tc the provision market Leadioi utures at Chicago Merchant Bankrupt A voluntary perition in bankruptcy was filed in the United Stales district court at Boston yesterday by Glenn McLachlin merchant of 34 Brown street Springfield He owes $19625 and has $9874 assets The liabilities are entirely of accommodation paper 'held by the Chapin National bank which McLachlin indorsed for the benefit of the Blue Ribbon Motor Sales inc of Springfield Bible Schools Closing Exhibits yesterday featured closing sessions of the daily vacation Bible schools The schools which are concluding a successful Park Memorial Baptist church ity Methodist Baptist church church The exhibits included work done by the children during summer consisting nf recitations ble interpretations and display of cupational work Pittsfield Paston Coming Rev Edward Williams pastor of Mount Zion Baptist church Pittsfield will preach the sermon at the Mount Calvary Baptist church tomorrow morning at 3145 preceding the bap tism of five candidates The choir will furnish special music In the evening at 8 new members will be received urrnpre MM run with 'll 11 Vt one thrp fnmuv i family 'house and our 'six houses tj New York Autr 1 Cotton goods held steady today despite a reaction in cotton A fair sized sale of print cloths was made for the last quarter of the year based on 644 cents for 3814 Inch inished goods advanced steadily with sales showing irore breadth Yarns were more steady with some improvement reported in the de fmr trnv thp IlidHU idlliicio lUi 1OCU a ovwi ct ming spring attracted interest some being reported Silks continued to gradual improvement Burlaps were er AUTO JUMPS ROAD OUR ARE KILLED Wellsboro Pa Aug 1 our per sons were killed and one seriously in jured today when a motor car driven by Patterson of Mansfield Pa plunged over a bank on the highway between Phillips Station and Knox ville Those killed were Patterson and his daughter and a Mrs Husted and her daughter Bessie Mrs Patterson was badly hurt This office extends an unex celled PERSONAL SERVICE in all lines of insurance Cone Sherwood A Uriiluurrt Y1 Tel Walnut 51 52 1515 244 Main tit Springfield Mart WHOLESALE TRICES lour To ship from nfllls Boston common rate points in 198 lb sacks: bpring patents special standard $7 80(d) 875 spring tirst clears $585(2b(: hard winter patents (new) $7 25th 8: soft winter patents $673780 soft winter straight $650(2'685 soft winter clears oou rye flour white patents $625(2 650 Corn In transit all rail shipment No 2 yellow a bushel No 3 yellow $133134: lake and rail shipment No 2 yellow $131(2132 No 3 yellow $L30131 Oats In transit all rail shipment fancy 40 lbs 7172c a bushel fancy 38 lbs (271c regular 38 lbs 6970c regular 3Cbs 68 60c regular 34 lbs lae and jail shipment fancy 38 lbs 68(269c regular 36 lbs 67(268c Canadian all rail ship ment No 2 western 7475c No 3 western 73(274c Millfeed Spring bran $31733225 a ton winter $32(57 32 30 rhlddlings 39 mixed feed $34(239 red dog $13 50 gluten fee $4455 gluten meal $56 30 homi ny feed $4650 stock feed $44 oat hulls $17 cottonseed meal $4737 linseed meal $4950 Cornmeal and Oatmeal Cornmeal gran ulated $3 15 per too lbs bolted $310 feed ing meal and cracked corn $25o Oatmeal rolled $350 cut and ground $385 Hay No 1 timothy $3233 a ton No 2 timothy $2628 No 3 timothy $182J eastern $17(226 shipping $1517 clover mixed $2226 poor and damaged $1215 swale $17 20 Straw Rye $2224 oat $1315 wheat $1213 a ton JOBBING LOTS White Sugar The American Sugar Refin ing company quoted retined sugar 675c with the usual 2 per cent discount in seven days Beans New York and Michigan pea $6 buO per 100 lbs yellow eye $i2u750 red kidney $10 white California $7738 green peas $775O Canadian peas 9 split peas $7 dried limaa $12 50 1275' Man churia peas $35U6 Butter Northern creamery in tubs 41 42c a pound in prints 44 45c in boxes 4443c western creamery in tubs fancy 40H4H1C good to choice 3940c fair to good 383lc Cheese resh fancy twins 2223c a pound average fancy 2122c fresh Young America 2324c held fancy twins 2526 Hggs Nearby hennery selected brown 5536c a dozen mixed colors 5253c fresh gathered eastern 43 46c western hennery 4243c extras 40)41c extra firsts 3638c firsts 32)34c Provisions Backs and short cuts heavy $34 a barrel medium $3032 long cuts $30 lean ends $30 5o bean pork $2250 2330 loose salt pork 13sic a pound fresh ribs shoulders smoked 134 16J4c corned ll)12c fresh 16(2170 hams cooked 314114c regular 21 26c skinned 2027c bacon I826c bris kets 180 bologna 1317c frankfurts l22c fresh sausage 19A30c bag sausage 23c sausage pats SOc cooked meats 20 23c pork trimmings 14c raw lard 18c rendered leaf 17c pure 16c Dressed Poultry Native fresh Killed fowl large Sue a pound medium broilers L840c ducklings 2426c Western dry packed (in boxes) corn fed fowl arg3 28c medium 2323c small 2022c milk fed fowl large 30c medium 2526c 21 23c roosters 1820c Live poultry Chickens colored 2630c a pound Leghorns 23 25c fowl 2123c roosters 16 17c Dressed meats Beef fancy sides 16 17c a pound hinds 2122c fores 11 llc medium sides 1415c hinds 1Ul8c fores 911: cow aides lu13c hinds 14 16c fores 810c veal eastern grassers 7 lie 50 to 60 lbs 11 13c fancy 1420c western 79c lambs springers 2630c winters 2325c yearlings 1016c sheep 8 12c ruits Apples Transparents bskt Astrachans $1252 Williams $1752 Early Harvest $123130 July $l23175 bananas 66c blueberries 2330c qt blackberries qt grapefruit $36 box grapes $15o3 lag lemons $3751675 box cantaloupes $350550 std ert honey dew melons $225O ert casaba melons $223230 ert watermelons 5060c each or anges box peaches $225325 ert pears box pineapples $250 550 ert plums $225350 box Vegetables Beansgreen box wax il'Ct'rjii 20 snen ou oeeis uuucii )40c box cutoffs cabbage $l123 bbl and 6575c box carrots $2223 box celery $250275 box green corn $150 250 box cucumbers best $4650 box spin ach box: onions $1175 bskt and $230 325 bag: peas $150 250 box pep pers $23 bskt potatoes white $2325 bbl sweet $4450 bskt radishes native lettuce 3550c box: tomatoes het house No 1 2(W23c lb outdoor $173 273 ert repacks $3350 ert turnips oox yeuow uui BREEZY HEIGHTS ASW If looking for good eats all thiaCS Heasort near nice lake boaraw ureezy Mass Latest iction and Nonfiction to Sat isfy the Mind Now Available for Public Use New books the public library are as follows: Adams and Bartley Saint of the Cullum "A Gentleman of Curwood riends in Old Chester the letcher Land Laut Snob Miln Payne "The Barbarian Lover ler "Eight Panes of Simpson Inverted Sinclair Is a Snaith from Taylor "The Token Tracy It to Wode house Non fiction and Modern Brown "What Is Your Brown Build ers of the McGuire editor "Woman Suffrage and Cattand Shuler Government and Beard "Elements of General Caldwell and Eiken berry "History of Physical Educa Leonard and McKenzie Book of Potato Wade "A History of Cotterill Book of Gardens and Gardening" Town send editor "Homes of Character Stevenson Bowling Green Morley Prose and Poetry Thomas "The Best Short Stories of editor You Sark Journey around the Northcliffe "Report of American Committee for Relief in committee: "Poland and the Minority Goodhart Today and Mabie Carpenter "Unwritten His Hamilton Book afid Harris Ramsay Mac Donald the Man of Icono clast Ex Kaiser in Exile Ben tinck Magic Roberts BUSINESS REPORTS ROM WALL STREET vnrk Auk Wall Street again looked for developments in the Van activities in the railroad field particularly efforts to work out the future of Pere Marquette These were lacking but strong Indications were given that progress might be recorded Rafi" circles heard that the brothers from Cleveland already had a Pore Marauette through ownership of more than 200000 shares of the common stock but without an agreeable basis on which to terms of an actual merger into th Nickle Plate it was realized in tinanc ial circles that hopes tor such a step might be lessened It the Van Sweringens also have control of Pittsburg Lake Erie in the open market it was asserted it had been accomplished without any noise except on the tape It has been apparent for some time that absorption for a purpose has been taking place and the street naturally has concluded the ultimate resting place to be the Nickle Plate strong box Twenty years ago the prede cessor of the Pittsburg West Vir ginia was formed as a unit in the proposed transcontinental line which the late George Gould had in mind but after a reorganization the pro perty fell into new hands as the Pitts burg West Virginia With but 90 miles of railroad operation the com pany has a relatively small place as a transportation factor but its holdings of coal lands have been considered valuable and capable of developing a greater traffic Talki of segregation has been heard for months Net profit of the Ajax Rubber com pany in the first half of 1924 declined to $143 517 or 33 cents a share on thte capital stock compared with i $114720 or 97 cents a share for the fi same period last year Sales were $7331105 against $8064371 a year ago Weston president told stockholders that sales in dollars for the early months of 1924 were not as great as in the same months of 1923 ts dealers last year were heavily in anticipation of an expected advance in selling prices Lower prices now ctirrent'were expected to be offset he said by lower material costs and substantial reductions in the overhead J' United ruit and General Electric called rich stocks because trad ing in them is beyond the scope of the average commission house customer climbed steadily to new high ground Wall Street groping in the dark be lieves a split up of shares is in store I for each 'but has no authentic infor mation Both stocks are consistenly good money makers United ruit has a long record of extra dividend pay ments Dividends at the rate of $10 a year have been declared for the full current fiscal period or the first time in years profits this year it said have run behind those previous years Otis Steel reports $273529 after charges HMK Is Sports 9 Dy Grea ri Tn I Lil OT rl ILLI Li" EL I tec' rar I i rr I rV 1 YU tesKrtlaMllr rwiinw vwssSS fo1 UM 09 1 i A risiSS res Opening High low Close 132H 33 130 1 1 J34Ig 134 (i 1411a 139: 139 108 112 107 112 97 99 96 99 98 100 98 lW) 48 49 48 48b 51 52 51 51 54 54 51 54 1337 1350 1335 1347 1347 '1360 13 17 1355b 1212 1220 12 20 1220b 1240.

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About The Springfield Daily Republican Archive

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)


Who owns Springfield Republican? ›

It is owned by Newhouse Newspapers, a division of Advance Publications.

What was Springfield MA originally called? ›

Founded by English entrepreneur and trader William Pynchon in 1636, the Springfield settlement, originally named Agawam Plantation, provided easy access to local waterways and quickly began to attract a growing population of European colonists.

What is special about Springfield Massachusetts? ›

Explore Springfield

Springfield is perhaps best known as the birthplace of basketball and home of the Basketball Hall of Fame. (The story goes that local physical education teacher James Naismith invented the sport to fill the gaps between football and baseball seasons.)

How do I contact Mass Live? ›

If you need assistance with your subscription, please call our support desk at 413-788-1100.

Who owns hot table in Springfield MA? ›

Hot Table was founded in 2007 by brothers John and Chris DeVoie and restauranteur Don Watroba in their hometown of Springfield, Massachusetts.

Who owns Mass Live? ›

Advance Local, a subsidiary of Advance Publications, owns MassLive as well as 11 other digital local news operations in cities such as New Orleans and Cleveland.

What is Springfield Massachusetts sister city? ›

Springfield and Takikawa City officially became sister cities in 1993, In 1997, after a five year courtship, the Concord Town Meeting voted to formalize the sister city relationship with Nanae Town.

What is the crime rate in Springfield MA? ›

With a crime rate of 33 per one thousand residents, Springfield has one of the highest crime rates in America compared to all communities of all sizes - from the smallest towns to the very largest cities. One's chance of becoming a victim of either violent or property crime here is one in 31.

What is the racial makeup of Springfield, Massachusetts? ›

Download Table Data
RacePopulationPercentage (of total)
Black or African American31,87420.52%
Two or more races28,73218.5%
Other race18,04811.62%
3 more rows

Is Springfield MA expensive? ›

What's the cost of living in Springfield, MA? Springfield is affordable Compared to other east coast metropolitan areas like Boston and New York City. Housing tends to get more expensive the further from the city center you go. The city's median home sale price is lower than the national median.

What sports were invented in Springfield Massachusetts? ›

The Birthplace of Basketball

The game was invented by Springfield College instructor and graduate student James Naismith in 1891, and has grown into the worldwide athletic phenomenon we know it to be today. Springfield College students continue to be innovators and leaders in their fields.

What language do they speak in Springfield MA? ›

While about two-thirds of Springfield's population primarily speaks English at home, it is an important reality that 23.9 percent of Springfield's population speaks Spanish at home and another 7.5 percent speak another language at home.

Is Mass a good place to live? ›

Its economy was No. 11 in the country. It's not just a great place to live, either. Last week, Wallethub said that Massachusetts was the top state to have a baby in, above Minnesota, Vermont and Rhode Island.

How do I talk to a live person at Mass Gov? ›

If you are still having an issue call:
  1. (617) 887-6367.
  2. 9 a.m. - 4 p.m., Monday through Friday.

How do I cancel MassLive? ›

You may cancel your subscription at any time by calling 413-788-1100 or by emailing us at

Is the mayor of Springfield MO a Democrat? ›

Springfield, Missouri held an election for mayor on April 6, 2021. Incumbent mayor Ken McClure was challenged by opponent Marcus Aton. McClure was re-elected mayor by a margin of 34.94 percentage points. Springfield mayoral elections are nonpartisan and candidates are not affiliated with a specific party on ballots.

Who owns Republican Herald? ›

The Republican Herald is a daily newspaper serving Pottsville, Schuylkill County, Pennsylvania. The newspaper is owned by MediaNews Group, a subsidiary of Alden Global Capital.

Who owns Springfield Underground? ›

However, they are only one of many clients that have been housed in the Springfield Underground throughout its extensive history. The Underground is a private, family-owned business. John Griesemer is the third-generation of the Griesemer family to serve as CEO for Erlen Group, following his father and grandfather.

Who owns Springfield City Utilities? ›

The utility is owned by the community and governed by an eleven-member Board of Public Utilities, nine of whom are customers inside the city limits and two who reside outside the city limits. Board members are appointed by City Council for three-year terms. The Board normally meets on the last Thursday of each month.

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Author: Jonah Leffler

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Reviews: 80% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Jonah Leffler

Birthday: 1997-10-27

Address: 8987 Kieth Ports, Luettgenland, CT 54657-9808

Phone: +2611128251586

Job: Mining Supervisor

Hobby: Worldbuilding, Electronics, Amateur radio, Skiing, Cycling, Jogging, Taxidermy

Introduction: My name is Jonah Leffler, I am a determined, faithful, outstanding, inexpensive, cheerful, determined, smiling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.